Incorrect Quotes #1 // Various

137 8 5

Obi wan: Did you have a good day?

Y/n: yes

Windu: no

Y/n: shut up

Obi wan: ...a good day?

Y/n: yes

Windu: no

Y/n: shut. up.

Obi wan: *leaning slightly over to Y/n* you're supposed to have taken him to the spa

Y/n: *looking at Obi wan like duh* I took him to the spa

Windu: *more deadpan than normal* she shoved me in a carbon freezing chamber

Y/n: *turns to him like traitor* IT'S THE SAME THING

Obi wan: *trying not to laugh* it's not the same thing

Y/n: *are you kidding me, it was the same thing but better* it is too, it gets hot/cold, then it gets steamy, then it goes diiiiinnnnnng *innocent face*

Windu: arrogant child

Y/n: purple wielding WINDOW


Y/n and Anakin: hey thanks for checking in we're still pieces of garbage



Anakin: name 3 things that would ruin a first date

Rex: crapping my pants

Ahsoka: saying "I love you"

Dogma: *dead pan serious* killing her

Everyone: ...

Jesse: ...did this happen...?


Omega to the Bad Batch: no more saying cuss words guys. it's inappropriate and violent

Bad Batch: *snaps their heads towards Crosshair*


Windu: why are there chicken nuggets all over the gardens?

Anakin: *whispers to Y/n* why are there chicken nuggets all over the gardens?

Y/n: *sweet innocent whisper to Anakin* I planted chicken nuggie trees

Anakin: *confidently to Windu* she planted chicken nuggie trees


Y/n: I think it was that song, I Want It That Way?

Obi wan: Backstreet Boys, I'm familiar. uhhh, number 1 can you please sing the opening to I Want It That Way?

Dooku: really? ok. you are~ my fiiire~

Obi wan: number 2 keep it going

Grievous: the one~ desire~

Obi wan: number 3

Maul: *under his breath* Kenobi *back to normal* believe when I say

Obi wan: number 4

Savage: I want it that way

Obi wan: *getting into it* TELL ME WHY

Dooku, Grievous, Maul, and Savage: ain't nothin but a heart ache

Obi wan: TELL ME WHY

Dooku, Grievous, Maul, and Savage: ain't nothin but a mistake

Obi wan: now number 5

Sidious: I never wanna hear you say

Obi wan: wouh

1,2,3,4, and 5: I want it that way~

Obi wan: ah chills, literal chills

Y/n: it was number 5. number 5 turned my friend (Anakin)

Obi wan: oh my gosh I forgot about that part


hope y'all liked it! sorry updates are slow, support helps build motivation to write. but also, life, ya know. anyway, sorry that there is only a few, since some of them are longer, there are fewer. these are ones from the internet, I just put characters to them and changed some words here and there. 

if you want me to do this but with quotes and convos from my family at home (obviously with some changes to make it Star Wars) comment here

have a wonderful day lovelies. I hope people actually read my authors notes and prompts and things, but hey, it's your choice

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