Tis But A Scratch // Din Djarin

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requested by The_Rando_Mando_23 

You were supposed to stay in the ship. 'Stay in the ship,' he had said; 'you won't get hurt,' he said. Well, here we are. That stupid rookie hunter has a gun to Peli's head, and a knife to to your throat. He was waiting for the Mandalorian to return. Grogu was napping in his bed, safe. You hear Mando approaching.

"Let them go."

He wasn't about to take any crap. He didn't let it show much when outside the ship, but he knew you cared for him, and he returned your feelings. That stupid rookie.

"hmmm, I don't know Mando... the price on her head, plus yours and your cargo is enough to get me rich to the point of starting a guild. And then this one," he shrugged his head at Peli, "would just be on your guilty conscience."

"I am not playing your games. Let. Them. Go."

"That's not how this works. I have leverage, you don't."

"I have her," he gestured to you and on as if choreographed, you took the hint and executed perfectly.

You stomped on his foot, head butted his face and hearing a crack, then ducked under his arm with the knife. Swiftly grabbing the gun from his other hand and pushing Peli away from him. You then aimed the gun at his head, as he looks at you while holding his broken nose. "Looks like I win. And that is good news for you because it is the one time a woman will ever touch your special place." With that you kicked him twice, with much force, in his 'special place'. Then with a smile, kicked his shoulder to make him fall faster.

With that, you and Din payed Peli, for repairs and for trouble, and got aboard the Razor Crest. Now that the excitement was over, the adrenaline was wearing off, and you were becoming aware of the injuries sustained, before Din showed up and when fighting him from behind a knife. You reached your hand to your neck and felt something sticky. Pulling your hand back, you see a lot of blood.

This just so happens to be the moment Din walks in after jumping to hyperspace. His visor view lands on you and he freezes. Quickly rushing the opposite way and coming back with a med pack. 

"Din it is only a scratch," you rasp out, as it hurts to talk and you are trying to fight a blush at being this close.

"Not just a scratch, judging by your voice and facial expression. Also, even if it is it could get infected or worse if not treated, meshla." You blush despite not knowing what the word means, and then hiss in pain as he begins to clean it.

"What does that mean?" Try to think anything but the pain and proximity.

"What does what mean, cyare?" He asks, not drawing his focus away from working on your wound.

"Are you being coy on purpose or do you honestly not intend to tell me the meaning behind your words?"

"Am I to understand you are calling me arrogant?" He inquires with a chuckle as he finishes addressing the scratch.

"That depends on if you address my questions or not."

He looks up at you and sighs, muttering something under his breath. "What was that?"

He speaks up a bit, but not enough for the voice modulator to change his voice, "it means beautiful, and cyare means beloved or darling."

"well, Uma ji muna."

Din looks up at you, "don't say something you don't know or don't mean."

"I didn't," you place your hands on the sides of his helmet to indicate that you needed him to know you were serious, "Uma ji muna."

"uma ji muna."

With that, the scratch was forgotten and now you knew what he was always calling you in Mando'a. You placed your forehead to his helmet, as if it was forehead to forehead. A sign of endearment in every language.


"uma ji muna" is huttese for "I love you"


not my best, but not my worst. hope y'all liked it.

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