⌫ : Chapter Seventeen.

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"Good Morning (Name)!"

"Good Morning to you too Alex." You smiled as you walked alongside him on the way to the elevator. "Rare seeing you clock in so early in the morning." You poked fun at his bedhead and his sorry excuse of a necktie. "Puh-lease! Give me a breather, besides this whole Adam thing we're still trying to figure out who the hacker was." Alex yawned as he pressed the button to your designated floors. "I can imagine, it's already been two days since I've come back and it's as busy as ever." You sighed as you fixed up your hair in the elevator's mirror. "Speaking of which, why are the employee applications still closed?" You asked, watching as Alex brushed through his hair with his fingers. "God, I wish I knew. Like I'm sick of working overtime I have a life to live and people to meet!" Alex moaned in annoyance. "Which by the way, have you decided to start seeing someone again? Or perhaps you already are." He shot you a curious glance as you froze in place. "Ahaha..! Whatever makes you think that..?" You laughed awkwardly scouring your brain for any excuse that would sound believable enough. "Well by the way you've been acting as of late, it looks like you just got dumped by someone." Alex looked at you unfazed by your attempt at trying to pretend. "You're a terrible liar you know."

"Okay well maybe I may or may not be seeing someone but we aren't even together it's just... complicated." You weren't even sure how to define what you and Micah had, because you couldn't call it a friendship because what friends kiss each other on the lips and use words of endearment. "Soo... friends with benefits?" Alex looked at you with raised brows. "What? No! I mean... honestly I don't even know." Just as Alex was about to scold you and bombard you with relationship advice, the elevator opened to your floor. "Well! looks like I have to go. I'll tell you more details later." You laughed as you waved bye to Alex who flipped you off.

You walked to your office room and plopped yourself onto your chair, looks like today was gonna be another day filled with loads of paperwork. You had to compensate for the days you had missed work by working overtime but luckily this was the last day you were working overtime which meant sweet, sweet alone time and even better, tomorrow was Saturday which marked the start of the weekend. This was finally your chance to check out the USB that your boss had given you and also do a little bit of investigation on your side, but now you had to focus on work. You weren't prepared for how long today was going to be.


Hours later and you were finally ready to clock out for today, as you walked out of your office room you nearly gasped at how late it was and you had completely forgotten about the fact that you wanted to take a quick run to buy some milk and other things. You had no time to waste. But it looked like luck wasn't on your side since the elevator randomly started having technical issues, forcing you to take the stairs down.

As you walked down the stairs you could hear faint voices of people talking, you were going to just ignore it and walk past them when suddenly one of them said something that caught your ear. "Hey, did you hear that the CEO's son finally decided to take over YJ corporations."

The CEO's son. Without a doubt you knew that was definitely Micah. You decided to wait and eavesdrop onto their conversation, as you hid behind the door of the stairwell. "Oh really? Didn't he make a huge fuss about not wanting to inherit the company so he left?" The other person scoffed as they lit up a cigarette. "Yeah, turns out he stormed out of the house because he wanted to be a 'government hacker' or something like that." The man laughed. "But in reality he left because he wanted to meet some girl. What a waste of talent."

"Hey! No smoking in work premises!" A third person appeared as the two men who were chatting fled from the scene. You almost let out a scream as you processed the information you had just taken in, Oh my GOD. So this entire time Micah had actually flown out of his state just to see you?! That in itself was already hard to believe but it was the fact that he even told you himself that he was going to inherit the business. Was this all a part of his scheme? Your mind recollected all the times that Micah had left your house with no reason whatsoever, could he have been behind this entire Adam situation? You grit your teeth as you flew down the stairs hurriedly, you had to get home and start investigating as soon as possible. 


a/n: RAHH yes ur not going crazy this chapter is just really short since its kinda a filler chapter BUT OMG... THINGS ARE FINALY STARTING TO ADD UP?? 😨😨 (also highly recomend you reread chapters 6-10,  if ur a little confused because everything from then on that has been established is going to be addressed 😝😝)

wc: 903

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