Chapter 38: Shattered Deceit

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The click-clack of heels reverberated through the hallways as Peach ascended a short flight of stairs and entered her study. With a heavy heart, she removed her veil and sank into the chair behind her desk, her face buried in her hands. Toadsworth entered the room and closed the door behind him, his aged frame leaning on his cane as he addressed her, "How do you wish to proceed, Your Highness?"

Peach remained silent and motionless, her mind a chaotic whirlwind of emotions that refused to settle. The room seemed to grow colder and heavier as if a dark shroud had descended upon them. After a long moment of oppressive silence, Toadsworth broke the tension by placing an object on her desk. Startled, Peach looked up and inquired, "What is that?" Her voice seemed to echo, as if multiple voices were speaking in unison. "I found this in the throne room when we were attempting to apprehend Luigi," Toadsworth replied.

The weathered pages of the journal hinted at frequent use, as if the owner had flipped through them countless times. Peach barely spared it a glance, choosing not to touch it. Toadsworth, seated across from her, remarked, "Possession of this journal alone could warrant charges of espionage, or even treason if you decide to pursue it."

Peach hesitated, pointing out, "But he's currently in Sarasaland, under my uncle's jurisdiction."

Toadsworth nodded, responding, "I am aware of that. I will prepare an extradition request. Trust me, I will rectify this situation."

His words lingered in Peach's mind, giving rise to a multitude of thoughts and voices.

We can fix this! We can turn things back to normal.

Luigi is wrong! He doesn't understand what we've been through!"

I'm tired... So tired...

I just want to be left alone...

Enchanted ropes silenced the voices swirling in Peach's mind. At this moment, she knew she must concentrate on her next strategic move. Deceiving Uncle Roark was not an option, so she pondered how to minimize the impact of her actions. Perhaps shifting blame onto Bowser, who lacked credibility in the Allied Court, would be the easiest route. Alternatively, discrediting Luigi, a possibility within Peach's grasp, could also be considered. However, such actions carry risks. Ultimately, Peach decided to destroy the evidence before her, freeing herself from the source of judgment-

A knock disturbed her thoughts.

Toadsworth stood up and answered the door, ready to dismiss whoever was behind it; however, he froze at the sight. A Shy Guy in a dark uniform awaited him, the unblinking mask bore into his soul. He presented the advisor with a letter, "Queen Peach's presence is requested in Sarasaland."

Toadsworth took the letter. "For what purpose?" he asked.

"A trial," the Imperial Guard responded. "The Koopa King has struck a bargain with the Emperor. He intends to absolve himself of a charge."

Peach bolted to her feet, eyes wide. Toadsworth froze at the guard's words. The Shy Guy bowed his head, "I have one last task," he said. "His Imperial Majesty sends a personal message: be aware that a most grave truth will be revealed. The consequences of your past have caught up to you.


Mario jogged toward his room, exhausted from the day's activities. He'd been running around with the Imperial Guard ever since Luigi left and that had been quite the adventure; Jesus Christ, how could they patrol the city in this sweltering heat? Then again, they've lived here all their lives. Still, it's hard to believe someone could get used to living here; he struggled with that fact even back on Earth. Right now, he wanted a shower and the coldest pitcher of hibiscus tea the palace had to offer. And maybe some Aloe Vera as well cuz' he's pretty sure his face and the back of his neck are sunburned.

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