Coffee (Brown Morning Potion)// Obi Wan

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"Hey Master?" Anakin spoke up as he, you, Obi wan (your super secret boyfriend), and your Padawan, Allia, all sat in the canteen of the temple.


"What is that stuff in your mug?"

"caf or coffee."

"It's his brown morning potion"

Your apprentice looked at you puzzled, as did Anakin. Obi wan, on the other hand, had a look of 'not this again'. You always liked calling certain things (especially ones you had memories or strong negative or positive emotion too) certain names. 'Brown Morning Potion' was your name for caf or coffee, as you didn't like the smell and it seemed to effect many people's demeanor and attitude, like a potion might.

"Brown morning potion, master?" both padawans said in sync, before desperately trying not to blush.

Then Anakin spoke up, turning his head back to his master, "you have it every morning, will you die without it?"

Without skipping a beat he replied, "no, but you might."

Anakin's face turned pale and to a scared expression, while Allia turned to you looking similar, "will I die, master?"

Sending a glare to Obi wan, before turning to the frightened padawans and softening your gaze to that of a mother, "never by my hand and not if I can help it." Seeing Anakin nervously glancing at Obi wan you added, "he won't either don't worry." You sent Obi wan one last glare before turning back to the padawans, "no go get ready for the day, I doubt separatists will find you very scary in what you are currently wearing."

Both of them placed down to find they were still in their fuzzy pjs and slippers, before bolting up and out of the canteen. When they were out of sight and earshot, you turned to Obi, "Really?!"

He grinned sheepishly before sighing, "you know how I get... especially without it."

"I do. Question remains if you would be a better or worse fighter against enemies?"

"oh, I would be scary for nearly everyone."

"not me though."

"nothing scares you."

"the thought of loosing you does."

"but you don't need to let it, cause that won't happen as long as I can help it."

"I love you, coffee bean."

"I love you too, my darling."

With that you went to get ready for 'another boring day saving the universe'.


definitely not my best, but hope y'all liked it! please send me requests and look at my prompts pages if ideas are needed! I need more requests! hope y'all liked it and wish y'all the best!

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