⌫ : Chapter Twenty.

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You felt your stomach drop as you turned your head to the entrance and sure enough it was her. Micah was smiling as they talked, for some reason you felt weird. Almost as if you were jealous. "Yeah right, let's leave." You hid your face as you turned to Alex who just nodded. You both managed to slip out of the cafe without being seen by Micah. At least that's what you thought. "Ugh who does he think he is just waltzing around with some bitch after playing you." Alex rolled his eyes as he glared at Micah while you both walked back to the company building. "Just leave it. It's not like we were even anything serious to begin with, I'm fine anyways." You felt like a million needles were piercing your heart as you spoke, you weren't fine in fact. Alex looked at you with worry as you both rode the elevator in silence, "You know you don't have to pretend you're fine with it. You should talk to him when you're ready to, don't force yourself. I'll always be here for you." Alex wrapped his arm over your shoulder comfortingly. "Thanks Alex, for being there for me." You smiled as you hugged him back, "And for being my best friend." You added. "Ew, okay corny." You laughed as Alex cringed at your little sappy moment, "You're welcome."

You both seperated ways after reaching your respective floors. Alex was right, you weren't going to just go head first into talking to Micah while you weren't mentally ready yet. You wanted to collect your thoughts and what you wanted to even talk to him about before actually going and doing it. You decided to revise that plan you made. You walked towards your office room plopping yourself onto your chair, while you were grabbing your little journal you heard the soft jingle of the Skrunkly keychain. You smiled, tapping it gently with your finger, not before sighing to yourself. You wondered where it all went wrong and how things could've gone if you weren't such a coward. You lowered your head down onto your desk, despite everything you still had thoughts of Adam lingering in your mind. Mostly about his whereabouts and how he's doing now. It weirdly brings a smile to your face knowing that you were never going to run into him again. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on your door, it was your boss. "Hey (Name), we're going to have a welcoming dinner for Mr. Yujin after work. Wanna come?" You hesitated, if you went that meant you were going to be dangerously near Micah which you weren't ready for yet. "Yeah I'll pass, I actually have plans later, sorry." You formed a small smile as you turned down the offer. If it were for any other occasion you would've jumped at the offer, but the last thing you wanted was to be in the same room as Micah for the entire night. "It's alright, oh and the elevators have some technical issues and they randomly lose power so take the stairs when you leave." Your boss reminded you as he left your room.

You took a breath as you turned back to your table, you were about to write stuff into your journal but you couldn't take your eyes off the enormous stack of unedited papers that stared at you. You decided to leave that for later and get back to work, you still had a lot to catch up to since you had taken so many days off.


6:00 pm

It was finally the end of your shift but you stayed back a little longer to finish filing and organizing the papers up. You were so exhausted from work that you just wanted to get out of there right that second, it seemed like no one else was at the office too since everyone must've gone to the dinner party. You yawned as you pressed the button to the elevator. You were surprised to see that the elevator was coming down rather than coming up as it usually did when no one else was at the office. But low and behold, as the doors of the elevators opened Micah was standing inside of it. You both stared at each other before he broke the silence, "...(Name) are you gonna come in?" You cleared your throat. "Uh, yeah."

All thoughts of ever being tired washed away the instant you stepped foot into that lift, you never felt more awake than you were now. He was wearing glasses, something you never thought you'd see him wear but holy shit he looked good in them too. As you went to reach for the button to the lobby Micah also reached his hand out and made you both accidentally bump into each other's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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