New Years Party//501st & sprinkle of Fives

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This was the first time you could remember being off the battlefield for the new year, and you were going to make it memorable. You, your brother, your brother's padawan, and your brother's battalion were all very good friends and off at the same time (a rarity). So, naturally, a party is definitely going to happen. All you had to do was get your brother, his padawan, and his captain on board with the plan. The first two were going to be easier than lifting a pebble with the Force. The third was troubling.

"There has got to be a way to get him to agree! Soka, you are getting at getting ol' Rexter to agree with things, any ideas?" You looked over to the Togruta that you considered a sister.

"There is always blackmail..." She replied with a devious smirk and mischief in her blue eyes.

"What could you possibly have on Rex, Snips?" your brother asked, he probably wanted the blackmail opportunity as well. Actually, there was no probability to it, it was a definite.

"Which one?" Ahsoka asked, her big eyes shining with fake innocence.

"I don't know if I should be proud, scared, or intrigued that you have blackmail on Rex. Let alone multiple pieces."

The three of you decided to meet in your quarters in an hour hour to discuss how to blackmail Rex. You decided it would just be the three of you because included any of his vod, especially Fives, Jesse, or Hardcase, would be a disaster in and of itself.

~~Time Skip one hour brought to you by the decision to not have sugar at the party, because non of you want to deal with a sugar-high Hardcase~~

"So...what have we got to work with, Soka?"

"Well, a month ago, I got a picture of Rex after one of Fives' pranks. He had bright pink hair, pink glitter paint accenting his helmet designs, My Little Pony stickers on his shoulder plate, and finally to top it off, I have a video of him trying to get the camera from me, only to slip in the paint Fives' spilled and fall, ending up with more pink paint."

By the time Ahsoka finished, all three of you were crying from laughing so hard. "As intrigued as I am to hear more, Snips, I think that will be perfect for this situation."

"Right. Ahsoka, you go get that picture and video. Ani, you go get Rex and bring him here. I will set up the room." Ahsoka immediately ran out, while Anakin turned to you. "What?"

"Get the room ready?"

"Interrogation style would add to the fun." Anakin smirked at your answer and ran off to get his captain.

~10 minutes later~

Anakin pulled a bag off of Rex's head as you dimmed the lights. Ahsoka pulled out a flashlight and shined it right into Rex's face. "W-what? What the!"

Anakin stepped forward, into the light, "Well, well, well Captain."


Now you stepped into the light, next to Anakin, "We have a very important proposition for you to consider."

General, was this choreographed? I am not sure I understand the need to tie me up."

Now it was Ahsoka's turn, "We have means to make you cooperate."

"Commander?? Ok, just, dang it ask me!!!"

"Let yourself and the boys party tonight for New Years." 


"If you don't grant the night off and actually relax, this will leak the holonet," Ahsoka made it so Rex could see the footage of him after Fives' prank.

"Darn it Fives," he muttered. "Fine. But that footage doesn't go near the holonet!"

"Of course not." With a flick of your wrist, Rex was released from the chair. He wasted no time, getting up and out of there.

~~Final time skip, to 23:58~~

"With only two girls, how is the midnight kiss going to work?" Jesse wondered loud enough for everyone to hear. The music cut and all eyes turned to you and Ahsoka.

"I am not kissing my padawan or my sister," Anakin said sternly from next to you. Everyone chuckled nervously at that.

"I don't have to kiss, but..." You trailed off as you pushed Ahsoka forward at the same time Anakin pushed Rex forward. The clock struck midnight as the two met in the middle, in a shock-kiss. They both pulled away, blushing furiously.

Despite loving the moment, you decided that was enough embarrassment for them at the moment. You turned to Fives, who was next to you. You quickly put one arm around his neck and pulled his head down into a kiss. All the non-kissed clones wolf-whistled at You, Fives, Ahsoka, and Rex. 

The rest of the night was filled with fun. You were pretty sure Rex and Ahsoka confessed feelings for one another. Hardcase was teasing Anakin. Anakin was in shock, but once it wore off, he chased Hardcase. You pulled Fives away from the commotion. "In case it wasn't clear, I love you."

"It was clear, cyare. I just hope your brother doesn't kill me."

"He won't."

The whole group toasted to each other and bidded goodnight. 

Anakin left the party just before you, Fives, Ahsoka, and Rex. Being his cheeky self, he shouted back, "If any of you hurts any of you, I don't know who I'll kill!"

He got a chorus of, "Like to see you try Ani" "Good luck with that Skyguy" and "Goodnight to you too General".

You loved this, and wouldn't change it for the world.

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