Indirectly Tagged

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so, never been directly tagged but I was reading a one shot book, where the writer said that she was tagging all the readers... so here it is. oh gosh, I hope I do this right

Name: SnipsT on here

Nickname: Snips on here

girl or boy: girl

Favorite Color: I like most colors, particularly pastels, white, and deep purples or blues

school: No Comment

hair color: Carmel brown, but the ends are slightly golden-blonde ish, due to dying some of my hair a couple years back

tall or short: pretty average, but kinda short, due to my parents being the ones that got the short genes out of the family

sweats or jeans: I like both, but whatever my mood says and make/fabric/style goes a long way

phone or camera: when the option presents itself (like at school, because Im not rich), a good camera, but my phone has descent camera so I work with it for the most part

health freak: not a freak , like germaphobe, but still keep up with hygiene (hand washing, teeth brushing, showers, etc)

oranges or apples: ummm, odd question... but I guess it depends on my mood, apples have good fiber and are nice, but oranges are easier to eat with my braces

crush: idk.. no comment pt2

guy friends or girl friends: I have both... but I guess I have more friends that are girls, but they are the kind that I can call up and either say, "don't know what we're doing but let's hit the road" or "let's go run in the mud and then swim in the lake" or "let's go chill and watch a movie while we eat chocolate" or "let's go for a bike ride wherever". like, plan to get together and then figure out what you do as you go

piercings: just one in each ear for earrings

pepsi or coke: dr pepper


have you ever's

....ridden in an airplane: yep, many times

....been in a relationship: not really, one guy took me out for a few dates (we were never official) and when I told him I wasn't entirely ready for completely being in a relationship (I was experiencing grief from deaths in the family, and going through some other things that I didn't want to detail), he said it was fine and then semi-ghosted me.

....been in a fist fight: if Taekwondo sparring counts, then yes, MANY times. if but I am fully capable of holding my own


first piercing : ear and that is my only one (in both ears)

best friends: not entirely sure...I used to know and could answer quickly. I wanna say a girl named Makeelie (2 yrs older), a girl named Megan (one year older), twins Gabi and Katie (2 yrs older, although I'm a bit closer to Gabi as I have known her longer), but Im gunna be honest I am not 100% sure, because I can consider people to be closer than in reality sometimes.

first award: perfect attendance in kindergarten (I got sick on all the holidays)

first crush: no comment pt3 (don't know)

talents: taekwondo (black belt second degree), theatre (particularly musical), video editing, photography (kinda), idk... academics?

last person I talked to: my mom

last person I texted: group chat with my parents

last person I watched a movie with: my brother, I think

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