Chapter 5: Youll Get Whats Coming to You

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Sirius pov

y/n told me to go to lunch without her and that she was going to get some work down while i was down there. James ran up to me. 

"tonight. near the woods and lake. 11:20" he said

"alright. your sisters doing better. shes laying in my bed right now"

"not Hungary" 

"no. shes still nervous and doesn't even want to see him at all"

"what about you"

"i can eat. we need the energy to beat the shit out of him anyways"

"Are you really going through with that?" Remus said walking with us

"yep," me and James said

"i don't plan a fight then not show up," James said. 

"what grade is he even in," i asked

"our grade actually"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"i can't wait until tonight."

"you guys are going to get in so much trouble," Remus said

"it will be worth it" 

"so we already told all the teachers that you and y/n aren't going to any classes today," Remus said changing the subject

"thanks but i proba-" i started

"she needs you. stay with her... please" James said

"alright. "

(time skip: fight)

me and James snuck out of the common room and dorm with the invisibility cloak before getting to the spot. i looked down into the lake water. a memory from last year sprung into my mind. me and y/n went down here in the spring before the end of the year. she was sitting on the edge watching me as I swam for a little bit. shes a really good swimmer but always hated being out in a swimsuit in front of others so whenever we hung out at the lake she'd only put her feet in. she did always wear her swimsuit underneath just in case she felt comfortable but that rarely happened.  the boys were deeper in the water away from us. i swam up to the edge next to her and rested my arms on the ground. she looked over at me with a smile. 

"you sure you don't wanna come in," i asked


"what if i pull you in" 


"I'm going to pull you in so if you don't want your clothes to get soaked i'd take them off before i get up there" 


"not joking come on"

she sighed before reluctantly reaching for the hem of her shirt and lifting it over her head. i hated how insecure she was because she was absolutely beautiful. everything about her was. she stood off and took off her shorts. 


"yeah," i said before pulling myself onto land. "ready"

"nope" she said with a small giggle

"good" i grabbed her waist and threw her into the water. she let out a small squeal before crashing into the water

"Sirius what was that?!" James asked

"your sister!" i yelled back

"you got her in!" peter yelled

"yes sir!" i yelled back. i saw y/ns head pop out of the water. 

 His Best Friend's Sister A Sirius Black X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now