Surprise?? // Rex's Daughter

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I thought I may do some like this, please enjoy...


3rd POV:

Rex opened the doors to the barracks. Not seeing anything, he turned to go in, but he saw a bit of pink out of the lower corner of his eye. Turning back and glancing down, he did a double take as he saw a small bundle of a pink blanket with a tiny infant's head that was barely visible.

Confused, and filled with sadness for the girl, he leaned down to pick her up and spotted a note with his name on it. Bringing in the baby bundle and note, he sat on his bed in his private quarters. The note was from the brother of the girl's mother (her uncle). He couldn't take care of her, but her mom had died from a sickness, the girl was lucky to not catch it.

Rex was sad that her mom had passed, but he was determined to protect his daughter. Surely her paternal uncles could help, and so could her auntie Soka.

------------------------------13 months later (she/you are 15 months old)-------

Rex had somehow kept his daughter (Y/n) a secret for just over a year from everyone. He decided last minute that he didn't want to take any risks, so he made visits to Saleucami every time he was lucky enough to be on leave (which happened to also be when he took the child into his care). (Y/n) lived with Cut and Suu, as well as her cousins Jak and Shaeeah. She knew her dad from her uncle, which is a feat for her age.

Rex knew he couldn't keep her a secret much longer, his other brothers and his general and commander were starting to get suspicious. Which is why he wasn't too surprised when he heard commotion from the cargo hold while in route to Saleucami. 

He went to check the hold, and opened it to find his general, Fives, Kix, Hardcase, Jesse, and Echo in a pile, sprawled out on the floor. It looked like they all fell out of the crates they had snuck into, and well, ended in an odd semi-dogpile. Ahsoka was standing at the side snickering, she had obviously been more strategic when sneaking on.

Clearing his throat, all the heads snapped up to stare at Rex like a loth cat caught in speeder lights. "Why did you sneak aboard?"

Fives popped up, hitting Echo and Jesse in the process, tripping over Skywalker, then stood up again as if nothing happened, "We wanna see her Rex," he whined.

Dumb founded, they couldn't know about (Y/n) specifically right? "What?"

"You are obviously sneaking off to some lady, Captain. Just introduce us! How could you keep your lover from m---"

"Woah Fives. I am not sneaking off to a lover of any kind."

"Oh come on~ don't lie--"

"Cut..." Jesse and Kix mutter.

"what?" Rex turns to see that they somehow got past him and are looking out the cockpit at the planet, they are approaching.

"uh, Rex? who is Cut?" Skywalker asks, coming up next to him, lying a hand on his shoulder.

"uhhhhhhh..... welllllllllll........"


to be continued???

do y'all want it continued?

how was this chapter?

btw, I see people have read my note on I'm Not Exactly Normal , it has a question, and I want y'all to answer your opinion please. again, PLEASE request for this book.

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