I Don't Like Sand...or Stairs//Anakin Skywalker

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You ran into the briefing room to see your master, Master Billaba, Master Kenobi, Master Windu, and Master Yoda all gathered around the holotable. They all looked up at your less than graceful entrance, as you leaned over to catch your breath.

Then you look up, "Sorry I was late *breath and pause* I was......doing...things."

Right as you finish your sentence, your best friend bursts in the door, even more out of breath. He looks even more disheveled than you, "She *aggressively points at you* pushed me down the gosh darn stupid, freakin' stairs!"

Master Kenobi and Master Billaba (your master) look on in slight amusement as you respond while shrugging off the accusation, "push is such a strong word," then you smirk and look at Anakin, "I prefer to call it 'giving you a little nudge'." Master Windu has a look of incredible annoyance as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I'll show you 'a little nudge' when I kick your butt in sparring!" Anakin pauses (a dangerous sign in this situation) and glances at Master Windu with a smirk, regaining his posture and crossing his arms he speaks, "Also, Window, if you wanna stop gaining wrinkles on the smooth bald and grow some hair, you shouldn't let padawans who aren't your own, like us, to stress you out."

Master Kenobi and Master Billaba hide their smiles behind their hands, Master Yoda shakes his head in amusement and Window--I mean Windu--looks Livid. Master Yoda decides to speak before it can get even more out of hand, "continue the briefing now that the padawans have graced us with their presence, we should."

-----------------------------years later---------------------

Ahsoka saunters into the living room of your small shared vacation house with a huge smirk. You, Rex, Echo, and your little 2 yr old, (D/n), (the attachment rule had been modified), looked up. Rex was the one to speak, "what have you said this time 'soka?"

"I didn't say anything."

Fives and your husband run in, "She pushed us down the gosh darn stairs!!!"

You get up and high five the togruta, "THAT'S MY GIRL!" You saw Ahsoka as a daughter and treated her as such, meaning you told her things, and the stairs story was one of them. You and Anakin kind of un-officially adopted Ahsoka and decided that if she wanted to be officially adopted by y'all (the only thing that would change would be the paper work would be turned in and not just sitting on a desk), then you would.

Anakin looked at you in fake hurt, "you encouraged this?"

"Why would I deny Ahsoka an opportunity?"

"I thought you loved me mom," Fives added. Everyone froze. You were like a mother to the 501st but non of them had said it before or acknowledged it out loud. They all loved you like a mom and you cared for them but no one had ever spoken on it.

Finally you break the silence, "I do love you hun. And y'all can call me that if you want, goodness knows it was bound to happen," you softly say as you hug him, Echo, and Rex. Your daughter joins in, "I wove my bwoders!" (D/n) then jumps down and goes to Ahsoka, "and my sissy" then she hugs your husband's leg, "wove pwawands poo."

Despite you all knowing what she was trying to say, and getting her t's wrong, you all awwed and laughed. You hugged them all and kissed their foreheads before pecking Anakin's lips. "I'll get the ice."

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