⌫ : Chapter Four.

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After changing into some random pajama set you found in your closet, you went to the living room finding Micah unpacking stuff from his suitcase. "Hey there, need some help?" You said as you stood next to him as he was on the floor rummaging through layers and layers of clothes. "Um yeah actually I'm trying to look for this little thing I brought for us." He smiled as he turned his head around to look at you. For us?!? You watched as he flung clothes onto the couch as he finally found the 'thing' he was talking about. "Don't tell me that's-" "YUPP!" He said as he stood up holding it in his hands. "Matching couple pajamas??" you looked at him in disdain as he held the shirts up, they read 'His gamer girl' and 'Her gamer boy'. "There's no fucking chance in hell I'm wearing that." You said, staring at the shirts with a disgusted look. "But- But! Please angel, I got this for us.." He said as he looked at you with puppy eyes, you couldn't believe the fact that this 6'2 man was begging you to wear corny couple pajamas. But you couldn't resist saying no to him. "Fine. But you owe me one for making me lose my self dignity." You said grabbing your matching side of the set. "Thank you sunshine!~" he grinned as he gave you a peck on your cheek, blushing as he scrambled to the bathroom. You smiled as you decided to change into them.
"Damn we look like idiots." you said as you both looked at yourselves in the mirror of your bathroom. "Cute idiots might I add." He smiled as he placed his hands on your waist to bring you closer to him. "Jeez 'his gamer girl' you seriously couldn't have picked a better set." You cringed realizing words gamer girl just came out of your mouth. "God I'd never say that in a million years." You looked at him in the mirror as he was still smiling, "You look so adorable." He whispered into your ear, and something about it sent shivers down your spine. You could feel him smirking as he noticed how you squirmed in his arms. "Well~ I better unpack the rest of my stuff. Care to help me?" He asked, you felt the warmth escape your body as he pulled his hands off your waist, holding one out for you to hold. "Sure I don't see why not." You smiled as you intertwined your hand in his. The bathroom was now 2 people less.
3 hours later, you and Micah had finally finished unpacking all of his stuff into the guest room of your house. You sighed in relief at finally unpacking and folding the huge mountain of clothes he had brought, putting the last folded shirt into the closet before sitting onto the bed next to him. "Angel~ gosh I'm exhausted. Lend me your lap for a little." He said as he moved closer  to you and laid his head on your lap, his eyes half lidded as he checked the time on his phone. "Next time don't bring your whole damn closet." You giggled as you stroked his hair, twirling the curly strands of hair through your fingers as you admired his features. You didn't get a chance to take a good look at his face ever since he came, but there were things about him that you couldn't believe you didn't notice whenever you video called. You both had interlocked eyes with each other. You didn't notice that his eyes were such a beautiful shade of a yellowish orange, they still shone even in the darkness of the room glistening ever so slightly. He had beautifully long lashes, lashes that any girl would kill for. Skin so pristine and clear, you trailed your fingers against his cheek. Drawing down to his jaw line, you couldn't help but admire how his jawline was perfect too. Everything about him was perfect. You cupped his cheek in your hand, your other hand still playing with his hair which was so soft and fluffy. It smelled quite good as well, it smelt fruity with a hint of grape and plum. You were pulled out of your trance when you felt his hand caress your cheek. "You're blushing, angel." He spoke, his voice so relaxed and calm. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, your heartbeat accelerating. You could've sworn he heard it with how close you two were. He got up from your lap now sitting up to face you, his hand still on your cheek. His other hand moved to rest onto your waist, "Have I ever told you how much I love how my hand fits so perfectly onto your waist..?" His voice almost like a whisper as your faces were inches apart. The room was almost pitch black, the only source of light being the soft glow of the moon. But even with the dim light you could see how red his face was, his eyes glowing in the moonlight, his hair falling onto his forehead. His lips.. You wanted to kiss him so badly and he noticed it too. You watched as his eyes shifted from your eyes to your lips and back up. Almost like he was asking you if he could kiss you right then and there. You didn't even need him to ask you with words, you understood that he wanted to kiss you as badly as you wanted him. You both were inching closer and closer to each other, faces barely centimeters apart from each other before he closed that gap between you. Micah pressed his lips against yours as you closed your eyes, he wasn't being rough with you at all being ever so gentle with you, like he was afraid he would break you with even the slightest amount of force. Your hands moved onto his back as you pushed yourself closer to him, your bodies now pressing into each other as you deepened the kiss, both of his hands were now on your waist, pulling you onto his lap. His tongue brushed over your lips indicating that he wanted to ravish your mouth even more, and you let him. The feeling of his split tongue made it even more sensational, the feeling of the cold metal of his piercing sending shivers down your spine. Your tongues now swirling around, almost like you were exchanging saliva with him. Sucking and panting against each other's mouths as you both kissed passionately. You were running out of breath, your lungs begging for air. But you didn't want to pull away from him, you loved the warm feeling of being pressed against him. How his big hands trailed up and down your back to your waist and onto your ass. You gasped slightly as he squeezed your ass cheek, smirking as he groped as he pleased. You were in ecstasy. He pulled away first, finally breaking the kiss, as your lips parted a trail of saliva being the only thing connecting you both. You panted heavily, trying to catch your breath after the intense make out session you just had with him. Your face was flushed, hair messy and sweaty as you looked at him. He smiled before placing a peck on your cheek. "That was incredible angel.. You're so irresistible~" He spoke through gasps, patting your head to help you breathe. "You're a horrible kisser." You said as your breathing was finally stable. "What..?" He said as you got off his lap. "You heard me, I said you're a bad kisser." You said trying to hold your laugh as you stood up to leave the room. "HEY! WAIT? WHAT??" He said as you walked to the door. "Goodnight Micah." You said as you closed the door before he could say anything. You ran to your room, closing the door behind you before jumping onto your bed and pulling the covers over you. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment, you tried closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
You didn't want to admit it but.. He was a really and I mean really.. Good kisser.

a/n : HELLO omg. This chapter was my favorite to write chefs kiss mwahh my writers block really didn't hit me while writing this and feeling hella proud 💪💪 this was also the least shit to edit Google Docs saranghae fr 🥹🥹 also I forgot that he had a split tongue and a tongue piercing while writing this and I almost had to rewrite that while kissing part help ALSO SO FAR MY LONGEST CHAPTER AS OF 10 JAN 2023 LETS GOOO

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