⌫ : Chapter Eleven.

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As you both pulled up to a restaurant you both decided on, you were about to open the door to get out but Micah's hand stopped you. "Hey! Hands off the handle." He scolded as he exited the car and ran over towards your side. "We've arrived at your destination princess!" He grinned as he opened the door for you, holding his hand out signaling for you to hold it. You laughed as you held Micah's hand and got out of the car. "What was all that?" You said smiling as Micah shut the door and walked into the restaurant with you. "Only giving my princess the treatment she deserves." He chuckled as he continued to hold your hand in his, never letting go. It was the little things like these that made you fall for him even harder. The place was quite full already since it was popular for its amazing breakfast meals. As you and Micah sat down you decided to browse through the menu, "Ooh! Micah, you should try this place's pancakes. It's their specialty." You said pointing at the pancake category on the menu. As you and Micah discussed what to get, a waiter came up to your table. "Good morning! How may I assist you two love birds?" The waiter chirped as you blushed at what they said. "Oh we aren't-" "Yes we'd like two plates of pancakes please." Micah interrupted as the waiter jotted down the order on their notepad. "Alrighty! anything else?" They asked as you looked at Micah. "Oh yes actually could you-?" Micah whispered the last part of his order to the waiter and you could see the waiter's face light up. "Ooh! Of course! Thank you for ordering, it'll be out in a moment." The waiter grinned as they walked away. You stared at Micah who was now blushing like crazy, you were thinking about what he could've told the waiter that made him so flustered. You decided not to press on the matter since you would probably be seeing what he ordered soon. "Soo, hey!" You exclaimed trying to start up a conversation, "Hey.." He mumbled back nervously as you both stared at each other. There was an awkward moment of silence before you both just bursted out in laughter, you will admit it was quite awkward now that you both had time to talk to each other, you haven't had a one-on-one conversation with him ever since he arrived since you both were busy with other things. But right now it really felt like you had nothing to talk about. Since your relationship with him was long distance, whenever you called him your conversations would usually start off with 'How was work?' Or 'How was your day?' And then you both would just talk about each other's days. But now that you both are living together there really isn't much to talk about. "Oh right, there's something I've been wanting to ask you. Do you mind?" You questioned looking at Micah. "Of course, go ahead." He smiled "Yeah… So about-" "Here's your order!" The waiter interrupted as they brought in your plates, setting them down on the table the smell of freshly made pancakes filled up your nose. What was up with people and interrupting me today?? "Oh! And here's your drink. I hope you enjoy" The waiter winked at you both as he brought out the drink. "Uh excuse me waiter! I think there might've been a mistake in our order?" You asked, confused as to why there was only one huge glass on the table.  "Oh yes! Here are your straws, enjoy!" The waiter gave you your straws and you instantly understood what Micah had ordered. You turned around to face Micah who was now facing the window in embarrassment. "Did you seriously order a strawberry milkshake and two straws? I feel like I'm in a cheesy rom-com." You giggled as you placed the straws into the glass. "Hey! I know it's cliché but I figured it would be cute since… y'know… we're on a date." Micah muttered placing his hand over his mouth in hopes that it would muffle out something, as he just stared at you with those eyes. Those eyes that spoke a million words all at once, leaving you in a trance. You and him shared a brief moment of eye contact before coming back to your senses. "Oh right, try the pancakes!" You spoke as you cut out a small piece of the pancake and fed it to him. "Mmhp-! Woah, these taste so good!" Micah's face instantly lit up as he chewed on the little piece of fluffy goodness. "Right what did I tell you?" You smiled as you took a bite of your pancake. You and Micah just sat there eating as you talked about random things, you didn't want to ruin the mood you both shared by asking him the question that's been tormenting you since yesterday. Maybe I'll ask him another day.

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