⌫ : Chapter Seven.

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"Fucking hell.. I hate this chair." You groaned as you stretched your arms and back out, it was currently 2:31 pm which meant there was about half an hour left before your shift finally ended. You looked over your monitor to see Micah, who was sound asleep on the sofa. You realized that he hasn't really had any proper sleep since he came to your house. You smiled as you walked over to him, his face was so calm and peaceful. He really looked like an angel right now, which was quite ironic considering how he calls you Angel. You decided to give him a peck on his forehead before heading outside for a cup of coffee. As you walked to the break room you noticed the building was fairly empty already, which meant there would be less of a probability of Micah being noticed. You quickly grabbed two cups of coffee, one for you and one for Micah and started walking back to the office. You sped walked, you were a little worried about leaving Micah in your office alone because anyone could just walk inside. As you reached the door of your office room you were met with a familiar face. "What are you doing outside my office, Adam." You asked so sternly it didn't even sound like a question. "Oh? What am I doing here? It's only natural that I wanna talk to my girlfriend. Is it not?" He said getting closer, but still keeping a fair distance from you. "Adam, we broke up weeks ago. Why can't you just leave me alone?" You said nervously, your hands were shaking. You were still holding the two cups of coffee which were still hot, you didn't want to accidentally spill it on him, more so yourself. "Well, I had absolutely no knowledge of our breakup because you never even talked to me about it properly. Why can't you just hear me out?" He said taking one more step towards you. "Hear you out? Are you kidding!? Adam, you cheated on me and you're asking me to hear you out?? You've got to be joking." You scoffed, you felt your legs trembling as you tried backing up slowly. "Babe come on, we both know that she was forcing herself onto me. I swear on my life! You know I wouldn't do anything like that." He laughed, as he continued to walk forward. "BULLSHIT! YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME IN MY OWN HOUSE. Do you really think I'm that stupid?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" You yelled back, your voice shaking in panic. He was pushing you back into one of the tables, giving you nowhere else to move. You set down the cups in case he decided to do something to you. "What? Baby, I never did it in your house? What are you talking about?" He chuckled as his hands held the table, trapping you. "Hah? Are you fucking gaslighting me right now? What the hell is wrong with you-" You gasped as he grabbed your face. "Oh shut up for fucks sake. You know you can't get rid of me." He whispered, his hands trailing down your neck, squeezing it lightly. "LET GO OF ME YOU MOTHER-" You screamed as you closed your eyes, tears rolling down your cheek. This was it, it was finally happening. "Let go of her, unless you wanna die. Adam."

a/n: WHO LET ADAM COOK 🔥🔥 ALSO I REALLY WANTED TO UPLOAD A CHAPTER FOR MICAHS BIRTHDAY BUT I COULDNT I HAD AN ASSIGNMENT DUE SO I DIDNT HAVE TIME FOR IT 😭😭😭 i actually wrote a little bit of it so i might upload it after i finish this book sp stay tuned 😳😳

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