⌫ : Chapter Two.

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bRRinggGGGG~ BrINGGngggg~
The sound of your alarm rang through the room. You woke up in an amazing mood. Yesterday was great! Besides getting into an argument with your ex, it was just awesome and it really showed. You checked the time 5:00 am, just perfect. Micah's flight would be leaving in 30 minutes giving you enough time to text him right before he boarded the plane. You got up and out of bed walking towards your computer, checking your emails first cuz.. Besides being chronically online you were also a workaholic. After checking through useless spam emails of random companies trying to sell you their supposedly weight losing teas, whitening creams, etc, etc. You opened up your messages and smiled at the 5 new messages from Micah.

Micah Yujin:
Good morning' angel!! :D
im at the airport rn omg im so excited to SEE YOUUUU AHHH!!!
Omg look the airplanes here :>
*insert image*
Oop ok i gtg ttyl <3

You found yourself once again smiling to yourself, if there was a smile for stupid things Micah does competition. You'd be in first place. You were snapped out of your little happy moment once you saw the message from work pop up at the corner of your screen, making you go into worker mode. You decided to at least reply to his message before leaving for work, his flight here was just a few hours so he would probably arrive by 3 pm which was perfect because your work ends at 3:00
on Wednesdays.


Call me when you're at the airport ill pick you up <33

Was the time on the clock at your office, which meant two things. 1) Work was almost over and 2) MICAH WAS HERE. You packed up all your things inside your sling bag, the Skrunkly keychain jingled as you stood up to walk out. Until you bumped into someone, once again a familiar hot headed motherfucker. "GOD! (Name) could you actually use your eyes instead of blindly walking into things?! You almost made me drop my coffee! Unbelievable." Your ex, the one person you were hoping you wouldn't bump into the whole day, apparently had afternoon duty today. "Adam. Could we not argue today? I have some business to attend to." You tried to walk by moving to the right but he moved along with you."No. I don't think so. You still haven't talked to me properly after the breakup. I've already apologized. Why can't you accept it and we can go back to how we used to be?" He said, inching closer and closer to you until the distance was too close for comfort. "Adam, I have no interest in discussing such matters at work, and as a matter of fact we were done 2 weeks ago. It seems like you're the one who can't move on. Just find someone new to date dude! It's not cool." You snapped back at him trying to keep your cool, you checked the time on your watch, 3:10. Fuck I was gonna be late. "Oh really? You never even let me tell you my part of the story I-". "Think you need to shut the fuck up. Like I said Adam, I have no interest in continuing this conversation, and I have other things to do. Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be on my way." You raised your tone on that last sentence, you kept your composure as you sped walked. You could hear his rambling fade as you walked out the building. You managed to make it to your car but the time had already ticked 3:15. Micah must've been waiting there at the airport for you and you tried speeding to the airport as fast as you could. It was about a 20 minute drive with no traffic and you made it there in 25.
You walked inside the arrival area of the airport and looked around for Micah, you were worried as you checked your phone constantly for any new messages. None. Zero. You tapped your finger against your phone as you looked around for him, not a trace. You were about to approach a staff member when you felt someone hug you from behind startling you. "ANGEL! Y-You had no idea how worried I was." A tall, muscular, black and white haired individual was currently hugging you from the behind while sobbing his heart out. "Micah! I'm so sorry I'm late there was a- err- slight problem at work.'' You said as you turned to face him, and oh my word If you've ever seen a more handsome person in real life you'd have been wrong. This man was like a gift from God himself. He smiled as soon as he saw you, a smile that could kill both the male and female population. If you thought he was hot he was much hotter in real life than on camera. You gulped, heat rising up to your cheeks tinting them pink. He very clearly saw it as his smile turned into a smirk. "Does seeing me in real life get your panties in a twist angel~" He spoke cockily, seeing how you were basically checking him out. "Pfft- As if." You lied. This man alone would probably be your death if smirks could kill. "Anyway. When did you arrive?" You said offering to carry one of his suitcases as you both walked to the exit. "About 10 minutes ago so you're good. I hope that calms you down, you're so tensed up right now sunshine." He chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder, his words definitely made you feel more relaxed. You were on edge ever since you talked to Adam. "That's good to hear.. I was so worried back there you have no idea." You both made it to your car and as he put his suitcases in the trunk, you watched as his muscles flexed. He was wearing a white t-shirt that was tight against his muscles- "My eyes are up here sweetie." He teased which made you realize you were ogling him right now. "AHEM- GET IN THE CAR WE'RE GOING HOME." you 'cleared' your throat as you got into the car hearing his laughter die down before he entered into the passenger's seat next to mine. "Ahh.. It's so nice to finally relax. I'm super jet lagged from the flight." he said, sighing as you drove. "Sure you are, you were definitely getting your beauty sleep in first class." you laughed back watching him gasp like a drama queen. "Excuse you angel- I was in first class but I got zero sleep because some lady's baby was screaming and crying for a tit to suck on." We laughed together as we chatted throughout the whole ride home.

a/n: fairly short chapter but once again horrirbeld to edit. 🤬🤬
Anyway hey there viewer.. What's ur favorite time of the day? 😉

wc: 1175

Round Two? : The Micah Yujin Experience.Where stories live. Discover now