⌫ : Chapter Eighteen.

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Saturday 10:30 am

You would be lying if you said you weren't dreading finding out what was in this USB, you were currently sitting at your kitchen's counter table, the USB wedged into your laptop that was propped up in front of you. You were so hesitant to check it out that you'd procrastinated until the next day, but you were finally ready to see it for yourself. Inside of the USB were two files one labeled 'YJ corporations cctv footage' and the other 'Adam'. Your eyes had caught hold of the other file as you immediately clicked into it, there was one voice recording and 10 pictures of Adam with the girl he had cheated on you with. You gasped as you went through the pictures one by one, the pictures were of Adam hitting the girl, being completely inhumane towards her. You shuddered as you landed onto a picture where he was choking her. None of it was her fault, it was all Adam. You shook yourself out of your thoughts, you still had that voice recording to listen to. You could feel your stomach drop as you listened to it, it was filled with shouts, cries and the horrendous noises of her being verbally and physically abused by Adam. And at some point in the audio, you could hear her begging him to keep the child that he was forcing her to get rid of.

You felt bile rise to your throat, you felt

like throwing up as you had finally reached the end of the recording. You couldn't believe that he had been doing that to another girl this entire time it was absolutely sickening. But putting your feelings of disgust and anger aside, you couldn't help but ponder once again on who the hell might've gotten a hold of this recording. There's no possible explanation for how anyone could've gotten access to all of these things unless... They were a very good hacker. Could Micah really be the one behind all of this? But why on earth would he even be doing this? Why's he wasting his breath on dealing with the likes of Adam? Your brain ran wild with endless possibilities of what and why and how.

But you also couldn't help but wonder how Micah was doing, since the last time you interacted with him wasn't a very good one. You sighed as you closed your laptop and decided to watch some TV while you made yourself a good ol' cup of coffee. You tried drowning out your thoughts with the sounds of the TV but you couldn't help but think of Micah. As much as you didn't want to admit to it, you did miss him and even though you were still kind of mad at him, a part of you longed to have him around again. It was as if you were a puzzle missing the last piece to complete it, your final piece being Micah.

As you finished making your coffee you decided to sit and watch whatever was on your TV, which was currently playing the news. You decided to change the channel and watch a movie when all of a sudden the reporter mentioned Micah's name. You thought you were going crazy and were just hearing things when Micah had appeared on the screen.

"Breaking news! Micah Yujin, son of one of the biggest conglomerates in the country, finally makes a public appearance with ideas of inheriting the company." Your jaw dropped as you watched the clip of Micah that played on the screen, it was a candid video taken of him at what seemed to be a gathering of some sort. He was wearing a gorgeous suit, and his curls had been tied back into a ponytail. He looked absolutely mesmerizing, your heart fluttered when Micah's eyes came into contact with whoever was recording, smiling as he made a small wave towards the camera. Almost as if he were waving right at you. Your cheeks flushed at the thought, you must've been going insane to think that his wave was meant for you.

"Now I'm no stranger to the rumors that say he allegedly inherited the company for a girl. But it seems as though the rumors may be true." The camera slowly panned to a girl sitting next to him, she looked exactly like the girl in the pictures with Adam. Your brows furrowed as you stared at the screen lost in thought. "Could this be the alleged girl? Right here in the flesh?!" The reporter gasped as the clip continued to play, Micah seemed to have whispered something to the girl telling her that the camera was on them as she soon faced the camera as well waving at it awkwardly. "Aww! Aren't they just adorable? Now-" The reporter's voice was cut short as you switched off your TV, unable to take in anymore of it. What the hell was Micah planning?? Was he just toying with you just to get with the girl that Adam had cheated with you on. You obviously felt bad for the girl but you were completely enraged at Micah. There was no denying your bubbling anger every time your mind replayed that clip in your head. You just knew you were giving him a piece of your mind the second you ran into him. But what even were the chances of you even running into him again if he was pre-occupied with becoming the next CEO?


Next CEO. That was it! Since he was gonna be the next CEO that meant that he was going to be having an appearance at work pretty soon giving you the perfect opportune moment to finally confront him about everything. You sighed as you planted your head into a pillow on your couch, as much as you wanted to talk to him you were nervous. But you knew you were better than this, so you devised a pretty foolproof plan of how you were gonna get this to work. All that was left was to wait.


a/n: hi gays... hahaha so I may or may not have disappeared for 2 weeks hehe 🤣🤣😔 I was a tiny bit busy with completing my summer work nd group projects that i may or may not have forgotten about uploading new chapters 🧍‍♂️ lolz I APOLOGIZE 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

so as an apology i present to you chapters 18-20 just for you guys hehe 🥰🤭 hopefully ill get back to the weekly updates if i dont forget (i have the memory of a goldfish) ANYWYAS enjoy the chapter dump <3

wc: 1099

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