⌫ : Chapter Nine.

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"(Name) ____ up."


"(Name), wake up."

"(NAME) WAKE UP!" You got up to the sound of Micah screaming wake-up calls in your face. He was grinning like usual which made you wonder if he was trying to ignore what happened yesterday. I mean, you didn't really want to talk about it but you didn't want to ignore it forever either. "Goodmorning Micah… What time is it?" You yawned as you sat up to stretch out your back. "Oh it's 5:30 don't worry." Micah replied, he said it so nonchalantly that you almost didn't realize you were late. "WHA-" You screamed before you were interrupted by Micah's hand covering your mouth. "Shh don't worry I already called your workplace to let you work from home today." He said smiling, if you didn't know him well you would've thought that he was actually smiling happily but you knew that he was fuming with anger beneath that smile. You also noticed how he didn't even mention why he did that, which confirmed your suspicions about him wanting to ignore the topic of Adam completely.  "Erm… Thank you Micah, but you know there really wasn't a need for that. I see him almost every-" You jerked as Micah slammed the cup of coffee on your nightstand interrupting you again. What the hell is wrong with him today?? "AHEM- You should drink this, it'll help you wake up. Don't forget you still have work to get to." He coughed, still smiling but you could almost see the rage spewing out of him, before he walked out of your room shutting the door aggressively but not really slamming it. You sat there staring at the cup of coffee and wondered, did Micah really hear everything of yesterday's conversation with Adam? Or did he not. You were really confused because it seems like he's handling the situation pretty well after finding out that you lied about being single since you were born, or did he just forget that you told him that? The thoughts were just piling up with no answers. You wanted to talk to Micah, even if it meant having to come clean.


12:30 pm

You were sitting in the office room of your house, typing away at your keyboard. There was one thing nice about working from home, being able to work comfortably without needing to run around and do errands for everyone and also not having to run into you know who. You sighed as you laid back into your chair. You wanted to talk to Micah but he just got up suddenly, said he had to go somewhere and left. Which was making you worried, you offered to let him take the car but he declined saying that he wouldn't need it which only made your worry double, and all he took with him was his backpack which made your worry triple. You were feeling really anxious because what if he just decided to pack up and run away. But where would he have to go? You didn't wanna admit but you were pretty much Micah's only friend which was kinda sad but you digressed. You just stayed calm because you knew Micah wouldn't just leave the country without telling you. You decided to get back to work with the thought that he would come back home. 


It was now 8 pm and Micah still hadn't returned home, you were sitting in the living room watching TV to try to distract yourself from the worry but it wasn't really helping at all. You had called Micah at least 50 times by now and sent him more than a 100 texts. You were pretty convinced that something bad might've happened to him, like what if he got into an accident? Or maybe he was kidnapped?? Yea like a big ass 6'2 man like him could get kidnapped. You sighed into the pillow as you laid back onto the couch. You switched off the TV and got up, you were about to go to your bedroom to sleep when you heard the door knob turn. Your head immediately flew to look at the door as Micah entered the house, kicking his shoes off, his hair was tied up into a messy ponytail. "Micah, where were you? Do you know how worried I was? I-" You stopped as you looked at Micah, his eyes were trying so hard to stay open as he walked towards you. "Angel, could you do me a favor…?" He whispered as he wrapped his arms around you. "Please, let's just hold me in your arms tonight. I'll explain everything in the morning. I just need some rest." He spoke against your shoulder as he just hugged you, he wasn't trying anything on you as his hands never moved any lower from your back. You just held him as you sighed. "Let's go to bed at least." You smiled as you tried pulling away from Micah, but he didn't budge. "Micah you have to let me go, I can't carry you there." You said looking up at him as he loosened his grip. Without another word he just picked you up bridal style and walked towards your bedroom. He set you down onto the bed carefully, before he climbed in to snuggle against you. "Just think of this as the cuddles you promised to give me yesterday." He yawned as he pulled the blanket over the two of you. As your brain finally processed everything that just happened you blushed. You stared down at Micah who was already sound asleep and just smiled, your hands moved up to stroke his head softly. Toying with the curls of his hair, which were quite soft and very fluffy. You had no clue what he did that got him so exhausted but you just ignored all thoughts. He was here now and that's all that mattered, you eventually drifted off to sleep as well in Micah's embrace.

a/n: zoowee mama we're finally getting closer to the angsty part of the story will you dear reader finally come clean to Micah?? And what is Micah hiding... 😱😱 find out what happens next in the next episode 🤣🤣🙏🙏

wc: 1042

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