⌫ : Chapter Sixteen.

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Before you knew it 3 days had already flown by since the day you blew up on Micah, you thought that after letting out all those bottled up emotions you would've felt a twinge of relief, but you just felt miserable. As much as you were satisfied that you managed to get your feelings out you couldn't help but feel guilty at calling him a liar when you yourself were hiding behind a lie too. And as a result of all the stress laid upon you in such a short amount of time, you ended up getting terribly sick which is why in those 3 days you weren't able to show up to work. You felt like you weren't even yourself anymore, like you were just an empty shell. But you've had enough of moping around and letting that day's memories replay like a broken record, you were finally in a better state physically and you knew better than anyone that money didn't grow on trees. But a part of you was still hesitant on going back, until your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing. You quickly glanced at your screen but not long after you uttered a disappointed sigh, it was a call from Alex. "Hello?" You muttered as you picked up the call, you weren't sure if you were disappointed at the fact that it wasn't Micah or at the fact that you were hoping it was Micah. Either way you weren't gonna admit to either one.

"Holy shit, (Name) Where have you been? Are you okay!?" Alex spoke frantically, worry practically oozing out of his words as he yelled at you through the screen. "I'm fine, calm your tits down. I was sick so I had to take a short leave, that's all. What's up?" You sniffed blowing your runny nose into a tissue. "Wow! So my best friend was sick and couldn't even bother telling me?" You could almost see him rolling his eyes as he spoke. "But that's besides the point. I'm glad to know you're okay. I have good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna hear first?" He continued, you fiddled with the snot filled tissue in your hand nervously. "Uh the bad one."

"Okay... Don't flip out but, you're kinda involved in it. It's about Adam." Alex hesitated as you froze, oh god you weren't mentally prepared to answer any of Alex's questions regarding what happened with you and Adam the past few weeks. "Continue..." You gulped down your fear and just decided to hear him out first. "Yeah so an anonymous package somehow made its way into the office and, well, the higher ups took care of it so I'm not too sure what was in the package but.." He breathed. "Apparently, inside there was a single USB labeled 'Adam'. And inside of that USB was a folder that contained all of the fucked up shit Adam did." Your eyes widened, processing every word that Alex had just uttered right now. "Holy shit... Do you have any ideas on who might've sent the package?" You asked, still in disbelief at what you just heard. "Not a clue, but I really suggest you come to the office right now. There's something I need to tell you in person or more like see." He sighed. "I also miss you very much." Your lips curled into a smile as you ran a hand through your hair. "I miss you too. Alright, I'll be there in 10." You ended the call before you got up and immediately started getting ready. You were so set on figuring out what the hell happened that you completely forgot about all your hesitations, you wanted to get to the bottom of this.


As soon as you walked into the building of the office you were bombarded with stares from everyone but they weren't malicious ones, they were more like ones of pity and concern. Your confusion only brewed further when a few people asked you if you were okay and told you it wasn't your fault. You managed to get through the hurdle of questions and met up with Alex who was standing in front of the meeting room. "(Name)! Glad to see you're still in one piece. God, you look terrible." He frowned, pulling you into a hug, "Tell me something I don't know. Life's just been so hectic." You smiled as you reciprocated the hug before pulling away. "Well it's about to get even more hectic, come in." He gestured, opening the door for you, as you entered your boss as well as a few other managers were seated around the table. "(Name), have a seat." You sat down into the chair next to Alex as your eyes flew to the screen. "Um, so what's going on? Why's everyone suddenly asking about my well-being?" You asked awkwardly as Alex sat down next to you. "Well, we won't waste any time then. Let's just cut to the chase." Your boss cleared his throat as he pushed the laptop that was on the table towards you, you stared curiously at the paused video that was displayed on the screen. "Play it."

You glanced at Alex who gave you a look of assurance, your hands slowly moved towards the unpause button. You could almost feel your eyes pop out of their sockets as you watched the video play out, it was a recording of when Adam had practically nearly harassed you if Micah hadn't stepped in on time. It seemed to be footage from one of the cameras that was in the office room and it had caught every single thing. After the video ended your lungs filled themselves up with air as you took in a deep breath, who could've gotten this footage? You looked at Alex who patted your back comfortingly. "Why on earth didn't you tell us that he did that to you? We could've fired him sooner." Your boss inquired. "...and plus the higher ups were kinda looking for a reason to fire him anyways." Alex cleared his throat, foreshadowing how Adam was a complete nuisance at the office either way. You rubbed your forehead in frustration as you were reminded of that day's tribulations. Honestly you were kind of glad that all of this was recorded so you could finally get Adam off your chest but there was something else bothering you. "Honestly, I didn't even think about reporting his actions. I apologize." You sighed. "Hey! it isn't even your fault why are you apologizing. If anyone should be apologizing it's that louse." Alex rolled his eyes in annoyance at the mere thought of Adam. You smiled at Alex's attitude, "But I have a question, since the footage is from CCTV cameras on our floor.. Who on earth got access to it?" You planted the question as the entire room went dead silent, looks like you struck the right chord. Alex hummed as he tried to place the pieces together, "Actually now that you mention it. No one in our department has access to the cameras except for the boss, and no one would've known about this incident other than you and Adam." You and Adam. "Wait, what did you mean?" You asked abruptly, if you were correct, Micah should've also popped up in the footage. "Umm.. You and Adam were the only one's in the recording." Alex looked at you with suspicion, he obviously knew about Micah or 'Micheal Yang' but I'm guessing he decided to leave him out on purpose otherwise things would've gotten even more messy if someone outside the company were involved. You decided to replay the recording and low and behold, he really wasn't there. The footage somehow glitched at the time micah appeared and played back to when Adam was leaving. How did you miss that? "Hah.. Leave it then, I must be losing my sanity." You sighed pushing the laptop towards your boss. "We suspect that it must've been a hacker who managed to get into our system. We're still investigating that." Your boss fixed up his glasses as he typed down something on the laptop. "Hacker huh."

"So how has Adam been dealt with?" You asked as your boss seemed to be searching for something on the laptop. "We've dealt with him accordingly, his contract was terminated and he's been blacklisted from most of our investor company's." He explained. "But we've decided not to report him to the authorities, for now." He added. Your eyebrows knitted as you folded your arms. "Why not? isn't this ample evidence to land him in jail for a couple of years?" You kept your composure as you tried to be as level headed as possible, you didn't wanna risk pissing off your boss like that. "If we did report him to the police then you would have to settle the situation in court considering Adam's persistent personality. We figured you still weren't in the right mental state for that yet." Your boss fixed his tie up as he handed you a USB. "Of course unless you want to, but it's best to leave it alone for now since we've already dealt with him." You took the USB from him as he dismissed everyone. You stood there as you clenched the USB in your fist, you finally managed to breathe after what just happened. But you were a bit skeptical on why your boss would give you a copy of the USB if just one video was on it. "What's in the USB?" You asked your boss curiously as everyone left the room. "It's a copy of the USB that was sent to us, I figured you'd need it." Your boss patted your shoulder as he exited the meeting room. There definitely was more in this USB.


a/n: HEYYAAA!!! I'm back did you miss me 😙😍😊 prolly not but issok IM BACK WITH NEW CHAPTERSS tbh im still really surprised that people are still reading thsi literal dumspter fire like 😔 yall are the real ones fr 🌹 NO BUT in all seriousness ive been pretty stoked writing these recent chapters since the story's gonna get more n more interesting as we progress 😱😱 will Micah make an appearacne soon??!!?!? KEEP READING TO FIND OUT BBG 

wc: 1714

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