⌫ : Chapter Twelve.

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The two of you couldn't get your hands off each other as you got to the car, how you even made it through the whole car ride without pouncing on each other was a mystery in itself. Micah's lips were pressed against yours ever since you entered your house and you couldn't even blame him because you wanted this just as badly. His hands wandered around your body, trailing themselves around your waist and onto your thighs as he picked you up. "Wait! Micah put me down, I'm heavy!" You almost screamed as he hoisted you up, "Don't worry Sunshine you're as light as a feather, this is kinda one of the few reasons I work out." He smiled as you held his shoulders for more support, you laughed as Micah planted kisses along your cheek. "Just wrap your legs around me, and I'll do the rest Angel~" He giggled as he continued to kiss you, his hands groped your ass causing you to let out a small gasp. You could never get enough of the feeling that he gave you every time you kissed, that feeling of euphoric pleasure sent shivers down your spine and you loved it. 

ATTENTION: The chapter starts to get a little heated up so read with caution! if you don't wanna read it, it's okay! Just skip to the next star and continue from there! 


"Fuck, Angel I can't wait any longer." Micah breathed as he carried you all the way to your room, unable to resist the urges that flooded his mind. He laid you down onto your bed before his mouth started working on your neck leaving small kisses and hickeys all over, like he wanted to show the world you belonged to him. Micah's hands slid under your shirt, each movement sending you deeper into your arousal. You could feel him smiling against your neck as he toyed with the hook of your bra, skillfully unbuttoning it with one fell swoop. Micah laughed as he saw the look that was plastered on your face, "Don't worry this is my first time, I kinda practiced for this moment." You started feeling super guilty about lying to him now because you very well knew you were not a virgin, and that you were currently about to have sex with a man who thinks you're a virgin. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Micah took off your shirt, leaving your bare chest exposed, your nipples perking up to the feeling of the cool air. You blushed as Micah stared at you, you were about to cover your chest with your hands but Micah grabbed onto your arms before you could, pinning them above your head. "Don't hide them Angel~ They're absolutely precious.. every part of you is." Micah blushed as he lowered his head onto one of your breasts, purposefully licking around your areola. You gasped as he started sucking on your nipple. This wasn't the first time you had played with your chest but the feeling of him toying you to his heart's content felt so much more different, in a more pleasurable way. His free hand moved down and onto the hem of your pants, as he started pulling them down leaving you only in your panties. You moaned as Micah's fingers caressed your aching pussy, "Angel look at how wet you are. Already so eager and hungry for my cock?" He smiled, "It's a shame you won't be getting any of it tonight." His smile curved into something more sinister, pleased with how you reacted to his proposal, "What-" You wanted to argue back but were cut short as Micah abruptly stuck his fingers into your mouth, "There are other ways to have enjoyable sex without penetration princess~" He hummed as his fingers were coated with your saliva, you couldn't even fight back because he sounded so sexy right now you could've sworn you had an eargasm. His wet fingers met your clothed clit, rubbing it at an excruciatingly slow pace. You desperately ground against his fingers, hoping the extra friction would help relieve your arousal. "Oh? Is my sweet Angel that desperate for my touch? Use your words my love~" Micah chuckled as he watched your sorry attempt at pleasuring yourself. "Touch me more... I need you, Micah." That was all Micah needed to hear before he ripped your panties off you. He paused for a moment, admiring how stunning your body looked, he almost looked like he was about to get on his knees and worship you. "Angel, just look at how gorgeous you are.." Micah wasted no time focusing on pleasing you, spreading your legs apart before rubbing your now bare clit. You moaned at the newly felt sensation of his fingers against your most sensitive area. "You like that, don't you? Naughty girl~" Micah groaned as you writhed in pleasure, but he wanted to savor you more. His mouth came closer to your pussy, "Micah? What are you- F-fuck!" You moaned as Micah started to eat you out, the feeling of his split tongue with the metal ball of his piercing against your clit caused you to arch your back pushing yourself further into him. You definitely loved kissing him because of that but damn, this was a whole new feeling of pleasure. Each lick sent jolts of pleasure throughout your whole body. This couldn't even compare to Adam's cunnilingas. "Do you like that Angel?" The vibrations of Micah's voice against your clit felt so good you almost came. "Fuck, yes." Your mind couldn't even process all the things you were feeling. The only thing you could think about was Micah right this moment, with moans being the only coherent thing you could utter. Micah's fingers found their way into your entrance, rubbing it gently as your juices lubed up his fingers. Before you knew it he slipped a finger in you, and you gasped at the sudden feeling of fullness. "Shit, you're so tight Angel." Micah managed to speak through his continuous lapping, you haven't had sex since your last relationship happened nor have you masturbated in the past few weeks since you were so busy with work (with the addition of Micah moving into your house), that just one of Micah's fingers was enough to drive you crazy. Micah bit his lip as he slowly pulled his finger out. "Just look at the way your pussy's squeezing onto my finger like that, fuck..." He chuckled a bit as he thrusts it back in. "It's almost like it doesn't wanna let go." You flushed at his words hiding your face in your hands, you could tell all your small reactions to his words and actions were further exciting him as he started pumping his finger in and out of you at a faster pace. He was only using one finger and yet you felt like you were about to cum, you were kinda embarrassed how only one of Micah's fingers was enough to make you cum but hey, this man's fingers were long and thick, and I mean hella long and very thick. Micah kept up his pace inserting another finger into you without any warning, but before you could react all you could mutter out was turned into an abrupt moan when Micah's tongue found its respective spot on your clit again. "WAIT! Fuuck~! Micah, you can't do that..!" You whined as your back arched from immense pleasure, you were still a bit sensitive since this was the first time you had some form of sexual pleasure in a while and Micah's overstimulation from toying and playing with various places on your body was not helping. Micah grinned pridefully, watching how you writhed under his touch. Purposefully speeding up on the reactions your body was giving him. "Does it really feel that good?" He smiled innocently as you glared at him, "You sped up on purpose bastard.." You whimpered as his fingers continued to hit your G-spot. Micah groaned as he felt your pussy clench around his fingers, "Fuck~ Angel are you close?" You nodded as he thrusted his fingers working you closer to your climax, "Shit you're so beautiful love, play with your nipples for me." He sighed between his lapping. "I want you to cum." You obeyed as you licked your fingers before playing with your breasts as you got closer to your climax. "Micah I'm cumming!" You moaned, gripping his hair as he kept up his pace until you finally released all over his face, your grip on Micah's hair eased as you breathed out, calming yourself from whatever the hell just happened. "Your legs are trembling Angel." He chuckled. 


