chapter 21: Im Free

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Y/n pov

It's 2 am and I still haven't slept. Sirius was asleep next to me holding me close to him. I ran my hand through his hair again which I have been doing mindlessly for the past hour. He moved a little before blinking a couple of times. He moved his head to look at me. He picked his head up and gave me a small tired smile.

"Love have you slept at all" he muttered sitting up. I looked away. He let out a small breath. "How can I help you? What can help you go to sleep?"

I shrugged. He ran a hand through my hair a couple of times.

"Tell me a story," I whispered.

"A story? Ok." He laid back down and motioned me into his arms. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my back. "Ok ready?" I nodded and he cleared his throat. "Around six years ago a kid named James ran up to a kid named Sirius. He asked this boy to go to his house for Christmas break and since Sirius didn't like his home he accepted. Once they got to this house James introduced Sirius to a girl. She was wearing jeans and a black sweater and was reading a book on the couch. The same book that Sirius and his brother used to read to each other. Sirius knew that she was going to be someone very important to him but didn't know how or why. She was shy. Super shy. But really funny. He liked her instantly. Not just liked her. He started to grow to fancy her from just a week of knowing her."

Sirius pov

She had a smile on her face before her eyes fluttered shut. I let out a breath of relief and kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks mate" I heard James say

"Holy shit! A little warning before you start speaking next time"

James laughed.


He sat at the end of the bed near me.

"I don't think she was going to last much longer. The nightmares keep giving her better reasons to join the death eaters and I don't think I could live with myself if she did"

"I know. She won't though"

The was a silence between us.

"I shouldn't have said the shit I said to you," he said. "It wasn't your fault that she got hurt. I know you wouldn't have wanted her to. I just...needed someone to blame and yell at I guess. I shouldn't have done it to you"

"James it's OK. I get it. You were mad. I was mad. We're good now right?"


"So pranking McGonagall tomorrow"

"Yeah. I'll plan something"


I looked down at y/n.

"She loves you mate," James said. "Like really loves you. She didn't tell us much but Remus figured out how much she pays attention to you. She noticed that you weren't eating when we didn't."

"I love her very much I just... she noticed me not eating because she's not eating as well."

"I have noticed that. It's getting worse. Mum usually makes her smaller portions and here she is overwhelmed by the amount of food that she just doesn't eat unless she buys stuff that way she's not overwhelmed."


"I'm heading back to bed. Goodnight"

"Night James"

I looked back down at y/n.

"I love you so much" I whispered into her hair.

"I love you too" She muttered before nuzzling closely to my neck.


Y/n pov

I woke up. Quiet. No screaming. No lily telling me I'm ok. No James rushing in to pull me into a hug. No Remus grabbing his stash of chocolate. Just Quiet. I smiled. I felt someone rubbing my back slowly before there was humming. I knew it was Sirius but I didn't want to look up. He kissed the top of my head a couple of times.

"Moony you should give me some chocolate" Sirius joked.

"No. Not for your dumbass. It's for your girlfriend"

"What?" I said looking up.

"I'm giving you chocolate. You didn't scream and wake lily up and she didn't wake us up so...chocolate" Remus said sitting on the bed. I sat up and he gave me the chocolate

"Why did you get up so ? quickly. You were just asleep" Sirius said.

"No. I just liked hearing you Hum and rub my back so I stayed there" I said with a small laugh. He let out a sigh with a smile before shaking his head.

"This is your girlfriend mate," Remus said.

"Remi!" I said


I laughed at his hands up in surrender.

"Yes yes, she is" Sirius whispered loud enough for me to hear. I moved closer to him and he pulled my back into his chest. He kissed my neck lightly a couple of times. "And I love her so fucking much"


Me and Sirius were walking in the hallway when he suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled me with him. He pulled me up to the astronomy tower.

"Sunsets coming up," he said sitting down. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Do you ever think about what will happen after next year?" I asked.

"No. I haven't yet. Why? Have you"

"A little. You James Remus and Peter will be gone and I lost my old group so I'm sorta just going to be here alone"

He put his hand on my knee and rubbed his thumb over it a couple of times.

"I'll letter you every day but let's not worry about that. We have a whole year together before then so we're going to be ok"


We sat in silence just watching the sunset.

"Only a couple more days till the last day. You and James planning a big prank" I asked.

"Yeah. It's going to be great"

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I bet it will be darling"

 His Best Friend's Sister A Sirius Black X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now