↻: Prologue.

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Micah Yujin, the man you've been video calling and texting for the past month or so, I mean that's what it felt like but really it's only been 2 weeks since you both have started your little online bestie relationship. And Micahs already been planning about meeting you in real life after all you both have been talking about it for the past week, more like he has but we'll ignore that fact.

You slumped into your chair stretching your arms out after a long day of work, you decided to work from home today mainly because you just didn't feel like showing up to work after finding out the newly hired employee was your ex. And yes, you did tell Micah that you didn't have any exes because you didn't wanna hurt the poor guy's heart. He looked so happy to find out you were on the same boat as him but if you were really being honest, sometimes a white lie evens everything out ya know. Either way you had broken up with your ex boyfriend 2 weeks ago exactly 2 weeks before you started talking to Micah which is exactly why you didn't want to tell him about it. You didn't want to make him think that you were just using him as a means to get over your ex. But why did you break up with him? Well this is gonna sound like every cliche rom com but you literally caught him cheating on you. Right in front of you too. Almost like it was deliberate but you didn't wanna digress, he was an asshole the moment his true colours showed. He couldn't even compare to Micah, lol.. What.
It wasn't like you were in love with Micah, you barely even knew the guy and you even met him online?! He could literally be anyone behind the camera. He could well definitely be an old man if you weren't being careful (I know I've already met him in real life at that hacking competition but let's be hypothetical right now). And speaking of being careful, your horrible attempt at being careful of not running into your ex by working at home was turning into a bigger problem, you remembered that you had left something very important at work. What very important thing you may ask.. Well... You didn't want to admit it but it was a little keychain of Micah's cat Skrunkly. He had gifted it to you last week after he mentioned having made a pair of Skrunkly matching keychains as a little reminder of him when you missed him, and you had left it at work somehow. So now here you were, pulling out random clothes from your closet in a hurry trying to find something decent to wear to fetch a keychain. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?? Well you were stupid enough to leave it there so might as well let it ruin your perfect afternoon. As you grabbed the keys to your car rushing out the door you ran into the mailman, "Oh good morning Sir! Another package for me?" You said forcing up a smile. Micah kept sending you gifts to the point where your house was flooding with empty boxes, I swear if he sent me another gift I'd self combust. "Ding ding ding! You're right again." He said, returning a nervous chuckle. You didn't blame him though this was probably the 6th package he had to deliver to your house this week. "I'm really sorry you have to keep coming here, I swear I keep telling him to stop but he won't", you sighed and took the package from his hands. "No worries! It's my job after all." He reassured you, you really did feel bad for this man. You exchanged goodbyes before you finally got to your car and drove off to the office.
wc: 650

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