Monopoly with the 501st

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You had no idea who's idea it was to have a game night...but it was...interesting to say the least. Most of them had passed out from exhaustion or boredom when it wasn't their turn (hardcase).

Now, you, Anakin, Ahsoka, Fives, Echo, and Jesse were playing monopoly. You were honestly surprised no one had woken up or set off an alarm with how...passionate they were. It went a little something like this...

(Y/n), the banker: Fives, give Echo your due debt, you landed on his property.

Fives: NO! he's in JAIL! I'm not gonna give money TO A CRIMINAL!

Echo, annoyed with Fives for The Who knows how many-ith time tonight: that's not how you *inhale* PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesse: Captain why are they screaming?

Rex: Shut the heck up CT-5597! You don't get to talk after stealing my last railroad!

Anakin, who landed on Ahsoka's fully maxed out boardwalk again: I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!!!!

Fives, who was forced to give Echo the money: ME TOO!!!

Rex, done with his patience: YOU THINK I WANTED THIS??!!

Ahsoka, winning but wanted to join in: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Yup, game night. At least when Hardcase ate Dogma's cookies and got a sugar rush, we left him in a supply closet until he was nearly passed out, then he got bored and did pass out. Interesting for sure...

(Y/n): All of you shut up!


(Y/n): good. Now, Ahsoka has clearly won, so how about we move on to a game of Twister with shaving cream?

collective: OK ~~YES!!~~

(Y/n): whoever cleans up best get's to spray the shaving cream--

Never have you seen the boys clean up so fast, while you shared a smug grin with Ahsoka.


short but fun, hope you enjoy(ed)!

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