Prince Eric Luke

74 3 10

He is:

- adorable

- adventurous

- lively

- R2 is max

- 3PO is Grimsby

He acts:

- rambles when nervous

- runs hand though hair A LOT

- scratches the back of his neck during Kiss The Girl

- has the time of his life when he brings you to the village


- a rude OC that y'all can name in the comments [couldn't bring myself to assign anyone from Luke's time that is a girl to this, especially not queen Mara]

- Vanessa will be [rude OC 2]

- Ursula will be [rude OC 1]

Battle Scene:

Luke pulls you close as he hugs you. You look up at him and with your newly recovered voice softly try to explain, "Luke, I--I need to tell you--" You are cut off as you gasp in pain, tensing and clenching, your head tilting up at bit as your body writhed in agony.

"HAHAHA!" [rude OC 2] belted as her dress ripped to reveal the Cecaelia [rude OC 1]. She clawed her way towards you quickly as you looked up at Luke apologetically, now on the floor with a (f/c) fish/mermaid tail.

[rude OC 1] snatches you up as she goes over the railing/balcony. As you both are immersed in the sea she taunts you before coming to a stop in front of your father.

"[rude OC 1] STOP]" he points the trident at her. The trident is glowing, powerful and ready to shoot power at its beholder's command.

"Sorry. She's mine!" [rude OC 1] throws you to Flotsam and Jetsam. The two eels wrap their tentacles around your arms, electrocuting you slightly as you yelp in pain.

"Dad! I'm sorry!" you yelp out in pain again as the eels send another shock.

"Release my daughter!"

"No can do grumpy face! She's mine now!" The sea witch reveals the dreaded contract. "Of course, I've always been a woman of bargaining...perhaps a trade~"

You struggle hard against your restrainers, "NO DAD DON---" you don't finish your plea as you yell in pain again at the shocks, but this time they don't stop.

In a sudden flash you are released but behold your father turned into an {emaciated shrimp}. Turning to the vile Cecaelia, you exclaim, "You foul loathsome evil cockroach!"

~~~~you can imagine the rest as either the 1989 battle or the 2023 battle~~~~~

I blended the 1989 and 2023 versions for this part

Also comment the references and who/what they are from and... perhaps your request will be next or a shoutout or something... I'll figure it out

Comment above here

Comment requests here

Comments on overall segment here

Also, I will say, I am a bit discouraged from the lack of comments on my books and the sections... It is kind of discouraging to see my writing not doing too well

Anyway, Bye lovelies! Y'all are amazing!

I would love it if y'all looked at my other books! but, nothing is forced! Happy Holidays

SnipsT_42  signing off

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