⌫ : Chapter Five.

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"Rise and shine, Sweetheart~" You felt the weight of your mattress shifting underneath you as a hand ran through your hair. You opened your eyes, closing them immediately at the sunlight hitting them. "Ugh, what time is it?.." You groaned as you sat up to rub your eyes. "It's just 6, so you're good." As soon as those words left his mouth, your eyes almost fell out of their sockets. "WHAT? SHIT! I have to get ready! I'm late for work!" You screamed you were about to grab your phone from your nightstand, but his hand stopped you. "Hahah~! Oh~ the look on your face is priceless! I was kidding, it's 5 o' 5, calm down." Micah's laugh bounced off the room's walls as you kicked him in the gut. "OW! Ow- Hey, what was that for?" He giggled at your sorry attempt of a kick. "That was for almost giving me a heart attack, asshole." You laughed a little. Hearing you laugh, he smiled in return. "You look so cute, Sunshine. It’s like I'm written all over your face." He lifted his hand, bringing it close to your cheek, grazing his thumb over your lips. You were reminded of what happened last night, and you flushed. It seems like he was too as he pulled his hand away in an instant. "Ahem.. I'll  get ready for work." You coughed as you got up and went to the bathroom. Closing the door behind you, you slumped against the counter of the bathroom sink as you stared at your reflection, your cheeks were flushed a light pink, lips swollen and slightly bruised, you blushed as the makeout session you had with Micah flashed in your head. Unable to get the feeling of his lips on yours. You stopped yourself from thinking about it further as you felt your systems overload. You washed your face, shuddering at the feeling of the cold water on your red-hot face. It helped you cool down. You brushed your teeth while you stared at the cup, which now had another toothbrush in it. You smiled at Micah's toothbrush, noticing the initials 'M. YJ.' engraved on its handle.

It must've been a gift.


5:30 am.

You walked into the kitchen seeing Micah sat at the counter, sipping on coffee while sketching something out on his iPad. "What are you drawing?" You asked as you poured a cup of coffee for yourself. "Nothing much, just some sketches of Skrunk. Wanna see?" He smiled as you set down your mug. It had a picture of the Roblox man face on it. "And you called me the cringey one." He laughed as you sat in the chair next to him. "Oh shut up, will you- Ooh! Are these new chat stickers for Skrunk? They're adorable!" You exclaimed, staring down at the pixelated cat on the screen. "They're not as adorable as you though…" Micah mumbled. You didn't quite catch what he said, so it sounded like a bunch of nothing. "What?.." You turned to face him but froze instantly as you realized your faces were inches from touching. You stared at his eyes for a few seconds before pulling your face away. "Oh.. um. I guess I should get going now." You blushed, grabbing your keys. You turned around, walking up to the door. "Well, erm- just remember the spare keys in the guestroom drawer. Goodbye, Micah." You said as you focused your eyes on him, whose eyes were still fixed on you. "Goodbye, Angel, have fun." He said, averting his eyes from you, covering his face with his free hand. You smiled, closing the front door. As you walked to your car, you paused in front of the door of the driver's seat. Your hand grasping the handle firmly.

 "Hey, Micah! Do you wanna come to work with me?.." 



You were currently sitting in your car with Micah in your passenger seat. You felt bad for leaving him alone at home, so you took your last few working brain cells and asked him to come with you on impulse. You seem to be regretting everything now. Micah sat quietly, fiddling with the strings of the black hoodie he threw on himself as you barged through the front door of your house. It was awkward. The atmosphere in the car was so awkwardly suffocating that you wanted to jump out of your car this instant. You turned on the radio to help ease the quiet in the car. "And now, a romantic classic! This is Careless Whisper by George Michael brought to you by ABC Radio!" Oh god. Out of all the songs, they decided to play this song on the radio...
The sound of the saxophone blasting from the speakers of the radio filled up the empty silence of the car. You took an awkward glance at Micah, whose head was now turned towards the window. It didn't take a genius to figure that he was blushing. The tips of his ears were flushed rosy red, his hand over his mouth as he leaned against the window. You giggled a little to yourself at the sight of a flustered Micah Yujin. You couldn't deny he looked adorable, a sight for sore eyes. You hummed to the beat of the saxophone, keeping your eyes still on the road, but you could feel a certain someone's eyes on you. As the song was getting close to its climax, you cleared your throat, preparing your vocal cords for the incoming strain. "TONIGHT THE MUSIC SEEMS SO LOUD, I WISH THAT WE COULD LOSE THIS CROWD. MAYBE IT'S BETTER THIS WAY~ WE'D HURT EACH OTHER WITH THE THINGS WE'D  WANT TO SAY!" You sang your heart out as the lyrics you were singing flowed out of your mouth one after the other. You took a glance at Micah, who went from being flustered and embarrassed to full-on grinning from ear to ear. You saw something poking the corner of your eye. You looked down curiously. You stopped singing at once, your eyes shot wide open as you realized he had been recording you the whole time. "You bitch!" You gasped as he put down his phone laughing heartily. "Hey, eyes on the road Sweetheart, you might crash." He smirked as your gaze immediately flew to the road ahead of you. "I'm kicking you out of my house when we get back." You huffed, your cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. "Oh noo~! Don't throw me to the streets!" He whined trying to contain his laughter, he sounded so giddy you knew he was probably smiling with his teeth right now. The song had already ended by the time you realized it did. You continued to chat with him as you drove. "You know what Angel? I think I deserve a full cover of Careless Whisper from you don't ya think?" He winked at you. "Maybe if you begged down on your knees I would consider it." You laughed hearing him gasp. "Oh fuck you! Cocky bastard." He sulked folding his arms over each other as he turned his head away from you. You smiled as you continued to drive in peaceful silence.

Maybe all you wanted was a careless whisper away.

a/n: HEY THERE BBGS 💋💋 im bck again with a new chapter sorry for such a late post ive been busy!! Im trying to get at least 2 chps every week so bear with me 😭😭

wc: 1251

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