⌫ : Chapter Fourteen.

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TW: Small mention of blood/bleeding towards the end.

Saturday 2:04 pm

Somehow a whole week had already gone by since Micah left and you were just lying down in your bed. Because you were so busy with work you didn't even have the time to be sad or mope around about Micah leaving, but one thing that was bugging you was the fact that Micah wasn't answering any of your calls not messages and also the fact that you still hadn'tasked him about where he went that day, I mean honestly speaking you only called him a grand total of 15 times in those 7 days that passed by but it was for a good reason and that reason being he was probably busy. But other possibilities also flooded your mind, but you decided not to overthink about it. You had other things to worry about and by that Adam was coming over to pick up the things he left while you both were still dating, *Ding Dong* and speak of the devil. You mustered up the energy to get up and open your door as you came face to face with Adam. "Damn you look miserable. You look like you haven't slept in days." He chuckled as he looked at your face, you probably had the worst eye bags and bed hair right now but you couldn't even bring yourself up to do anything anymore. It was almost as if Micah was the only thing that was keeping you going. "Just get in, take your things and go, I don't have the time for this." You rolled your eyes as Adam walked into your house. "Alright! I'm just gonna take my things chill." 

Adam surprisingly walked directly towards the guest room where all the boxes of his things were kept and was about to carry them when he noticed the room seemed...Weirdly as if someone had been living here. I mean obviously he 'knew' that Micah was in your house but the room was completely empty of any sort of belongings, and the thoughts started flooding Adam's head. "What are you doing?" You interrupted his train of thought as you stood against the frame of the door as you stared at Adam who was still knelt down onto the floor, "Holy shit, you scared me." He sighed out as he stood up with the boxes. "Isn't this the time where you're gonna ask me if I need any help?" He grinned tauntingly. "Shut the hell up and just get out." You rolled your eyes at his remark. 

Adam was still stuck onto the idea that was planted into his head right now and he wanted to confirm it. "Hey (Name), isn't it a bit cruel that you're sending me away without even offering me at least one drink?" He asked innocently as you both walked out into the living room. "God, if you're trying to make me mad on purpose  congrats because it really is working." You glared at him as he just shrugged simply, "Look, I'm being serious okay! Just a glass of water will do." You hesitated, blankly staring at him for a few minutes before reluctantly agreeing to give him a glass of water, as you opened the cabinet to grab a glass, Adam's eyes immediately fell onto the pair of matching mugs Micah had gotten you both and that was all he needed to see to confirm his suspicions. "(Name), did that guy really dump you?" You paused, setting down the jug of water. For some reason his words caught you off guard because, well he wasn't exactly correct because again you both weren't even dating but hearing him say that kinda hit you hard. You recalled the events that led up to the day Micah left and all those loose promises you made to each other that were never fulfilled. "I suggest you mind your own business rather than digging your nose into every single one of my problems Adam." You countered, handing him the glass of water. "You know he could be cheating on you." He stated as he downed the water in one sip. You couldn't help but laugh at his comment, "And who are you to be telling me these things now?" You uttered in disbelief. Adam rolled his eyes and said something that stuck to you like glue. "I know I'm not exactly the best person to be saying that but let's be real (Name), why would he suddenly leave your house, not reply to any of your calls, and if I were to make a wild guess. You guys probably fucked right before he left too." He sneered, placing the empty glass onto your countertop just at the edge, "I mean, again I'm just simply assuming." His finger slowly pushing the empty glass off the edge of the countertop. CRASH. The glass dropped to the ground and shattered into tiny pieces. "So just think about it won't you? You're a smart girl, right?" He snorted before finally leaving your house, once again leaving you alone I guess Adam leaving me has become a routine habit of his. You were stumped, he actually managed to stump you with his words and you couldn't even process anything. You stared at the broken shards of glass on the floor and sighed to yourself you were so... stuck? Or at least that's what you thought you were feeling, really you had no idea what you were feeling but it felt like you were hit with a truck except the truck was one made of doubt and confusion. For some reason Adam telling you that Micah could be seeing other people was hitting you hard, your ex who was a cheater, telling you that someone whom you didn't even have a defined relationship with was cheating on you. That's hilarious... what were you even doing, why were you even getting sad? You kept reminding yourself of the same things over and over again and yet you felt somewhat hurt. Sure you were keeping a huge secret hidden from him but him leaving like that and not contacting you back was kinda taking its toll on you. You sighed, shaking yourself out of the sad and depressing thoughts. You were determined to not let it faze you, Micah had his own life and you had yours and you had no right to be sad about the choices he makes in his. You decided to wash your face and be productive when you felt a sharp jarring pain on the heel of your foot, as you drew your foot back blood started to drip from your foot onto the floor. You had completely forgotten about the glass and stepped on it, "Fucking hell." you muttered to yourself. 

Were you really holding up as well as you thought? Maybe you just felt like the glass shards that decorated your floor, fragile, small and jagged.

a/n: OOOOUUUHHH I wanna punch adam in the face 😡😡 (love how im saying that when Im the one who literally made him an asshole)
ANYWHOOO!! Will Micah ever respond to our desperate messages and calls?? Will he continue to ignore us?? IS HE EVER GONNA COME BACK WITH THE MILK??

wc: 1221

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