When you finally came to your senses you opened your eyes to look at Micah whose face was completely wet. "Oh my god! Micah, are you okay?" You asked as you tried sitting up, but your legs immediately gave out on you. Micah laughed as he helped you sit upright "Geez calm down, I just gave you the best head of your life and you're worried about me?" He laughed as his arm supported your waist. "I'm fine though don't fret." You tried holding in your laughter as you stared at Micah's drenched hair and face. "You certainly don't look fine, you look like a wet dog."  "God! Is now the best time to be making fun of me right now?!" He giggled, rolling his eyes playfully but your eyes couldn't help themselves from staring right at the huge party in Micah's pants. "What about you...?" You asked quietly as you rubbed his bulge with your hand, watching his cheeks flush red. "..Oh! I'll just... Take care of it later don't worry about me. You should get some rest, wait here I'll clean you up." Micah immediately flew to the bathroom leaving you there on the very damp bed, post nut clarity hit you hard as you realized what you just did in your bed. You slammed your face into your hands as Micah came back with a wet towel and pjs, "Here, lay down while I clean you up." He smiled as he wiped you down carefully, making sure he wasn't accidentally touching your pussy to not overstimulate you. Silence filled the room as Micah hummed while helping you get dressed, it was nice. But all your mind was fixated on was Micah's raging hard-on, "Hey are you sure you don't need help with that..?" You asked sheepishly as Micah finished dressing you up, "Nope! All good. Let's hit the bed you must be exhausted!" Micah said reassuringly as he got up to turn off the lights before returning to the bed to sleep beside you. "Goodnight, Angel." Micah whispered giving you a small peck on your cheek, "Night Micah." You smiled staring into his eyes before drifting off to sleep. Micah glanced at you for a split second double checking that you were sound asleep before he slowly got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. "Fuck" He cursed softly shutting the door before soft moans started filling up the room. A few minutes later he returned to the bed and cuddled next to you. Little did he know you were fully awake, your face beet red as you imagined him masturbating in the bathroom.

"Lord give me strength."


a/n: holy moly.. I'm... BACK??!!?!? woah hope u guyz didnt forget ab me 😔🙏 ya gyall has been super busy w life and I was also mayb kindaaa delaying this on purpose bc of writers block.. 😙 (we dont talk ab that) BUT NO this was in my drafts for like months.. until I was like okay bitch you cant keep delaying so here I am ‼‼ aldo because.. new year new me 😍😍 I'm happy to annouce I've been working on the chapters in the 8+months I disappeared and I will be back with them and who knows... this book may end way quicker than expected 🤭🤭 BUT HOLD UR HORSES and be prepared for the rollercoaster of upcoming events!! (im excited to publish them 😍) SO PLEASE CONTINUE TO SUPORT ME ILY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MWAHH 🥰😘

wc: 2032

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