Chapter 22: Missing Sweatshirts

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Y/n pov

Today is the last day of school and we don't have classes today so we can pack. I was sitting on Sirius's bed as he packed his stuff.

"Ok I'm definitely missing some clothes," he said looking up at me with a knowing look.

"What?! Your sweatshirt are comfortable" I said. James laughed on the other side of the room.

"So you have my sweatshirts?"

"Yeah in my trunk"

"Can I have them back"

"Probably but I'll end up stealing them again"

Sirius stood up and walked over to me. He shook his head a little before tackling me into a hug. I yelped and grabbed the back of his shirt. He was now laying on me with his face nuzzled into my neck.

"Fine," He said looking at me. "They look good on you anyways" I put some hair behind his ears and out of his face. "If you try to compliment me again like you did at your house I'm moving," he said as I was about to say something.

"Fine. You're an idiot" I said with a laugh.

"That works"

He kissed my forehead and got up.

"I gotta finish packing. Ok love"



We got to the compartment and sat down.

"Boys were making it to the seventh year! We haven't got expelled yet" James said sitting down.

"There's still time Jamie" I said sitting down

"Oh really."

"Yeah mate we have a whole year still," Remus said

"Remi gets it," I said. James rolled his eyes and sat down. Sirius sat down next to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

"Yknow leaving next year is going to suck," Sirius said.

"Yeah, but it also won't" James said.

"Were leaving your sister in school for a whole year after that"

I rolled my eyes.

"I should be fine," I said.

"That was convincing," Remus said


He laughed and grabbed his book from his bag.

"I'm more excited for the year after," Sirius said.

"And Whys that," James said.

"I can propose to this girl right next to me"

I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. James smiled To.

"That wedding is going to be fucking awesome," James said.

I laughed and Sirius squeezed my hand. I looked down at my ring. I smiled as I remembered the words engraved on the inside.


We got to the station and Sirius grabbed both of our trunks despite my protest. We got in dad's muggle car and made it back to the house. I took in the smell of home.

"Y/n! Come help me with these cookies," mum said after hugging Me.

"Ok," I said.

"I'll bring our stuff upstairs love," Sirius said kissing my cheek


"So birthday coming up. My girl is going to be 16" mum said as I went to go help her.

"Yeah," I said softly.

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