⌫ : Chapter Fifteen.

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You felt a sense of deja vu washing over you as you slouched back into your work desk in exhaustion, you haven't been given this magnitude of work since you started working and you weren't taking it well at all, neither mentally nor physically. With everything that has been going on in your life, you almost didn't even realize that conversation you had with Adam was almost over 2 weeks ago, and in those two weeks, you hadn't gotten any response from Micah either which wasn't helping you feel any better. You were about to reach for your phone when your boss knocked on your door to bring you two more stacks of never-ending papers, "Let me guess, more paperwork." You asked so nonchalantly it didn't even sound like a question at that point, to which your boss just nodded simply. "Well, there's been a lot to take care of since we're preparing for an upcoming event of sorts... So we really need all hands on deck." Your boss explained, you still had no idea what was going on and for what reason they decided to temporarily close new employee applications but you weren't complaining, you were getting double your salary from working overtime and it was a win in your book. Before you were about to start, you needed something to whet your throat, and what better than to make yourself a cup of coffee, of course. As you walked into the break room, you were once again met with a familiar brunette-haired individual, "And good morning to you too." He sneered watching you ignore him and walk straight for the coffee machine, a scene you felt happening way more often than it should. Maybe I should stop drinking coffee... "I was just about to look for you, I had a feeling you would come here so—guess I beat you to it." He grinned, leaning against the countertop next to you. It made you want to wipe that stupid smirk off his face, but it was way too early in your day for all that. "You should be grateful my time doesn't cost money. it seems like you're getting too comfy with shoving your ass into things." You cracked up immediately, covering it up with a cough, no pun intended. Adam rolled his eyes, "As I was trying to say, I have some information that I feel you would be... Hm—delighted to hear?" He added as you looked at him, the corner of your eye twitching as you let the coffee machine do its thing. "And what exactly would that be?.." you asked, curiosity getting the better of you. You watched as he swiftly pulled out his phone from his pocket and tapped away, and then you suddenly felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.  "Why don't you check your phone?" He smiled innocently. You hesitated for a moment before pulling your phone out and opening the message. Your eyes widened in shock as you stared at the photo that popped up on your screen, it was a picture of Micah hugging a girl whose face was covered up so you couldn't make out who it was, but all that mattered was the fact that you could clearly see the other person was Micah and that he was in town, you could feel a lump forming in your throat. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He smirked in satisfaction on seeing your reaction to the picture, like he knew that showing you that would get that exact reaction out of you, and damn it. It worked hella fucking well.  "Where did you get this?.." You stuttered your hand finding its way to cover your mouth in disbelief, "I took it obviously, I was just passing by that cafe on, and low and behold!" "When did you take this?" You muttered cutting him short. "Oh, Saturday. Y'know, as I was driving back home from picking up my stuff at yours. I just so happened to see your boyfriend with another girl. Isn't that ironic?" He laughed hysterically, gripping the edge of the counter behind him. You, on the other hand, were still stunned from what you just saw, your hand trembling as you shut off your phone, chucking it back into your pocket before leaving the break room—completely forgetting about the poor cup of coffee that you left behind. You sprinted to the bathroom needing to get away from Adam and sort out your thoughts. You walked up towards a sink and wet your face with water, before staring at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were dark with eyebags, a sign of your sanity deteriorating by the minute you were so tired yet so restless at the thought of what Micah was doing and where he even was and that picture was like your last thread of hope snapping. You sighed as you slumped your head into your hands, rubbing your forehead as it ached from all your fretting. You weren't even mad about the fact that he was hugging another girl, but the fact that he had the audacity to lie to you while he was happily frolicking around here instead of being in his hometown. You were suddenly filled with rage as you got up, clenching your fists as you pressed them onto the sink counter. You took some time to clear your head and process things, you were so sure you were gonna fuck him up the second you see him. Blowing off your steam with a sigh, you decided to just get back to work. You still had that stack of paperwork waiting for you back on your desk and you weren't about to let a man ruin your mood.
