Chapter 35: james finds love

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Y/n pov

I woke up the sirius shoving someone.

"James shut the fuck up" sirius grumbled before he wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me into his chest.

"Come on. Get up. Remus and Peter are already downstairs." James said before walking out. Sirius groaned before getting up a little. I sat up and looked at him.

"Morning" I said looking at sirius.

"Good Morning love" he said pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Let's go before james comes back In here "

"Good plan"

I got out of bed and sirius followed. I grabbed his sweater that I wore yesterday and put it on over my tank top as he walked out the door. I quickly followed after him.

"Look the sleepy heads are up" james said.

"Shut it" sirius said shoving him and sitting down. I went to sit down next to him but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. He nuzzeled his head into my neck. I shook my head and turned to kiss his head. He hugged my stomach tightly and kissed my shoulder. James scoffed and rolled his eyes before sitting down next to us. Mum started handing out the gifts to all of us. I got mine from everyone. We went around the room opening gifts. My last one was from sirius. He watched as I started to open it. I opened the box and saw a couple of his t-shirts and sweaters some new book of course and some rings on a chain. I smiled and kissed his temple.

"Thank you" I said.

"Ofcourse love" he said hugging Me tighter. He kissed my neck before nuzzling into my shoulder again. I got him some new earrings, rings and some of his favorite sweets along with some new cassette tapes. I got lots of books and drawing stuff plus lots of candy.

Mum went to go take Peter and remus home and james went with them. I went upstairs to my room and started putting stuff away. I heard dad and sirius talking downstairs. I finished putting it all away and laid down on the bed on my back. I laid there for a little while until I felt the bed dip next to me.

"Hello love" sirius said.

"Hi" I said back. He grabbed my hand and squeeze it a little.

"I love you"

"I love you to."

He leaned on his arm and looked at me. I looked over at him. He kissed me before pulling away a little. He kissed my forehead before laying back down.


Today was the day we were heading back to hogwarts. I sat in the back seat of the car while james and sirius sat In the middle seat. I grabbed my book and leaned agaist the car side. The boys were talking as I read. I saw sirius glance at me quickly before looking back at james. We got to the station and I put my book back in my bag. Sirius grabbed my bag and put it on his trolly. I rolled my eyes a little while he just grabbed my hand and squeezed it. We got onto the train and sat in our normal compartment. I sat near the window and sirius sat next to me. He put his hand on my knee and rubbed his thumb over it a little bit. Then Remus walked in and sat down along with Peter. James was trying to find the sweets trolly.

"So how was the rest of your breaks" remus said.

"Good I guess" Peter said "wasn't as fun as it was with the potters."

"We're just really fun" I said. Sirius shook his head. James came back with a lot of candy.

"Your ridiculous" Peter said

"So you don't want any?" James replied. He passed Me a chocolate frog.

The train ride was quite loud. The boys were planning pranks that would get them in trouble but it was fun non the less. Then we got to the castle. We ate before sitting in the common room. Lily walked in and walked over to sit next to James. I smiled a little as she rested her head on his side. James looked shocked for a second before putting an arm around her. Sirius looked over at me from his spot on the couch and got up. I gave him a confused look before he sat infront of the armchair inbetween my legs where i was sitting. He leaned on the chair and looked up at me. I kissed his forehead and he smiled at me.

James started talking again making sirius look over at him.

"So a couple months" james started

"Fuck off" I said making sirius laugh.

"Just telling the truth n/n"

"Fuck. Off" I repeated. He rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to leave" lily said. "Going straight to the war"

"Sirius are you staying with us for a little bit" james asked.

"Your mum is helping me find a place for after the summer" he said. "What about you"

"I'll probably be looking for a place"

Lily looked up at him.

"You staying in the uk" she asked.

"Ofcourse" he said. "You?"



"If I move out of the Uk how am I supposed to get to the station next year when y/n gets back" he said. I smiled a little and looked towards the fire.

"Right. Got it" james said. "What about you two" james said looking at Peter and remus.

"Staying. Not leaving you two to die of stupidity" remus said. I laughed a little and heard james and sirius gasp.

"Rude" sirius said.

"The truth" I said. Sirius sighed and looked up at me.

"Your supposed to be on my side."

"I won't be there to watch you. Someone has to"

He let out a huff and looked back at remus. We talked for a while longer before heading off the bed but lily asked to talk to james. Sirius winked at him and I smiled at him. Sirius walked over to me before picking me up bridal style. I laughed as he did so. He kissed my forehead and brought me upstairs. He threw me on his bed and crawled in next to me. He wrapped an arm around my stomach and nuzzled his nose Into my neck.

"Sirius I have to change" I whispered. He sighed and got up.

"I do to" he mumbled. He rolled off the bed and got up. He grabbed some of my clothes that he put in his trunk for when I'm with him. He threw it to me. I changed in the bathroom. When I walked back out he was in hod pajama pants and was taking off his shirt. He looked over his shoulder at me.

"Love" he said.



"Ok" I said walking over. He smiled as I walked over. He wrapped his arms around my back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me Into a soft kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. I moved my hands up to his cheeks. He smiled and leaned into my touch. He then buried his head into my neck. I laughed as my arms moved back around his neck.

"I love you so much" he said muffled into my shoulder.

"I love you to" I said holding him tightly. He lifted his head up put his hands on my waist before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he put his hands on the back of my thighs. He brought me over to the bed again and laid me down. He gave me a small kiss before rolling next to me. I rolled onto my side to face him. He looked over at me before rolling onto his side. He cupped my jaw and looked at me. I moved my hand to his wrist. I then moved closer to him and nuzzled into his chest. He wrapped his arm around my side and pulled the blanket over us.


I fell asleep quickly until I heard the door burst open. I jumped a little, and sirius rubbed my back.

"Just your brother, love," he whispered. I looked over at the door and saw James walking over.

"I'm dating Evans now," he said, sitting down on sirius's bed.

"Good job," I muttered. Sirius laughed above me and pulled me closer to him.

"Good job, mate. Your sister is half asleep, " sirius said

"I see that. Talk to you in the morning, " james said.

"Night," sirius said.


Sirius kissed my head a couple of times before I drifted back off to sleep.

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