Chapter 18: What If?

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Sirius pov

I was lying in my bed holding y/n into my chest. The sun was shining through the window hitting her perfectly just below her eyes. I rubbed her back slightly with a smile on my face. I've waited so long just for a moment like this. Years. It was definitely worth the wait. James peeked through the door and smiled when he saw me awake.

"We are going to diagon alley before we go to Hogwarts. There's a late train today" he said grabbing my desk chair and sitting on it backward.


"So prank plans. I'm thinking something with snape"

"Could be good" I said with a small smirk

"Yeah. How about we fill his room with something"

"We did that first year"

"And it was good. Am I wrong"


"Then that's the plan"

"Alright," I said shaking my head slightly

"Well have to tell Peter"


He looked over at y/n with a small amount of worry in his eyes.

"What," I asked looking at her.

"Nothing," he said shaking his head slightly.

"James come on. You can't just look at our best friend with worry in your eyes and say it's nothing"

"I don't know what it is...u just don't feel right about what's to come."

"What do you mean"


I looked down at her.

"She had a nightmare with the dark lord saying that bad things were To come. Does this mean something is going to happen soon? She said he said something about her being alone right" he asked.

"Yeah said she saw my dying body and your dead body."

"I'm...I might just be being paranoid but...what if that happens. I don't ever want to leave my sister and if I'm going to it's going to be in your safe hands when I'm old. Not in a few years. I just" I could hear him choking up. "I don't want to leave her alone. I want her to know what to do. I want to be able to help her. I can do that if" he paused. "If I'm gone. I can't even imagine a day without her making fun of me let alone living far away and now I have to think about leaving her forever. No, take backs. No redos. No nothing just gone forever"

I looked down at her before back at him.

"It's not going to happen. None of it. You're going to get married to the love of your life and watch your kid grow up together. I'm going to marry her and watch our kid grow. Our kids are going to grow up together with Remus and Peter as their uncles. None of that dying bullshit is going to happen. You're not going to leave her and she's not going to leave you. She's our girl and there's no way we're letting her walk this earth alone" I said putting my hand on his knee. "I am not letting that shit happen. Not now. Not ever. Also know if you die I'm going to Azkaban for killing the person responsible for your death"

"Then you'll be leaving her," he said.

"I'll leave her with Remus because he's too smart to die."

He chuckled and looked at her.

"Well if her nightmares are true we better make the most out of our time left"


"So a whole bunch of new pranks"

"Yeah" I stopped for a second before a small smile grew on my face

"What. What's that face for?"

"Well since we don't have much time left I should be able to snog with your sister whenever I want and you can complain"

He opened his mouth to speak then paused.

"Godrick your annoying" he mumbled "Yeah fine whatever," he said.

I chuckled and felt y/n's grip tighten on me. I looked down and saw her turn her head a little. I rubbed her back again and she moved her arms around my neck. She blinked a couple of times before looking up at me. I smiled at her before looking over at James. He looked over at me before I sent him a small smirk. He gave me a confused look before remembering our conversation we just finished. Y/n picked her head up a bit and I pressed my lips to hers in a kiss. I wrapped an arm around her waist and flipped her onto the bed. She gasped slightly on my lips before I heard James groan and walk out. I pulled away and looked down at her.

"That's a way to wake up," she said before pushing some of the hair that was in my face behind my ears. "Y'know you look really good in the morning"

I froze a little.

"I-what," I asked

"You look really good"

My heart felt like exploding. I know this sounds dramatic for a small compliment but I don't get the often. She's usually the only one that does. I felt my face heat up a lot before I put my head on her shoulder.

"Shut up" I mumbled trying to hide the smile.

"No don't hide your smile it's cute"

"No stop"

"Your eyes are pretty To. Did I ever tell you that"


"And your hair Is always looking so good"

"Shut up"

"Make me"

With those two words, I pressed another kiss to her lips. She smiled into the kiss. I pulled back after a couple of seconds. I kissed her forehead before rolling over next to her.

"Ok, no joking here you are my everything" she whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you and James" I looked over at her.

"Same here." I joked.

"You arse hole. I said this nice thing and your response is same here!"

"I'm joking I'm joking! You are my everything as well. Nothing will keep me going like you do" I kissed her hand before getting up.

"I'll meet you downstairs. We're going to diagon alley with your family. Hurry up" I said before walking out with a huge smile on my face.

 His Best Friend's Sister A Sirius Black X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now