Shenanigans // Luke Skywalker

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Prompt "Breathe if you wanna date me" + "you can't die because then I can't marry you"

Requested by Adam_Driver_Simp

You, Luke, Leia, and Han were sitting in your room in a circle just having fun and goofing off. It was a rare calm day, and y'all decided to take advantage of it. Y'all were joking about memories and awkward moments.

It was hard not to blush though... Leia knew of your crush on her twin and kept giving you subtle hints you should say something. You were surprised that Luke hadn't figured it out because at this point Leia had ditched the 'subtle' part. 

"Sooooo...... how about we do something a bit more interesting?" Han suggested. You weren't comfortable with the smirk that was on his face... it was even more bone-chilling when you combined that with the look of pure mischief in his eyes.

"Like what, flyboy?" Leia smarted back. However, ever since she began to date him, you could tell it was more of a playful banter than ripping heads kind of comment.

"How about a game? I'll go first!" Han suddenly had the demeanor of a teenage girl that had just told someone to spill the tea. "Take a drink if you have taken a non-stormtrooper life before."

"Dang. Starting off a little dark aren't we?" You said, but regardless took a sip of your StarHutts in front of you. Han was the only other one to take a sip, except he took a gulp and then pulled out another one.

"uhhhh...ok..." The Skywalker twins seemed to be fine with Han but were a little hesitant to accept yours

"Han isn't the only one with a complicated past. next"

Eventually, y'all had all drank enough to get some caf in your veins and now things were more on the funny side.

"Since I have no love life," Luke started. This made you conflicted... you were hopeful but also sad for him. "Breathe if you wanna date me!"

You were stunned. You couldn't hear anything around you. You didn't know whether to express the truth and gulp air like your life depended on it, or hold your breathe as a joke to ease your heartache.

Your body decided for you because it said 'you are gonna choke as you turn beet red'

You started coughing and struggling to breathe and Luke freaked out.

Leia went to get water and Han told Luke to pat your back.

Luke freaked out and pat your back a bit too hard and desperately shouted, "You can't die because then I can't marry you!!!! Breathe!"

He wanted to marry you? He wanted you to breathe?????

You catch your breathe and look up at him, smiling cheekily in spite of your eyes watering, "you want me to breathe?"

Luke was taken aback, "What now? Yeah! If you don't breathe you die.......?"

"But you want me to date you?" Luke went silent. "You want to marry me....?"

"I mean I get if you don---" You silenced him by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him towards you, smashing your lips onto his in a loving kiss. He tasted of honey and it was the sweetest to ever bee.

"I like you too Luke." That was all he needed.

As you kissed, neither of you remembered that Han and Leia were there. Nor did you hear them snap the holocam or leave the room.

~~~~~~~Short and Sweet

hope that is ok!

Happy Holidays Lovelies!

SnipsT_42 signing off


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