what happend last time

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I get dressed in the bathroom and walk out trying not to act all baffled by what I saw I mean he had an abs and muscles for days.

He's just dressed in sum sweatpants and socks but still shirtless and his sweats were almost lower than the towel and not to mention this man was wearing grey sweats. I ignored all thoughts and grabbed my phone and charger and went downstairs to the couch.

I layer down on the couch there was a blanket sitting there so I used that and as soon I got comfortable nate turned on the light came over to me and picked me up bridel style "put me down you dangly armed giant" I whisper screamed the first thing I thought of and he just laughed and carried me up the stairs as I kept smacking him and whisper yelling all sorts of insults a him we get to his room and he drops me on the bed .

"You sleep in my bed got it" he says while pointing his finger at me like he's disciplining a 5 year old "get that finger out of my face before I bite it off and give it to you as a birthday present " I threaten he snatches it away and we both start laughing he gets in bed and gets comfortable while I stay on the edge of the bed far away from him. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me to his bare chest I felt his abs.

Ok maybe he's not as much as a monster that he leads on, he's been over all ok he hasn't threaten to kill me yet so that's good right?

*The next morning*

I wake up to the beams of the light shining through the window and I try to get up but a heavy arm is on my waist a look over a see nate lying sleeping peacefully.

I try to get up to go to the bathroom and hear him groan "where do you think your going" he says in mumbles "even when your first wake up your sassy anyway I need to go to the bathroom" I tell him " Ugh fine go" he says burying his head into pillows" I get up and go to the bathroom and come back to him fully awake sitting up on the headboard typing rapidly.

I go and grab my phone and sit on the bed I got A few messages from my family asking how I am I start texting  them back and make sure they know I'm fine while I'm texting nate gets up and goes to his closet and he comes out wearing a white botten up shirt and some black pants he grabs his gun and his knife "I got to go" he says Coldly and without another word he walks out the room, mk well that was weird.

I lay in bed trying to fall back asleep but I can't so I go down to see a maid cooking and Lori, lola and Kristen in the kitchen talking about something "hey hey" I say " hi hun how did you sleep" she ask clearly knowing something "fine" I say "just wishing I could go back to sleep" I say stretching "well Vivian is making breakfast and be done in a few so we can eat together" Lori says.

"alright nice so what were you guys talking about". "Oh nothing" Lori says clearly lying " were talking about you and our knuckle head older brother" lola say excitedly "Wait to go lola" Lori says" why would yall be talking about me and nate"i ask clearly confused "no reason" she says using her best poker face while giving her sister the shut the fuck up look.

"You got a good poker face Lori but I can read you like a book were yall spying on me and nate last night by any chance?" I ask "she caught you both" Kristen says with a smirk on her face "so yall were snooping" I say "yep" lola says proudly "Wait to expose us mom" Lori says " you act like she didn't know it was obvious." She says taking a sip of her coffee.

we all sit down at the table as the maid brought the food they're was bacon, eggs, toast, fruit, pancakes, waffles, apple juice, orange juice I mean we had a chef and maid but I rarely ate breakfast so this is unusual for me we ate and talked and talked some more.

And we started joking around and talking and then nate comes in with blood splattered all on his shirt and knickles bruised i figured he had beaten someone to pulp and or then shot them.

We just got back to our conversation, and a someone knocked on the door and Lori went to open it and a very handsome guy walked in and we immediately locked eyes and he said " who's the beautiful lady sitting here" and on cue nate walked in and said "my soon to be wife" he said and a cold and deep voice and overprotectivly  "alright relax cuz" the guy says, well that explains the similarities both tall the guy was around 6'1 6'2 and nate was 6'3 and the guy had muscle but nate was buffer and they had the same nose but the guy had had dark blue eyes and brown hair.

While I was busy watching the guys a girl around 5'5 brown hair hazel eyes and she had a tank top and jeans with some sandels on came over to nate and smacked him on his head " play nice you both not going to destroy this house again" she says pointing her pointer finger at nate and staring at the other guy "what happened last time" I whisper ask Lori "We'll tell you once nate leaves" she says whispering back.

The girl says " I feel terribly sorry you have to marry my asshole of a cousin" she says "and im christina and this is damon" she says Kristen goes up and hugs them both "sit down" Kristen says to damon and Christina they sit down and start talking nates giving damon his nasty side eye and me and the twins start snickering.

Nate goes disappearing to his office "hey where is angelo I haven't seen him I a long while?" I ask " he left really early and helped nate with whatever he did and he might be cleaning up nates mess" Lori answers " alright he gone let's tell you what happend" lola says "wait let's go upstairs" Lori says "alright" I say going upstairs "so what happend" I ask walking into Lori's room.

"So baically they got into a argument over some girl that was playing them both and they got into a fight and let's just say nate punch around 10 holes in the wall and a glass table was shattered chairs were broken n let's say we bought alot of new furniture and nate had a few bruises but damon ended with a few more alot bigger." She explained" so who won" I asked " we haven't discussed with them or anyone else but we think nate won" lola says "no nate won there's no think in it" Lori says

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