I love you...and it scares me /pt1/Anakin Skywalker

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requested by QueenVivi1977 I changed it a bit, hope that is ok

You were the Bad Batch's Jedi General. They weren't too keen to the idea at first, but it ended up working out well, even Crosshair was alright with you around. Now, you were working with Anakin and his Captain, Rex, on a mission to infiltrate the techno union.

All was going according to plan until, like always, it didn't. Typically, your squad (and Anakin separately) were used to the idea of make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, and throwing away the plan. However, you were not used to having to work with the other party, both having entirely different ideas on how to go about things.

So, naturally, disagreements, insults, mishaps, etc were bound to occur. Just normally, not so early on. You had worked with Anakin before, but as Jedi missions.

"All right, cool it! If you can't work together than we might as well call it done! Wrecker, stand down. Rex real yourself in. Crosshair, for once, have a filter. Hunter, I'll give you a diversion, you go with Skywalker, Reg Rex, and the boys." You pin your braid around to be more like a braid crown and run ahead. Going to the other side, you decide to make a grand entrance.

~~Time Skip brought to you by baddie vibes with girl boss music in the background~~

Shortly after Hunter comped you that they were good and out, with the clone 'Echo', you were getting a little tired. Having been fighting Magna Droids, Droidikas, B1s, B2s, Super Bs, etc, it was getting hard. One of your shoulders had been shot, inhibiting your arm movement, there was no clear way out, and, you weren't going to let the boys waste an effort on you.

You bought your com up to your lips as you deflected shot with your other hand wielding your saber. With an authoritative voice you commed Hunter, "It was an honor to work with you... but I'm afraid the journey has come to a close for me. Be safe. Don't risk for me. Goodbye." Giving no time or room for argument, you hung up before Hunter could make a sound. Goodbye.

With that, you took out a grenade set it to the wall, and set it off.


Hope you like it and don't hate it! Sorry for the wait.

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Anyway, signing off for now, SnipsT

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