⌫ : Chapter Three.

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"That was quite the long ride sweetheart. Woo~ I am exhausted!" Micah slumped onto your couch as you took off your shoes, his eyes were studying your movements before moving to look around your house full of little potted plants and shelves full of books you've read. "Nice house angel seems like you really have your shit put together." He smiled watching you lifting your bag off your shoulders, the Skrunkly keychain jingling as you set it down on the table. His eyes paused on a framed picture of you with your ex which you had forgotten to get rid of after the breakup. "Hey sunshine.. Who's that dude in the picture?" You turned your gaze to the picture frame that he was pointing at, you felt your heart jump out of your chest. "OH! That.... Um.." You panicked, you still hadn't told Micah about Adam and you weren't ready to tell him yet. "Err.. This is kinda embarrassing but that's my ex-best friend.. Haha. I guess I forgot to get rid of it yet but thankfully you reminded me!" You laughed nervously, grabbing the frame and tossing it somewhere out of his sight. Micah clearly didn't buy your lie but he didn't want to push further seeing how uncomfortable you got. "Uh huh.. Well! I'm gonna need a tour of la casa, sweetheart." Your name rolling off his tongue as he smirked seductively at you getting up from your couch to pull you against him, gosh your heart was currently beating at supersonic speed as his hand moved to your waist. "ALRIGHTY! That's enough. I'll give you a tour of chez moi!~" Flustered, you pulled yourself away from him as he laughed at your sudden move. You gave Micah a tour of your humble abode, there wasn't really much to your house but it all intrigued him for some odd reason. "Oh shit! SUNSHINE THIS IS YOUR ROOM!" Micah exclaimed when you opened the room to your infamous room, the same room where you video called him daily. He looked so excited to see everything, the pink monitors, the shelf of figurines, your bed, closet, everything. "Yup same ol' room you've seen everytime we called." You smiled watching him jump into your made bed, grabbing one of your plushies as he pretended to choke it. "Hey! Don't abuse Mr. Pizza like that!" You said giggling as he gasped. "Oops~ My bad Mr. Pizza. I'll spare him, for now.." You both laughed as you sat next to him on your bed. "Oh! That reminds me, one sec." He got up from your bed and rushed to the living room. He came back with his backpack, you smiled at the matching Skrunkly keychain that jingled from the zipper as he opened the bag up to pull out something. "Hey now! No peeking. Close your eyes." He said, and you obeyed, closing your eyes. You heard him shifting closer to you, "Hold out your hands angel~" He said before placing something soft in your held out hands. "Okay, you can open them now!" His tone went up at the last word as you opened your eyes, O. M. G. You almost screamed as you saw the plushie placed snugly in your hands. "Is this, a Skrunkly plushie?!" You smiled up at his excited face, "You bet! It's something to hopefully make you less mad about me not bringing Skrunk." He grinned laying back onto your bed as you placed the plushie in between your pillows next to him. "HOLD UP- Hold that pose Micah." You said standing up to grab your phone, you had to take a picture of this sight. It was too glorious for you to miss. You took a picture of the two smiling at the result, "Let me see!" He said as he got up from the bed. "Nope, no can do. This is strictly for my eyes only." You said laughing menacingly as Micah tried reaching for your phone. "Sigh~ You're no fun sunshine." He sighed admitting 'defeat', "Too bad I'm competitive." He smirked before pulling you towards him, the sudden pull causing you to lose your balance as you fell into him. You were now caught on top of him, in his arms, on his lap, in your bed. He looked at you as you looked back at him, his eyes were calm, relaxed, and glowing with a hint of lust. His hands trailed from the small of your back to your waist, resting against your hips as you blushed. Your nipples were stiffening against your bra as you felt a heat pool between your legs, wetness flooding your panties as his gaze never broke from yours. You gulped as one of Micah's hands cupped your cheek, thumb caressing over it as his gaze averted to your lips. You licked your lips as your faces inched closer, and closer... and closer. Until you were snapped back into reality as Micah placed his index finger on your nose. "My my angel~ Look at you so aroused. It looks like I might have to send you to horny jail." He chuckled watching your eyes widen at his words, you were so embarrassed right now. "Did you really think we were about to kiss?" He laughed cupping both of your cheeks now. "I- No.. Okay maybe I was but, what the hell was that? Did you seriously just boop me on the nose." You said dumbfounded staring at him as he just laughed, kinda disappointed but you were also pissed at him for embarrassing you like that. "Hahaha! Oh angel~ you should've seen the look on your face. That was so funny." He managed to cough that out through his laughs, you were this close to punching him in the gut. "Oh shut up. You were probably excited to get some female action since you pull zero bitches." You got up from his lap now sitting on the bed as you smirked seeing his shocked face. "Oh fuck you! Like you get any male action either!" He said pouting as you laughed. "Oh I could bet on that." You smiled getting up from the bed. "Alright now shoo- I need to change my clothes into something more comfy. This bra is killing me." You said stretching your arms as you looked at him, his face was now tinted red as he looked around nervously. It took you a minute to realize but you almost choked on your spit. You remembered what had happened yesterday and you burned up. "OKAYY UM- JUST GET OUT SO I CAN CHANGE." You pushed him out of your room as your heart thumped against your chest. Jeez living with him was going to be one hell of a cluster fuck.

a/n: OMG WHY ARE MY CHAPTERS SO SHORT?? bru I swear google Docs is fucking with my brain 😭 (ignore this)

wc: 1152

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