✎ : Disclaimers!

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Hi. It's eztra.
Pls read this before continuing (mostly want you to read the sixth point)🙏

✎ ; First things first! This is pure fiction none of this actually happens in the game. (srry to disappoint 😞) BUT some things that I've written down have happened and I wanted to include it for funzies.

✎ ; Second! Micah Yujin (unfortunately) doesn't belong to me and with all due respect all credit goes to Jenny Vi Pham for the creation of the masterpiece known as error143. (go check the game out!)

✎ ; Third! Majority of the chapters will be written in the readers pov cuz I'm wayy too lazy to write in Micahs pov as of now (29 dec 2022) I've only written 4 chapters and I don't plan on writing on in Micahs pov.

✎ ; Fourth! I tried refraining from using terms like y/n and (name) too much to make things less awkward but I will mention whenever the readers name is used
i.e. in chap 3.
I also mostly used pet names like angel, sunshine, sweetheart, etc.

✎ ; Fifth! This is a smutfic so there will be a lot of mature themes if that triggers you, you can totally skip the chapters with suggestive parts in them! It doesn't really affect the plot so feel free to skip them if you want to.

✎; Sixth! For those who haven't played the game or have played the game and are wondering who the fuck Adam is and where he came from. Just know he literally doesn't exist in the game and is pretty much irrelevant in my story other than playing the role of the readers ex. So sorry for those who are confused 😋!

✎ ; Seventh! And last but not least I wrote all this shit in google docs at like 3 am with my fucked up sleep schedule so pls pray for my mental health 😣 (this is also my first time writing something thats not a oneshot and actually publishing it so.. Constructive criticism is great 👍) I was also originally planning on uploading this to ao3 because it has a better tagging system but I'll test the waters for now on wattpad.


Anyways that's all for now

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