Going Somewhere?// Obi wan Kenobi

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You knew that this was a stealth mission. Your cover couldn't be blown. Silence was key. Staying in the shadows, a must.

- hair done. a deadly side braid (or killer ponytail). check.

- hood, up. Covering and shadowing your face. check.

- mask pulled over your mouth to just at your nose. check.

- boots on and zipped and tied. check.

- daggers, hidden in your boots and strapped to your legs? check.

- more daggers hidden in your clothing? check.

- shock tabs? check.

- ear piece? check.

You were ready.

Carefully making your way towards your destination, you silently went for it. Staying in the shadows along the way. Leaning against walls and agilely moving between shadows and corners. Stealthy steps as you go. Adrenaline pumping but you must keep quiet. Upon reaching the end point, you started to undo the lock and-----

*flick flick flick* lights on *cue brain doing weird lego batman shriek at Alfred opening the blinds in the morning*

"And where do you think you are going?"

You slowly turned your head to see Obi wan, your husband (who apparently wasn't asleep like you thought), sitting in an arm chair. He wore a similar expression to that of Helen Parr when Bob came home from the supposed "bowling night" with Lucious.

"......hello there...?"

"Using my favorite phrase will not excuse the question darling."

You mumbled incoherently under your breath.

"I'm sorry?" He looked genuinely confused, an expression you found quite adorable on his face.

"Ahsoka and Padme wanted a girls night and I didn't want to wake you since apparently you are the one Cody gets his stubbornness on not sleeping from," you admitted. Starting out sheepish but then getting to a topic that didn't make you happy.

Before Obi wan could respond you added, "Seriously Kenobi, you need to sleep or I will ban you and Cody from the caf and have Kix give you sedatives."

He looked horrified for a second before recovering and adding a smirk, "Darling, considering as you are now also Kenobi, I believe you can't refer to me like that when we aren't in public. and how about I stay true to being the negotiator and negotiate with you. You, Padme, and Ahsoka may go have your fun, and I will sleep when you get back, but no sedatives."

"If you and Cody sleep when I get back."

"I'll see what I can do," a pointed look made him back track, "Yes Ma'am."

"Good. Now, no caf while I'm gone."

"Since you will have fun, hand it over."

"hand what over?..... oh fine"

You handed him the shock tabs.

"and the hood and mask"


"here's some credits"

"well I won't be needing these then." You handed him all your daggers (well, most of them) and left him there dumbfounded while you slipped out the door.


"And that is the story of how I got Obi wan and Cody to take a break from the insane non existent sleep schedule."

"what do you mean break? Weren't they smart enough to not test you?"

You looked at Ahsoka, before glancing at a slightly pale Obi wan. "How about you answer this one?"

He gulped before looking toward Ahsoka, it was weird to see such a confident man so shaken, "well....me and Cody eventually stopped sleeping again.......and started running on caf,...... so she did take the caf away, yelled at us, then had Kix put us under the max amount of sedatives someone can take before it is unhealthy and even deadly for a person... *gulp*."

Ahsoka looked at Kenobi with a skeptical expression, "Master, you have known (Y/n) for a long time and been married for a while, even before the order adjusted the attachment rule. You should know by now that she cares to the point of going to the extreme to make sure everyone is taken care of. Also, you should know to not test her threats... Hondo, Anakin, Master Window, and many others have learned that the hard way." She had a look of this being obvious (it was) and like he had it coming (he did).

"See, hun? Told y'a she would understand and honestly not be surprised."

"well if anyone can make Cody sleep it is you (Y/n)."


With that Ahsoka got up to go get a snack from the kitchen when you turned to Obi, "You know I love you. I just want you safe and healthy."

He had a loving expression, "I know. I love you as well darling, and I know that neither I nor Cody will ever neglect taking care of ourselves again."

"Well, if you do, I'll just do my job and get you on track again."

With that, you and Obi wan cuddled and watched holonet in the main room, Ahsoka decided to make a traditional togrutan dish for dinner, and Anakin and Padme were with the twins in the backyard.

(cause like heck they are having tragedy, no way no how)

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