Your shift was finally over and you were stoked to get back home, as you drove back home your mind couldn't help but replay that picture in your head. You wondered whether you were assuming too much and maybe he did go but just so happened to be back. You doubted that thought though, cause if he's been here since Saturday why hasn't he responded to your calls? But all your doubts faded into thin air as you pulled up to your house, seeing Micah on his phone standing right outside your door. Your heart dropped as you got out of your car, slamming the door hard enough to catch his attention.
"Hey, (Name)." He smiled nervously, putting his phone away as you slowly approached him. Your heart raced as you stood in front of him, you weren't even sure what emotion you were feeling right now but you could feel rage dominating all of them. "What the fuck." You scoffed looking away from him, you couldn't even bear to look him in the eyes because you knew you would start tearing up. "Look, I'm so sorry (Name) I can explain everything I-" "Look, Micah. Give me one good reason why I should hear you out?" You cut him off, folding your arms as you looked up at him. "There's nothing for me to hear from you, you've lied to me and now you're suddenly popping out of nowhere‐" Micah looked at you in confusion. "Lied? Excuse me, you know that's the last thing I'd ever do to you (Name)." He nearly scoffed in disbelief at your assumption if you hadn't interrupted him again. "Oh, now you wanna lie to me right in my face? I know you have been back in town since Saturday–Heck! Maybe you didn't even leave and you've been here the whole time." You yelled as Micah's eyebrows furrowed, absolutely oblivious to whatever you were saying. "(Name), what do you mean." He demanded. "Yeah, I'll show you what I fucking mean." You snarled, showing him the picture that Adam previously showed you in the break room. You watched as Micah's eyes widened, going from eyeing your phone to you and back. "(Name), I..." He muttered, cutting himself off with a sigh as he looked away from you. You gave him some time to try and defend himself but he kept his mouth shut the entire time. "Wow, I just cannot believe you." Your voice shook as you pulled your phone away. "Micah at least tell me the truth, I'll hear you out–I'll listen. If you'd just tell me the truth. Please" You pleaded, staring at him as he stared at the floor, you could feel your anger dissipate as you just wanted to hear the truth from him and get it over with. "(Name) I'm sorry but I can't tell you yet, but all I have to say is that this is all a huge misunderstanding I swear." He explained but you weren't buying it. "How can I believe you, Micah?? How am I supposed to believe that this is all a misunderstanding, you won't even tell me the truth, how do I trust you, Micah?" You asked desperately, all you wanted from him was the truth and he wasn't even giving you that. "I've called you so many times, and sent you numerous messages and you haven't responded to any of them." You took a breath. "I thought you might've gotten into an accident, or maybe you'd gotten kidnapped or whatever." You added. "I thought you were never gonna contact me ever again and you'd just leave for good. You know how worried I was??" You stressed, Micah stood there in silence as he took in all of your scoldings. "Don't just stand there like an idiot Micah, answer me." You demanded as you tried shaking any sort of answer from him but it seemed like nothing you'd say would faze him. "Get out of my sight." You grumbled.
"I'm sorry." He apologized once more before he walked away, you immediately flung your door open and ran inside your house. You slammed your body into your couch as you broke down into tears, all your pent-up sadness came crashing down as tears streamed down your face. You never wanted any of this to happen and you haven't even had a breakdown as bad as this in a while. You were relieved to let out all the bottled-up emotion you had the past few days but you still felt the sting of Micah's lies. You just needed a break from it all.

a/n: WEHELPP looks like bro did come back with the milk after all  hut looks like the milk he brought back was spoiled 😹😹🙏 anywhoo sorry for no chapters in the last 2 weeks i was busy w my finals 😞☝️ BUTT i think i cooked for my finals so im good 🔥🔥 back to cooking up new chapters 😝 omg also i had sm fun writing this chap it felt so refreshing to write angst likee that wat i was made for 😍 anyways ok im done yapping see yall nwxt week ❤️

wc: 1832

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