Cuddles//Anakin Skywalker

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request from death

It wasn't uncommon for this to happen, especially considering who she is. Padmé Amidala. Former Queen of Naboo. Current Naboo Senator. Your best friend. You had to admit, you loved kicking Separatist butt when you weren't sitting in a senate meeting, but you weren't fond of people sending assassins to try to kill you both. Eventually the Jedi took notice and decided to lend a hand. They sent two, but refused to tell you which ones.

Currently, you are helping Padmé pack her bags (yours are already done). When the door sounds, Captain Typho answers it while the two of you zip up the last of Padmé's travel luggage. Typho then returns with the Jedi, both of which seem to recognize Padmé and vise versa.

The one with auburn hair and a neatly-shaved beard speaks up first, "A pleasure to see you again, senator."

"The pleasure's all mine Master Kenobi." Padmé then glances and the other boy, who now that you think about it, hasn't let his eyes leave you since he walked in. Padmé's voice breaks your train of thought, "Ani, my goodness you've grown."

The boy, 'Ani', looks away from you and over at Padmé, "It's good to see you again." his voice is like a melody to your ears. This was going to be interesting.

~~Time Skip brought to you by me scared I am going to mess this up and by Anakin needing to stop being a Pannakin~~ (also he doesn't have romantic feelings for Padmé, so no wedding, no sand comment)

After Tatooine, on the way to Geonosis, Anakin decides to take a nap, which you and Padmé are already doing. You will all be in hyperspace for a little while anyway. The second he lays down, he is confronted with images of his mother and the raiders bodies. Anakin's eyes shoot open to find you there.

"Ani, are you alright?" He wanted so badly to speak but nothing came except tears, which he tried desperately to hide. You knew it was probably about what happened on Tatooine and that he probably isn't up to talk about it. So you simply reach forward and pull him into a hug. You softly start to stroke his hair and hum a lullaby that your mom used to sing to you. It may seem odd but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment. 

His breathing eventually evened out and you went to leave but his grip was stronger than you realized. Cuddling isn't so bad, besides, he's cute.

~~Sorry, this was way shorter than I wanted but I am running on low sleep and also wasn't entirely sure what to write. I hope you still like it and I will try to make them longer as we go. Also, if y'all want, you can request more than once, but do remember the rules. Love y'all!

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