⌫ : Chapter Eight.

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You opened your eyes slowly, only for them to be met with a very angry Micah. "What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend asshole?" Micah barked furiously, grabbing Adam by his shoulder pulling him away from you. If you weren't so scared right now you would have blushed when Micah called you his girlfriend but this wasn't the time for this right now. "Girlfriend? Who the hell are you- OW!" Adam yelped as Micah pulled his hair, Micah was way taller than Adam so he easily towered over him. "Yea. You heard me. Now either you tell me what you were doing to her and get the chance to have your neck snapped into two, or you get out of here and spare yourself some dignity." Micah spoke as his grip on Adam's hair tightened, earning another groan of pain from him. "OW- OW! Okay! Fine, let me go psycho!" Adam yelled as Micah let go of him. "I'm not done with you either (Name)." Was the last thing Adam said before walking away. You let out a sigh of relief as you sat on the table, your heartbeat finally slowing to a normal pace as you just breathed. You wouldn't have known what would've happened if Micah hadn't stepped in. "(Name) are you okay? He didn't do anything to you didn't he? Please tell me you're okay.." You could hear how worried Micah was as he spoke, you couldn't even look at him. You didn't even know how much of the conversation he heard and you were ashamed. "Micah.. I-I'm sorry." You stuttered as tears flowed from your eyes, wetting your cheeks completely, your makeup was probably in ruins by now. "Hey, hey.. Angel, listen to me." Micah said as he cupped your cheek in his hand. "Please don't cry, none of this is your fault, you don't have to be sorry." He whispered softly as he wiped away your tears. "I don't know what happened between you and that guy but please know that it's not your fault. That dude was an asshole anyway." He frowned as you sniffed up some snot that was dripping out of your nose as you finally looked at him. "Micah, can we go home? I want to go home." You spoke through sobs as Micah just nodded, lifting you off the table and holding your body close to him. His warmth comforted you a lot as you both walked to your office, you didn't notice that he also grabbed the coffee with him. "Here, sit down and drink this first while I pack up your stuff." He said as he handed you the now slightly warm cup. You watched Micah packing up your things, the Skrunkly keychain jingling as he moved around. You took this time to recollect your thoughts, you had to do something about Adam soon but you weren't sure how to. You knew Adam wasn't a good person years into dating him, and you had suspected him of cheating on you for a long time you just didn't break up with him. You wanted some sort of evidence to use against him before doing so because you knew how stubborn Adam was, but you weren't expecting him to go this far into hurting you for breaking up with him. You decided to stop thinking about it further as Micah called out for you. "(Name) let's go." He spoke holding his hand out for you to grab, you noticed he was facing you but his eyes were looking somewhere else. You didn't like this at all. But you didn't say anything, and just went with it. As you both walked you realized he hadn't called you any cheesy pet name which made you cringe. Micah not using pet names? Quite unusual. You both got to the car Micah offered to drive instead since you were still a bit shaken up after what happened. The whole ride was just awkward and silent, he wasn't smiling either. You've never seen this side of him before, a very serious and non smiley Micah. But you tried to ignored it, you knew you were going to be faced with tons of questions from Micah when you got home. Or that's what you thought. As soon as you got home Micah just helped you dress up and put you to bed. Absolutely zero words exchanged. "Goodnight (Name), Sweet dreams. If you need anything just call me. I'll be in my room." He muttered before he flicked the lights off and closed the door, without even letting you say anything back. You were now angry, why was he acting so distant and mad? He hasn't even called me Angel in the past hour. You wrapped yourself into your blanket huffing against your pillow in frustration. You couldn't sleep. You weren't sure if it was the coffee you drank or if it was how mad at Micah you were. You wanted to talk to him, you wanted to answer his questions, you wanted to ask him questions. You walked towards the guest room where he was and froze. You were now suddenly nervous, you didn't know what to say and what to do but you knew you had to talk to him. You knocked on the door. "Micah? Are you asleep?" You asked, but no response. You decided to knock again but a little louder this time in case he hadn't heard the first time. "Micah?!" You exclaimed a little louder but yet again no response. You opened the door slowly and let yourself in, you were met with the pale blue light of the moon and a sleeping Micah and suddenly felt deja vu. You walked towards the bed and sat next to him slowly trying not to wake him up. And you just stared at him, he was asleep but unlike how he looked at the office, his eyebrows were furrowed and his face was tense. You frowned at his expression as you thought to yourself. "I'm so sorry Micah, I really am. I really shouldn't have worried you like that." You sighed as you looked at him, "I know you're asleep right now but I really wanted to talk so I hope you don't mind." You smiled. "I don't really know how much of our conversation you heard but that guy you saw, he was my.. err.. How do I say this." You hesitated, you really didn't want to tell a sleeping Micah that Adam was your ex. You wanted to tell him when he was awake, even if it meant you would be breaking his trust. "Well I can't tell you just yet, you're gonna have to wait for the morning to come. But let's just say me and him go wayy back. But then he betrayed my trust so much that I just… couldn't anymore." You spoke. "And now he's back in my life, but I don't know what to do with him or how to deal with him." You sighed as you looked out the window, the moonlight giving the room a slight glow. "I really love you Micah. I really do and I really hope that what I tell you in the morning won't ruin our friendship forever." You smiled as you placed a kiss on his cheek before leaving the room, as you closed the door behind you, you leaned against the door of his bedroom. What the hell do I do now?

a/n: im back from the dead 🤗
HELLO EVERGONE im sorrh for disapearing again but im back to publish a few more chapters before disappearing again 😍😍 im going to be on a hiatus for some time cuz of my finals (wish me luck btw 🤞🤞) so im gonna publsih all the chapters I've currently finished so until then dont forget me 😍😍

wc: 1320

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