More Prompt Ideas

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Please make requests!!! Look at these and the other prompt ideas if needed. Comment the character you would like with the prompts.~~~~

"Breathe if you would date me."

"Do you know how to shut up?"

"I lost it."

"Kiss me."

"What would you do if we were dating?"

"You think you can do better?"

"I love you."

"How are you so calm?"

"Now is an appropriate time for panic."

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

"You are on the couch tonight."

"This is mine now."

"I claim him/her (depending on kind of one shot)"

"Oh look, blood."

"I'm too stubborn to die."

"Take that!!"

"...You wanna do what...?"

"Daring and Stupid...oh how often the two intertwine..."

"You can't die because then I can't marry you!"

"Wanna bet?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"....Just look at it...."

"Why is there a toddler eating my breakfast?"

"Who's shirt is that?"

"I've been up for who knows how long and I can't function without that caf."

"Leave before I make you."

"Great...Just Great."

"I never said that!"

"Only one."

"I'M OK!"

"When I first met you I thought you were weird and annoying."

"Biggest fear?"

"Do it or I will shoot you before you can clear the door."

"Remind me why we keep you around."

"This is all your fault."

"Who knew?"

"Don't you dare."

"If we live through this remind me to thank you."


"Sleep is an illusion."

"ain't is a word!"

"No one's gonna believe you."

"They can't hurt you."

"You're safe."

"Don't ask me how or why, but..."

"You're telling me... why?"

"It's too early for this."

"You have five seconds to run."

"You can trust me."

"Love you too."

"I'm telling..."

"Admit it."

"Why are you like this?"

"It's intoxicating."

"Oh we will."

"Might as well surrender now."



"Hi dad/mom (depending on the kind of one shot)"

"You're paying."

"Sarcasm is my only defense."

"You're the scary one."

"You're supposed to be the one with a brain!"

"Not something you see everyday."

"This sucks."

"Why do you care?"

"You don't understand just how much I love you."

"I want one."

"I'm scared."

"Punch me."

"Do I have to?"

"Yeah, that's not safe."

"Where's the dang remote?"

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