Gingerbread Mayhem

114 6 10

Requested by The_Rando_Mando_23

Padme had invited you, your brother, your brother's Padawan *cough* like a little sister or daughter *cough*, and your husband over for some holiday fun. You were excited to see your sister-in-law again, as it was hard with everything going on. But you and your husband couldn't wait to see your adorable 5-year-old niece and nephew.

As your husband lands the ship, you head to the cockpit, "Everything is ready dear. Are you ready?"

He turned around and smiled, getting up and walking down the ramp with his arm around your waist. Your feet had barely touched the soil when you were attacked by two kids hugging you both together at your legs.


"Hi Luke, Leia. How is my favorite niece and nephew?"

"I'm your only niece." "And I'm your only nephew."

"Are you saying that you aren't my favorite?"

"NOOOOOOO NO NO NO! We are the mostest favoritest, bestest, niece/nephew in the whole galaxy!"

"That you are. Now, we better hurry inside before you catch a cold or your presents freeze."

Luke and Leia started ushering you and Obi-Wan inside where you were greeted by Anakin walking out of the kitchen with Padme, the latter mixing batter in a bowl and the former trying to get flour out of his hair. Or sugar. Or maybe something else, with Ani, you could never know. Ahsoka walked out from the further down the hall, she smiled at Obi wan before greeting and hugging you. 

"Alright everyone! Since everyone is here now, how about one of you," she glanced between Luke, Leia, and Anakin, "turn on a holiday holomovie while the gingerbread finishes up? I'll put the last bit into the oven, then I'll join you."

The twins eagerly ran into the living room to turn on their favorite one, The Sith That Stole Life Day. Anakin chuckled softly and shook his head as he followed while you, Obi wan, and and Ahsoka placed your presents on the small caf *cough* hot brown morning potion *cough* table in the hall before heading to the living room. Padme came very shortly after, having finished all the prep needed for the other activity taking place after the holomovie.

As the credits played, the oven timer went off. Honestly, perfect timing. The twins squealed, "GINGERBREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!" before dragging you and Ahsoka into the dining room with everyone else following and having a good laugh. Leia then had a "brilliant idea" and whispered it to Luke.

"Okay. This year is gonna be different. Mommy and Daddy vs Aunt (Y/n) and Uncle Obi in a gingerbread house contest. Me and bubba will be the judges, and Auntie Soka will be the plot twister and host."





**********guess who said each, there are no repeats*************

"alright, rules are simple. No sabotage, no force, no weapons, no manipulation, and no stealing. Bribes can be offered in presents, candy, or later bedtimes, but they won't guarantee your win. Me and sissy will go to the other room so that you can say whatever. Auntie Soka will enforce the rules though. So no cheating. We will know. bye bye."

--------and so it begun--------

"Hello folks, today we are here to witness the house challenge. First we have the Skywalkers." Anakin and Padme had drawn identical war paint on their faces with blue icing. "And we have the Kenobis" You and Obi wan had identical war paint to each other not the Skywalkers, done in (f/c) icing. "Ready, and, BEGIN!"

In short there was lots of trash talk, food throwing, yelling, war cries, mocking, and roasting. In short, when the twins returned, Ahsoka was laughing so hard she was on the floor in tears, the walls and table as well as all the adults had candy, icing, and crumbs coving them, and the teams were in very different composures. Anakin had his head on the table looking constipated and defeated, Padme was trying to scrape icing off the table and wall to finish the icing snowman, Obi wan was sitting in the corner mumbling and banging his head on the wall, and you were hanging upside down off the window curtain rod yelling incoherently about sugar highs and war tactics. 

All in all, it took the twins having a split vote and Ahsoka suggesting presents for everyone to calm down to a happy and sober-like attitude (no one had any alcohol). The rest of the night was calm and uneventful, with everyone but you and Padme passed out in the end. You both talked calmly about married woman life before unanimously deciding that Anakin and Obi wan were cleaning up in the morning. Before you broke the news the next morning, you had a collective gift for everyone else.

"What is it dear?"

"You'll see" They had decided to let Luke and Leia open it for all of them. The twins ran up to them with a baby onesie and a bottle with writing on it, "Aunt (Y/n), there isn't enough for all of us and we are all too big for this." You smiled calmly and glanced at the others. Padme looked like she was going to burst of happiness, somehow Anakin looked more excited than her, Ahsoka was whispering to the twins (likely about the meaning), and Obi wan was staring at you shocked. 

He broke out of his trance when Anakin yelled, "You're gonna be a father too! This is amazing! We have to tell everyone!" Obi wan leapt up and spun you before pacing you down and kissing you sweetly. Everyone gave their congratulations and then you decided to brake the news of cleaning to the boys.

overall, it was a great Life Day holiday.


hope y'all liked it! please look at my announcements on my page! God loves you all and made you in His image!! God bless!!!

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