Chapter 8: Unfortunate Spotlight

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The murmuring of powerful monarchs intensified. Luigi stood there, frozen in place. Peach nervously looked at him, barely holding back a frown. The green plumber could feel the blood rushing to his ears because of the embarrassment. Here he was standing like a deer in headlights before the Allied Council, without even knowing what he was doing. Or why! He barely knows Bowser and even then, all he knows is bad. But he wasn't doing this for him, was he? Junior was his real motivation.

However, he can't speak.

His words were caught in his throat.

And thankfully, his brother jumped in to save him. Mario stepped over to him. He gently squeezed his shoulder. "*Ahem* Can we convene in private? I don't think we should discuss this in front of him," he pointed at Bowser with his thumb. The Koopa King hissed.

Peach nodded and stood up. "The Council will be taking a short recess," she said. "Toadsworth, if you'd be so kind."

With a flourish, the royal advisor tapped his cane. The platform Bowser stood on shifted and started to descend. He stumbled slightly, but caught himself; he stared intently at the twins, eyes twitching. Luigi watched, in slow motion, as the Koopa King inhaled deeply then...


Mario yelped and grabbed his brother. The Council screamed. Bowser released a ferocious torrent of flames; the magic barrier did its job. The inferno was shot back at him, but that didn't seem to harm him. It created a terrifying image and a dark outline as he was returned to the dungeon's depths. Peach sighed. "I'm so ready for this day to be over," she murmured.

Toadette patted her arm." Soon, my dear. We all know the verdict, anyway!"

Toadsworth shot him a look. "This will take but a moment. Surely, Master Luigi has an important message," he said.

Luigi looked at the floor. Mario frowned slightly at the jab and stood protectively next to him. They watched as the crowd filed into a separate chamber; only attendants and lower-rank officials remained in their seats. Luigi rubbed his face, "What am I doing?" he asked himself.

Mario put a hand on his hips. "I was hoping you could answer that for me," he replied.

The green plumber groaned. Mario gave him a once-over. Just like him, his brother was concerned and confused. I mean... If I simply tell them the truth, would it be that bad? he thought. Something about the whole situation felt off. For example, what was Bowser talking about? He said he asked Peach and the kingdoms for help, but they turned him away. Why not take it if there was a way to subdue the Koopa Kingdom and finally have their peace? The Allied Kingdoms will provide help, granted that Bowser learns the errors of his ways. So... why didn't they do that? They didn't- They didn't even try...


The man jumped at the sound of Mario's voice. Luigi put a hand on his chest, trying to calm his racing heart. His brother sighed. "Just... Just know I'll be right behind ya, okay? No matter what."

"T-thank you, bro."

The twin Italians walked into the adjacent chamber of the courtroom. Luigi stopped for a moment to take deep breaths before he went inside. The ruler muttered amongst themselves; some clutched cups of steaming tea, others stretched. Just like Luigi, everyone was under tremendous stress. The orange princess (Was her name, Daisy?) loudly talked to Peach.

"Imagine this: a duel! A fight to the death. Only it's rigged, obviously."

Peach pinched the bridge of her nose. "Daisy, for the last time, his sentence is eternal imprisonment. That's it ."

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