⌫ : Chapter Six.

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As you drove into the parking lot of your office, Micah was still in a state of shock. You worked at YJ corporations, a famous company known worldwide for their latest and best gaming products. Specialized in creating merchandise for popular hit games like Super Bario Mash Sisters and Fruits Power Girls. You groaned as you stretched your arms out getting out of the car, Micah still looking like he'd seen a ghost, "Hey if you're gonna sit there like you just got caught watching porn, I'm gonna get going. I'm practically late." you looked at him again, this time he wasn't scared but serious. "Sunshine, quick question: is your work cubicle closed or open..?" He asked sternly, you haven't seen this side of him before. He looked straight into your eyes, not a hint of emotion in them "Um.. technically closed, but its more like an individual room. Why? I work as secretary so-" you stepped back in shock as he abruptly got out of your car. Pulling the hood of his hoodie over his head, "Good, let's go." He spoke calmly, finally relaxing himself from whatever state he was in earlier. "What's gotten into you?" You laughed nervously trying to lighten up the mood. "Nothing just.. The nerves, that's all." He said as you both walked into the elevator, you pressed the button that took you up to the 12th floor. You both stood next to each other silently. It was that kind of comforting awkwardness you liked. You checked the time on your phone and it read 6:09am. Your head shot up as the elevator came to a halt. Doors opening on the 5th floor, "(Name)?" A male voice echoed through the emptiness of the 5th floor parking lot. "Oh good morning Alex!" You smiled as he stepped into the elevator standing next to you and Micah, Alex was your co-worker and friend. Alex used to be friends with Adam when you used to date him but after finding out about what he'd done Alex had dropped him as a friend for the better. "Morning! You're unusually late today." He said, taking a glance at the tall lanky figure, then back at you. "This is my friend Mi-” “Micheal. Micheal Yang.” You spoke immediately getting cut off by Micah, What the hell? You watched as the two men shook hands blankly staring at Micah with confusion. Who the fuck is Michael Yang?? And what on earth is he doing??? “Uh.. It's nice to meet you Michael. I’m (Name)’s friend, Alex." Alex spoke trying to get a peek of Micah's face which was still covered by the hood of his hoodie. Micah noticed this and took it off for a minute to greet him properly. “Pleasure to meet you, Alex.” Micah smiled, shooting a quick wink at Alex. “O-OH! Yes..” Alex stuttered, he blushed as he withdrew his hand from Micah turning to face you. You stared at Alex clearly annoyed, Damn this dude was gay as hell. “Holy shit (Name) your friend is smoking hot. Is he gay..and single?” Alex whispered grinning with his teeth at the last sentence he said, you knew that smile meant other things. “Yes actually but.. Agh! Sorry to tell you this but he’s married with 3 kids.” You had to control yourself from bursting out laughing, watching his face turn into disappointment. You said that last part a little louder on purpose for Micah to hear, it clearly worked because you heard him wheezing behind you. “Ugh. What a bummerrrr~! Why are all the hot guys married.” He groaned, you and Micah took a glance at each other and laughed. The elevator finally pinged at your destined floor, you and Alex exchanged goodbyes and you walked to your office room with Micah. You noticed he had his hood back on and the thoughts scrambled through your mind again. ‘Why was he pretending to be someone else?’ ‘Why was he scared?’ ‘Why was he being so cautious?  You both had reached the door of your office room and you pushed Micah inside, almost making him lose his balance. “What’s with you acting so sneaky? You're acting like you've  robbed our company or something. Why are you acting like you’re so scared of being seen?"  You joked, trying to lighten the awkward mood and shake some answers out of him, but it failed to sound  even the slightest bit funny. You were worried and concerned, had he actually committed a crime that he had to hide for? Was he comfortable with coming to work with you?   Tears were forming in your eyes as you had mixed emotions you were currently feeling confused and lied to at the same time. You looked at him begging for at least some reassurance. “Angel...Please don’t cry.” Micah spoke calmly, pulling you into a hug. He rubbed your back tenderly helping you calm down, you sighed into him. As you finally calmed yourself down, you sat down on the sofa with him. “Er- I guess I have to come clean about something then heh.” He said bashfully scratching the back of his neck. “I wasn’t hoping to tell you like this but it seems like I have no choice. There have been a few things that I’ve kept from you but..” You gulped hearing him say that, you felt guilty. Guilty because you knew you had kept some things hidden from him as well, and here he was telling you his secrets. "So… The reason I've been acting pretty cautious is because my parents kinda… maybe… own YJ corporations.. hehe." He smiled awkwardly, And that's when it finally clicked. Oh my god. HOW DIDN'T I FIGURE THIS OUT EARLIER?? It was quite obvious but you were careless enough to not realize it. You remembered the initials engraved on his toothbrush, M. YJ. And you gasped. "WHAT?? THEN... Why did you agree to come to work with me if you were the literal descendant of the Yujins!? And how did I not figure this out sooner?! I knew bringing you with me was a mistake- I-" You mumbled out but stopped as Micah put his hand over yours, wrapping his fingers over them as he squeezed your hand gently. "Hey, calm your horses down, I already told you it's okay. You don't have to be sorry it's not your fault you didn't know." He sighed. "It's mostly my fault for being so careless and giving you all this trouble. I'm really sorry Angel.." He whispered, his voice so smooth and genuine that you almost melted. "It's alright... Wow I- I really need to process things right now. My online best friend is now suddenly my boss? What a shocker." You laughed out a breath. You were feeling a mix of 10 different emotions right now that you flumped back into the cushion of the sofa of your office room. "Well, I'm not exactly your boss yet... I still haven't inherited the company yet." He frowned a little. "OH! And Michael Yang? Was that really the best name yoh could've come up with?" You said laughing, suddenly getting reminded of what happened in the elevator. "Excuse you! What would you do if you were put into a highly pressured situation?! Michael Yang was the first thing that came to my mind." He complained, smiling warmly as he watched you laugh. "...Actually, the truth is that I wasn't really planning on doing that since I wanted to work on other things ever since I met you but.." He spoke as his eyes shifted to meet with yours, his eyes sparkling from the sunlight shining through the window. "Now that I found out that you work here, it looks like I'll be inheriting the family business after all." He smiled, his gaze never falling from you. In that moment it made you realize how much you loved this man, he was willing to do things just to be closer to you. You just wanted to kiss him then and there. "Micah..!" You smiled back pulling him into a hug, your arms wrapped around his huge figure as the two of you shared an embrace. "Let's just stay like this for a few minutes." You sighed into him feeling relaxed in his arms as he just nodded, resting his head against your shoulder. I guess that's one complication solved. "Alrighty! That's enough I have to get to work." You said pulling away from Micah as he frowned. "Noooo! Can you give me one more hug? Please~" He whined, honestly you kinda liked it when he begged like this but you had to pull your shit together you were still at work after all. "Keep begging and I'll maybe consider it." You giggled as Micah groaned. "Ughh! Angel this is torture you're such a meanie!" He said as he slumped into the sofa. "If you sit there like a good boy we can cuddle all you want at home." You smirked watching him sit up straight. "YES MA'AM!!" He exclaimed as you sat at your table laughing. Today's gonna be one hell of a day.

a/n: HELLOOOOO IM BACK 🔥🔥 Sorry for literally disappearing mid upload I've been super busy with school omg. Im so glad to be finally uploading this chapter praise the Lord 😭😭😭 hope yall didnt forget me 🙏🙏

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