⌫ : Chapter Thirteen

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Sunday, 10:24 am.

Usually, you never woke up early on weekends but yesterday just felt so surreal, like it never even happened and it was just your mind playing tricks on you and it was all just a figment of your imagination. You would've never thought that you were able to share such a romantic moment with Micah. You blushed every time you even thought about it, memories of last night just replaying themselves in your head over and over again. You rubbed your eyes as you sat up, once you finally had the strength to open your eyes, you found yourself staring down into an empty bed. He must've woken up already. As you got up you could feel your back aching from how much you arched it yesterday, you stretched your body a little before you head out. As you got closer to the living room you could hear Micah's voice and also the smell of delicious breakfast, but you abruptly stopped in your tracks as Micah's voice became more audible to you. You could hear Micah faintly arguing with someone over the phone before ending the call and throwing his phone away, and he looked pissed. "Hey.. Morning." You smiled nervously as you mustered up the courage to walk into the kitchen after what you just witnessed, to which Micah immediately changed expressions on seeing you. "Oh! Ahem.. Good morning Angel, I made breakfast." He smiled softly, you sat in front of him and started to eat but he wouldn't make eye contact with you, at all.

Strange, he would've made some cheesy remarks about what happened last night by now, but he was completely silent. You ate quietly as Micah fiddled with the food on his plate, you could obviously tell something about that phone call earlier was the root of how he was acting right now but you didn't wanna press on it. Awkward silence filled the room before Micah broke it as he caved in, "(Name), I have to go back to my hometown." He muttered as he finally made eye contact with you. You paused your chewing as you looked up at him, "..What? but, Why?" You asked frantically, hoping he was joking but he looked dead serious. "Are you going to come back?..." You asked hesitantly.

"...I... I don't know." He sighed as he broke eye contact, unable to look you in the face. There was a brief moment of silence, "...Alright then, when are you leaving?" You questioned softly, for some reason it was getting harder to breathe, you could almost feel the atmosphere tightening up around you with each breath you took. "In a few minutes, I already packed my things up.. You don't need to worry about helping me." He answered. For some reason you were weirdly quiet about this. You weren't asking him why he was leaving nor did you beg him not to go, and it was weird. I mean, it's not like you were breaking up with him but the thought of not being able to see him again hurt. You wanted to cry but something was stopping you from it, like you had nothing to even cry out. "Okay." You smiled awkwardly as you continued eating, the suffocating silence drowning out your thoughts.


"Well, I'll... be off now." Micah sighed as he picked up all his belongings, "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport? I told you I don't mind." You asked, at this point you were practically just looking for chances where you could spend more time with him but you knew you couldn't. "No it's alright, you should stay home and rest." He spoke calmly as he stepped outside the door. "..Will you keep in contact?" You added abruptly as your hand gripped the door knob, Micah sighed as he noticed your hand trembling. "I will, don't worry I'm not dying you know." He chuckled as he held your hand in his. You could feel your eyes water as you held Micah's hand. Micah's heart ached as he pulled you into a hug, he couldn't stand seeing you frown but he knew he couldn't do anything to stay. "Please don't cry, I don't know when or if I'm coming back but please don't be sad." He smiled warmly as he brushed away the tears that pooled under your eyes, why you were crying was a mystery to you. You both weren't even anything more than friends and yet you were here bawling your eyes out like you had just gotten dumped, you breathed in as you collected yourself. "I guess this is goodbye, I wasn't expecting you to leave so suddenly." You sniffed, pulling away from Micah who frowned. "Hey, you're making me feel guilty for something I can't control." He joked, but you couldn't even smile. "I know." You replied softly. There was a brief moment of silence till it was broken by Micah getting another call, presumably from the same person earlier, he rolled his eyes before declining the call. "Well I have to go now.. I'm really sorry (Name)." Micah frowned again as he placed his phone away, "It's alright you should go now." you smiled bitterly as Micah planted a small peck on your cheek. "Just call me when you need me okay? I'll be sure to pick it up." He smiled as you just nodded in response, Micah looked back at you once more before he walked away. You closed your front door as you let out a big sigh, you felt like you were holding your breath the entire time.

Gosh, pull yourself together (Name).


3 days have already passed since Micah left your house. Yeah Micah was gone so what? Things just went back to the way things were... right? Wrong. You couldn't have been more doubtful of yourself than before, in fact those 3 days were absolute hell. Every time you'd look around your house you would still find small traces of Micah ridden all over the place, from the small little things he forgot to take before he went back to the many gifts he had gotten you. You could barely even focus on eating your breakfast in peace anymore as the Special Edition Miku Figurine would be staring right at you, reminding you of the feelings for him that continued to pile up like dust in your mind. You sighed as you slumped into your office chair, you didn't even have the time to contact or call Micah these days because of how much work was interfering with it. Each time you thought you even had an ounce of freetime you were just piled up with even more work, you weren't even sure why because it's not like YJ corp. was lacking employees but for some reason the higher ups decided to close new employee applications for the time being; reason? No idea. It was already late in the evening so you decided to take a small coffee break and call Micah. You walked to the break room to make yourself some coffee and decided to ring Micah in the meanwhile, as you ran the coffee machine you could hear someone else enter the room and boy were you not happy with who it was. "Well look who it is, isn't it my favorite ex." Adam snickered as he walked up to one of the coffee machines, deciding that somehow the best one was the one right next to the one you were using. You rolled your eyes as you just continued to make your coffee, "What now Adam." Adam's gaze flew towards your phone that was still ringing Micah and sneered. "Awh, is your boyfriend not picking up your calls? Maybe he's already found someone new." He laughed mockingly, the urge to punch this motherfucker in his face was growing day by day but you had to keep yourself civil lest you wanted to lose your job. "God, are you not good at anything but being an asshole? Can't you just mind your own business?" You huffed trying to keep your cool, your phone was still ringing and your coffee was still brewing but you just wanted to bolt out of there. "Hey, am I not allowed to have small talk with my fellow coworker?" He scoffed as he made himself coffee "I'm just joking around, I didn't think you would get so worked up about it."

You grit your teeth, you just wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face but you were interrupted by your coffee being done, leaving Micah answering your call pending but you had your coffee, just as you were about to leave Adam stopped you. "By the way, I wanted to ask you if you still had my stuff at your place. If you did then I could come over tomorrow to pick them up." He spoke, for some reason that slightly startled you because he said something that wasn't out of line for once. "Uh.. You're asking me this only now?" You scoffed. "But yeah I put them all into boxes, but I won't be free tomorrow so you can pick them up on Friday." You added as you stared down at your phone which was still ringing. "Fine by me but it looks like that boyfriend of yours isn't gonna pick up your call anytime sooner." He smirked as your call went to voicemail, fuck. "See you on Friday then sweet-cheeks." He laughed before leaving the room and leaving you alone. You breathed in as you switched off your phone and put it into your pocket as you took a sip of your coffee, almost spitting it out. Ugh, why's it so bitter?? But was it really the coffee, or was it the bitter feeling that interaction with Adam left you with? You and Micah weren't even dating yet somehow Adam's words managed to get through you, you just brushed them aside maybe he was just busy. I shouldn't disturb him. You sighed as you slumped to the ground, "What am I doing."


a/n: WOOHHA we're getting to the juicy part pookies 🤭🤭 ALSO love to know how ur enjoying this book so far (again, i'd LOVE some constructive criticism ‼😍) so lemme know in the comments :33 ALSO trying to upload weekly yk but like with life going on idk how long the weekly uploads are gonna stay consistent but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

wc: 1749

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