Chapter 14: First Steps

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Junior watched from a distance as his dad and Luigi boarded the airship; his tail twitched excitedly. It's about dang time his dad was nice to him! He's been boasting about how cool Luigi was for days now, so it was satisfying to know it was finally working. He wonders if Dad will like him; he was... picky with people he wanted to befriend. Junior doesn't know why but it doesn't matter right now. Everything is going according to plan. Dad and Luigi are going to become friends and because of that, he doesn't have to leave! Luigi can have his own cabin and play games with them. Not only that but if Luigi joined them, then the other kings and queens would see they are not so bad.

The little prince wriggled in his hiding spot, happy to know he inherited his father's scheming genius; he returned his attention to the strange duo. Some of the soldiers gave them a confused look but didn't say anything. Yeah, it's kind of weird that Luigi was aboard but it's not like he was going to do something wrong; plus, he's with his dad.

The soldiers need to chill.

Junior watched as the two headed up a flight of stairs and into the captain's quarters. He brought his hands to his snout and blew fire, warming himself, hoping against hope his plan does work. Luigi's a cool person. Having him around... just feel right. Junior hates it when he has to leave. Spending time with his family is good and he loves them, but without Luigi, it feels... wrong? Incomplete? He is not really sure. Whatever the case, he just wants him to stay and only Dad can make it happen. The koopaling knew that he needed to make his case to his dad in a way that would convince him of Luigi's value. From what he gathered, Dad seemed to like having Luigi around... He thinks.

The prince left his hideout and headed towards the side of the airship; checking that no one was watching, he climbed over the side and started moving sideways. There was a porthole in the captain's quarters; Junior could use that to keep tabs on them. Plus, he's curious to see how his dad really acts around Luigi, like when no one was around. Dad seemed to act differently around certain people. He was all royal and stuff with the crew, shouting orders and ensuring everyone's safety. With Idaten, he's laidback and jokey; with Grandpa, he's relaxed and calm because well... that's his dad. Duh. But with Luigi? Junior was confused about that one. He talks to him but at the same time, he doesn't.

Like he said, Dad was weird about people.

Junior grunted a little and reached for another handhold; he dug his claws into the wood and lifted himself up, barely being able to look into the room. Dad was handing Luigi a mug of something; they seemed to be talking but he couldn't hear anything. Snorting smoke, he tried to open the porthole a bit, but it was locked.


Muttering Luigi's signature swear, Junior resigned himself to watching their body language. Luigi seemed nervous (honestly, when isn't he?) but also excited, judging by his bright eyes. Dad was more difficult to figure since his shell was to him, but he could tell he wasn't being so talkative; now and then, he'd answer a question with a shrug or a chuff of smoke. Hmm... Not what Junior was hoping for, but it was something.

Somehow, the koopaling managed to hang on, watching and chuffing now and then in annoyance during the awkward moments of silence. Stars, this is kind of painful to watch-


A chirp suddenly caught his attention. Junior raised an eyebrow and looked around, ruby eyes focusing on a blue blob that waddled around some crates. With his curiosity piqued, he released his hold and landed on the ground; his fall cushioned by the thick snow. He shook off the cold and approached the intruder.

It was a penguin, a little shorter than him. They were wrapped in a bright-colored cloak, eyes darting nervously around. Junior coughed, embers slipping from his maw. The penguin screeched in surprise and flapped their wings, causing the prince to burst out in laughter.

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