⌫ : Chapter Nineteen.

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You were currently standing in front of the elevator of your company's lobby, you were contemplating the plan that you had prepared 2 days ago. The thing was that right after you had spent that entire Saturday brainstorming ideas your department's group chat blew up with messages saying that the new CEO was showing up on Monday. Meaning, Micah's coming today. "God what am I doing?" You whispered to yourself as you slammed your head into your palms. "Yeah what on god's green earth are you doing?" You nearly screamed as Alex walked up to the elevator you were currently hogging with all your fretting. "Does it kill to not scare me first thing in the morning?" You sighed out as Alex pressed the button to call the elevator giving you a look. "Jeez, what's gotten into you? I barely even did anything to you. Are you on your period or something? Why were you just standing in front of the lift?" He scoffed watching you roll your eyes at him, "Firstly no. And I'm perfectly fine whatever are you talking about." Lies.
Alex looked at you dumbfoundedly, it was obvious he didn't buy your half assed lie. "Yeah I'm not buying it, spill." He folded his arms glaring at you and your petty excuse of a lie. "Alright, fine. You've read the group message right." You sighed, frankly this was the last thing you wanted to talk about but you had no choice. "Yeah, new CEO blah blah blah. Are you seriously worried about that?" You could almost hear his upcoming lecture ringing in your ears. "Yes but no, okay see. Promise me you're not gonna freak out when we run into him." You sighed running a hand through your hair, you were anticipating this moment for a while because Alex still thinks Micah is 'Michael Yang' so once he sees that the Michael Yang from the elevator is actually the CEO of the company he's gonna flip. "And why would I do that? You look like you're the one that's gonna flip." You were about to retaliate but the elevator doors finally opened, "It'll be fine don't worry. It's not like we have Adam around anymore." Alex smiled reassuringly as you both entered the lift. You returned the smile as Alex pressed the button to the respective floor. "Do you think he's gonna be hot?" He giggled as he nudged your shoulder, you felt like you were swallowing rocks as you laughed awkwardly. "Ahahah.. Did you not watch the news?"
"Girl, you know I hate watching the news. I prefer reading. Sometimes I wonder if you even know me." Alex pretended to wipe away a tear, but you were honestly about to jump out of this elevator. You knew he never watched the news which made this even worse for you. "Brace yourself Alex." You huffed out a sigh of defeat as the doors opened to the designated floor. Alex looked at you in confusion "....WHY?"
You could hear the sounds of your coworkers talking as you both walked into the main room. "You'll see." The second you both ran into the crowd you could practically see Alex's eyes pop out of their sockets. There he was, in all his glory. Micah fucking Yujin. "Oh my god. (Name) is that.. MICHAEL YANG?!" Alex turned to you as he whisper screamed in order not to attract any attention from your colleagues. "Yeah." You laughed nervously as you averted your gaze away from Alex, his jaw practically on the floor as he continued to stare at Micah who was conversing with the others. "Oh you have a lot of explaining to do after this." Alex whispered to you as you finally looked in Micah's direction just to find Micah looking right back at you. Your eyes widened in surprise as your cheeks flushed, he smiled as he started making his way over to you and Alex. "God please don't tell me he's coming over here-"
"Hello there! Alex was it? I'm Micah. Pleased to meet you again but as my actual self and not 'Michael Yang'." He chuckled, reaching out his hand for Alex to grab, and god damn it he looked so handsome. He was wearing a white button up shirt with a purple tie, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his hair was styled into twists. "Oh, Ahaha! Michael- I mean. Micah, yes! Nice to meet you." Alex stuttered and fumbled with his hands frantically before reciprocating Micah's handshake. "And greetings to you too, Mrs. (Last Name)." Micah smiled as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, greetings Mr. Yujin." You gulped down whatever the hell was making you feel the way you were feeling right now, Micah chucked softly as he patted your shoulder before going back to talking to the others. And holy shit you could feel your heart pounding. Was it from the rage you felt seeing how easily he could just talk to you without even hesitating or from the lingering feelings that brewed deep down inside? "What the hell was that. I felt like I was watching a scene from some cheesy K-drama." Alex grimaced as he looked at Micah laughing with the higher ups. "I wish I knew."
Alex looked back at you before letting out a sigh. "Anyways I've got to get to work, let's talk during lunch. And you better tell me everything. No beating around the bush." You smiled rolling your eyes as you both waved each other goodbye. You still had that plan to execute later, but for now it was time to work.
"Yeah and that's basically the gist of it." You could feel Alex burning holes into your head as you sipped onto the coffee you ordered. It was currently your lunch break and you and Alex were seated in a cafe near your company, one that had many of your colleagues as regulars. You had explained the whole situation from the moment you met him till now. Alex sighed, rubbing his forehead. "So you're telling me you knew he was gonna be the next CEO and that you guys are basically fuck buddies." He looked at you like he was about to jump you right this second. "Well, technically I didn't know until he came to the office that day as Michael Yang and what we had wasn't really sex and I wouldn't really say we're fuck buddies but I mean still. Why would he suddenly do that then leave me the next morning like?" You ranted blowing off some steam, this whole thing was already frustrating as it is and you weren't even sure how to define your relationship with him. "Girl.. You both like each other, went on a date, had sex and he even basically confessed his feelings for you and you're telling me you don't know what relationship you have with him?" Alex folded his arms as he leaned back into the seat. "I meannn.."
"Please don't even- I do not want to hear it." Alex nearly threw his sandwich at you if you dared to even speak another word. Honestly he was kind of right, we practically have done everything that lovers do yet we weren't even anything official. "Honestly I don't understand though, why was he even trying to take care of Adam without your knowledge. Are you really sure he doesn't know about you and Adam?" Alex asked, taking bites out of his sandwich. "How would he come to know?" You sighed fiddling with the straw of your drink. "Didn't you say he was with the girl that motherfucker cheated on you with? Couldn't she have told him that you were his ex?" You actually didn't think of that as an option. "Hm.. Highly likely, I actually haven't met her other than when I caught him cheating at my house but she's actually never seen me cause when I found him she was in the shower." Alex giggled as he recalled that moment. "Oh right, how could I forget. I remember that as clear as day."
You pondered whether there could be other instances where he could've figured it out somehow, but your thoughts were quickly cut short when Alex's eyes widened. "Holy shit wait he's coming to the cafe." You practically jumped out of your seat as you heard him say that. "What!? Oh my god what do I do." Alex squinted as he noticed someone else with him. "Wait.. Isn't that the girl?"

a/n: I had so much fun writing these chapters omg I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am 😍😚 honestly kinda wish I didn't forget to upload since I ended this chapter with a cliff hanger yes I'm evil I love cliffhangers mwahahah 🤑 anyways

wc: 1476

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