Chapter 37: Regrouping

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Luigi stealthily navigated the backstreets of Toad Town, trailing behind his companion who scanned for any approaching guards. As they emerged from the alleyway, a few passersby cast curious glances their way but paid them no further attention - for the time being, at least. It was only a matter of time before the presence of royal guards would alert the townspeople to the unfolding situation. With any luck, they would be able to make their escape before Princess Peach caught wind of their whereabouts.


The man snapped out of his daydream and focused on the escape. Toad shouldered his backpack, "The warp pipe station is just through this market and up the floating platform," he said.

"Let's make a run for it!" Toadette squeaked.

Quietly nodding in agreement, the trio dashed through the bustling open market, deftly maneuvering around the bustling crowd and colorful vending stalls. Luigi's heart pounded in his chest; the situation they found themselves in was fraught with complexity. The rigorous training he had undergone was the sole reason he was able to outpace Princess Peach; the irony of fleeing from her only added to the surreal nature of the moment.

As they sprinted, Luigi's thoughts drifted back to the unsettling events that had transpired in the throne room. The mysterious markings on the princess' face, her unsettling indifference, and even Toadette's palpable fear all weighed heavily on his mind. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him as they raced through the market, each step bringing them closer to an uncertain fate.

Something else was at play; a factor they couldn't identify, at least for now.

"Look out!"

Something suddenly tackled Luigi's legs, causing him to fall to the ground. A guard swiftly seized his legs, while others attempted to restrain his hands. Despite their diminutive size, the Toads overwhelmed him with their sheer numbers. Gritting his teeth, Luigi struggled against their hold and demanded, "Get off of me!"

"You are hereby under arrest by order of the Princess," the guard declared firmly.

The ominous rumble of thunder echoed overhead as dark clouds gathered in the sky. In a swift and calculated move, Luigi raised his hand and summoned a bolt of lightning, using it to startle the guards and create an opportunity for escape. With their grips loosened, Luigi pushed the guards aside and hurried to assist Toad and Toadette. He swiftly removed the guards from Toadette's side and then grabbed both mushroom folks, leaping over the group as he made a beeline for the floating platform. To lighten the load, Luigi released his hold on Toad before sprinting towards the warp pipe station.

As the trio approached the platform, Luigi swiftly leaped onto it just as it began to ascend. The guards, startled by their presence, shouted, and quickly changed course. The trio anxiously observed the guards, taking a moment to catch their breath. Toad, alert to the approaching threat, wasted no time in acting; he hurled his staff at the guards, striking one in the head and causing the others to falter. "This is our stop," he urged, prompting the trio to jump to safety.

Following his orders, Luigi firmly grasped Toadette's hand and swiftly leaped off the platform. As soon as their feet contacted the ground, the trio dashed across the station, causing citizens to yelp and quickly clear a path. After a moment, Luigi paused, catching his breath as he leaned against his knees. "Which one is it?" he asked, gesturing to the many pipes.

Toad wiped his brow. "Straight ahead! Orange one!"


Luigi heard Peach's voice and felt a surge of panic and fear. The two Toads ran ahead of him, leading him up a short flight of stairs before stopping to wait for him, shouting words of encouragement. Despite his fear and exhaustion, Luigi pushed himself to sprint, vaguely aware of Peach's presence behind him. Another wave of adrenaline coursed through him as he realized he couldn't let her capture him, not when the truth was on the verge of being exposed. Luigi was determined not to let her conceal everything again.

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