Chapter 13: This is What the Room of Requirements Should be for

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Y/n pov

I woke up to someone kissing my face over and over. I blinked a couple of times and saw Sirius kissing my cheeks. He saw I was awake.

"Morning love," he said softly.

"Morning" I mumbled.

He pecked my lips before brushing some hair out of my face.

"We're going on a date today," he said still getting the hair out of the way.

"Ok when"

"I have to go set it up so I'll get you went it's ready. Ok"

"Yeah lily will probably want to help me get ready then"

"Ok" He kissed my cheek again. "See you later"

"Bye bye"

I got up and watched as he walked out the door with his hair in a bun. I chuckled before getting up. I walked to my dorm that I haven't been Into to sleep in months. Lily saw me and waved.

"I need some help," I said sitting next to her on the bed.

"What's up," she asked

"Sirius said We're going on a date that he's setting up an-"

"Oh! James told me about this. Let's get you an outfit"

"Oh ok"


"What were you thinking," lily said.

"Well when I went shopping this summer I found one of those black lace tops so maybe something with that"

"Yes! Ok show me"

I showed it to her on my bed. She went through my closet and grabbed a black skirt and a black cropped jacket.

"Go try it on," she said handing me the clothes. I laughed and went in. I put it on and did a small spin on it.

"Y/n you have to show me. Come on!" Lily said. I walked out and her jaw dropped."amazing holy shit. Grab some black shoes and they fit amazingly. then I'll curl your hair"



Sirius pov

I looked around the room one more time. I'm so happy we found this room. The best room in the school. I thought about what I was going to say again before taking my bun out and putting it back up for the hundredth time.

"Mate stop messing with it!" James yelled.

"I can't. I'm fucking nervous"

"Get over here," he said grabbing my shoulder "You're going to be fine. I know it. She loves you. You love her. It's going to go amazing"

"Is she going to like it"


I unbuttoned one of the top buttons on my shirt to breathe a bit more.

"Trying to get hotter for my sister"

"That wasn't what I did that for but sure"

"Why did you do it then"

"I am panicking and can't breathe"

"Hey hey sit down and take a breath. Want me to go get y/n"

"Yeah yeah"

"Ok we'll be back in a second"


James walked out of the room and I got up. I paced back and forth across the room waiting for her to show up.

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