⌫ : Chapter Ten.

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It was already the next morning when you woke up and Micah was still sleeping like a baby in your lap, you picked up your phone from your nightstand to check the time. It was the weekend which meant you didn't have to work today. "Good morning Micah." You yawned as you felt Micah shifting under you, rubbing his eyes as he looked up at you. As his vision started to clear up he blinked and smiled. "Hey there beautiful, good morning." Micah smiled as he hugged you warmly, it seems like he was finally better since he wasn't calling you by your name anymore. It was really weird, shamelessly enough you actually liked it when Micah would call you all those cheesy pet names. "Since it's the weekend do you wanna go out somewhere? We didn't really get the time to hang out anywhere since I had work." You spoke as you played with Micah's cheeks, why was his skin so perfect?? "Ooh!~ Are you asking me on a date?" He smirked as you blushed slightly at what he said. "Maybe... If that's what asking someone on a date means to you." You laughed as Micah sat up. "Where should we go? I don't really wanna go anywhere fancy. There's no fun in luxury meals." He spoke, pulling you onto his lap to play with your hair. "I agree. What aboutttt... hmm... OH! What do you think about going to the arcade?" You exclaimed, you figured it would be the perfect place to go since you both shared a love of gaming. "Oh! Good choice. I'm so excited!" Micah said as he let go of you slowly before getting off of the bed. "Soo... It's a date then?" You spoke as you looked up at Micah who blushed, it was quite funny considering how much of a flirt he could be but blush at the thought of going on a date. "Hm! Maybe- Well- I- UGH! Just get ready." He stuttered as he ran out of your room, and you just laughed. You were going on a date with Micah, how exciting.
You were currently searching through your closet for something decent but not too over the top to wear, you weren't going anywhere fancy so you didn't want to be overdressed. You decided to wear something comfy but cute. You checked yourself out in the mirror one last time before heading out to meet with Micah in the living room and you felt your heart beating in your chest. Micah was sitting on the couch wearing baggy black cargo pants with a black tank top that hugged his muscled torso so perfectly that you could easily see the outlines of his abs through the fabric. On top of that he was wearing a black jacket. Quite a shame he was hiding his arms too. "Hey there Sunshine, this is the second time that you're gawking at me with those eyes of yours." Micah laughed at how you were staring at him like a wolf about to attack its prey. "OH! I'm sorry..." You laughed nervously as you screamed internally. You didn't know you were that obvious when checking someone out. I should really work on my checking someone out skills. "No it's alright! Honestly, it was quite cute seeing you all wide-eyed and flustered." He smiled as he got up to grab you by the waist. "Plus if I'm being completely honest, I was checking you out too." He said, you blushed as his face started to inch closer to you. You closed your eyes as his face got closer, "Oh uh... Let's stop. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." Was all he said before pulling himself away from you, your eyes shot open as he let go of his hold on your waist. What. Um?? WHAT??? What the hell was that? Did he just... "We should get going before the arcade starts filling up. It's Saturday after all. I'm gonna head to the car, you can... um put on your shoes." He cleared his throat as he walked out the front door leaving you dumbfounded. As you put on your shoes you couldn't help but replay what just happened in your head, did you really think he was about to kiss you just now?? That was embarrassing. But then again a part of you was mad at him for leading you on like that. Like?? Come on! We were about to kiss! You blushed as you walked out the door, closing it behind you before walking towards your car where Micah already was. He was sitting in the driver's seat, so you decided to sit in the passenger seat. "Hey there Angel, let me drive today. Courtesy of you taking me out on this date." He smiled as you handed him the keys. "I didn't know you could actually drive, I thought you turned down my offer of using my car because you couldn't." You teased as Micah started up the engine. "Oh please, I know how to drive." He scoffed as he started to drive, "So where do you wanna go first? Should we get breakfast first or do you wanna head straight to the arcade?" Micah asked as he looked at you momentarily before looking back at the road in front of him. "Hmm we should eat first, I'm quite hungry since I didn't eat anything for dinner." You replied as Micah just nodded, it made you wonder whether he ate anything yesterday since he was out all day. You had to ask him where he was and what he was doing yesterday. But you just had to wait for the perfect time to ask.

a/n: YAAAALLLLL im sorry that we arent progressing through the love story part as much but pls bear with me im trying to not make tjis shit slow burn because ion wanna drag it on for centuries but progress?? 👀👀

wc: 992

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