⌫ : Chapter One.

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Two Hours Later
You were finally home, but absolutely exhausted. You weren't expecting to get into such a big argument on the way to getting back a keychain. You sat on your chair, laying back into it as you sighed to yourself. You had run into your ex on the way to the office and let's say it wasn't the best interaction ever, you had accidentally bumped into him as you were running down the hall and he completely blew up on you. He was like a ticking time bomb. If a time bomb could be human, you could've sworn he was 2 seconds away from killing you the moment he realized it was you. Ugh let's not talk about that right now. You banged your head against your table not caring whether you randomly hit some keys on your keyboard when doing so. You got up from your chair to change out of your clothes and into something more comfy, you picked out some cute cat pajamas you found on sale at the mall. As you were taking off your clothes, you heard the sound of something, or someone.. You immediately turned around to look at your monitor to be faced with the one and only Micah Yujin. His face was a deep shade of red as you realized that you had accidentally video called him. Your hands that were at the clasp of your bra quickly moved to cover the camera of your monitor, you could've almost sworn you had pulled it right off the monitor and thrown it to the ground. "FUCK. UM. HEYY... THERE MICAH! I DIDN'T MEAN TO CALL YOU OR FOR YOU TO SEE ANY OF THAT. UM I'M GONNA HOPE YOU SAW NOTHING SO! GOODBYE!" You screamed at the poor man whose eyes were wide open and jaw agape, moving your mouse to the end call button before he could utter a single word. You were currently breathing at a pace faster than light as you processed what just happened, you were practically half naked with only your bra and panties on and was on full display for Micah. You didn't know how long he'd been there and how much he'd seen but you were very sure he saw everything. You finally changed into your pj's trying to forget about what had happened, you didn't want to text Micah about it out of embarrassment but you had to.

Um.. Micah are you there..?

Micah Yujin:
Umm.. I'm sorry- you saw nothing I mean I saw nothing?? I mean wait..

Uhh.. I'm sorry about what you saw Micah. I swear I really didn't do it on purpose!
My keyboard accidentally did something and I apparently video called you while I was changing.. lol...

Micah Yujin:
oh...... Well.. If I'm being honest.. You looked really good in that underwear.


You paused, your hands slowly moving from the keyboard to your face as you felt it heat up. Micah. The Micah Yujin. Just said you looked good in your mismatched bra and panty. You were both embarrassed and flustered at the same time, AGHHH I really wish I could choke him right now. Your eyes shifted back to your computer screen watching the three dots appear and reappear simultaneously. Before a message pinged.


Micah Yujin:
Erm.. Alsoo not trying to change the subject or anything lol.. But I recently booked my flight to your state
I guess I'll be meeting you sooner angel~ ;]


Micah Yujin:
YUPPPP! I can't wait to see you sunshine..
I'll be staying in a hotel that's near your house so I can come over anytime
Don't wanna bother you by living in your house :]


For some reason reading that message made you kinda sad, you wanted him to live with you for the time he'll be spending here before he moved back. But then again you had work and you didn't have the money or time to spend with him.


Yk... You could stay at my house if you want to.. I don't mind :)

Micah Yujin:
Angel. You can't just say that you almost killed my heart

Naurr like I really mean it, you could live with me instead of wasting money on a hotel

Micah Yujin:
angellll you know I don't mind but
If you say so! I won't take you down on the offer ;]

When's your flight btw

Micah Yujin:
It's tomorrow morning at like pff 5:30 ish
I already packed up my stuff :3

Omg waitt don't tell me you're leaving Skrunkly there 😒

Micah Yujin:
Sighhh I have to sadly :C
Skrunkly has to stay home I'm leaving her with my family for the time being
As much as it hurts my heart to leave her it means I get to meet you at least :]]

you're so cruel. 🤬
How dare you. 🤬🤬🤬

Micah Yujin:
You're real cute when you're mad angel~
Anyways I gotta catch some zs before my flight
See you soon angel ;]
Get some rest too you better save your energy for me tmr 😘

Wow alright charmer I'll go to sleep
Can't wait to meet you tmr ❤
Goodnight Micah <3

Micah Yujin:

You smiled at your screen, you probably looked like an idiot but you were an idiot in love. You hadn't realized it yet but you were falling in love with this man by the minute. Which reminded you of the package earlier. You didn't get the chance to open it yet so you decided to open it before you went to sleep. You walked to the living room where you'd left the box on your couch, you grabbed the box cutter from the coffee table and cut it open. You gasped, OH. MY. GOSH?? WAS THIS. THE LIMITED EDITION MIKU FIGURINE THAT YOU'VE BEEN WANTING??? You scrambled, you almost screamed at the sight of it. You've been wanting this figure ever since its release but you were too preoccupied with work to pre-order it online and by the time you had gotten an ounce of free time it had already sold out. You were probably depressed for more than a week after that but Micah had gotten it for you and you were over the moon. Along with the figure there were some books that you wanted as well, you smiled feeling giddy. He had remembered that you wanted to read these books but they were sold out at every bookstore in your area. You put the stuff you had gotten onto your shelf and got into bed, you went to sleep with a smile on your face that night.

a/n : this chapter was so shitty to edit 🧍‍♂️

wc: 1153

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