the overview

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After a month i start to get over my emotions I talk to my siblings and mom everyday and occasionally say hi to my dad I've been working out and training more often and it's been helping alot. But I'm stuck with the same schedule wake up, workout, eat, sleep repeat its gotten old.

I've been hanging out with the girls more and they've helped a lot as well and the guys are hilarious I've been getting to really know everbody and they're favorite things. Me and lola both love volleyball and Lori likes basketball as well so we've been playing sports. It's been an enjoyable month really.

Nate he's so moody like he'll be somewhat nice then a total asshole like he's been a closer with me and protective but we get into petty arguments and wont talk for a few days or keep our conversations really dry.

He gives me looks sometimes and some of them are actually unreadable like I can see anger but a bit of softness it's confusing.

I mean I know guys are confusing and difficult but he has actual mood swings.

But I have been trying avoiding him lately and trying not to talk to him very much so I learned a bit of his schedule so i know where not to go and where to go at certain days at certain times, just cause he's so problematic and a bitch.

I've really been with the twins most of the time and we're all really good friends and I've gotten closer with angelo too he's sorta a copy of nate but less bitchy and moody more funny and he has his times where he is nonchalant but it seems that he has an act when nate comes around because he starts acting kinda like him when he's around.

But angelo is a sweet kid under all of that and I believe that nate is too under all of that thick Armour he refuses to remove.

I may have a slight little crush on nate when he does certain things but he's just been so cold not just to me but to his family too.

But what I learned about the family is that Christina was a cheerleader in high school she went to all years of high school and a year in middle school and she was home school until then and started working in the mafia when she was 16 when she found out. Damon, angelo, and nate went all years if middle school and high school nate and damon were on the football team and angelo did basketball while at 14 nate started working in the mafia and angelo did when he was 15 he used to be the hacker now he's nates right hand and basically cleans up all nates messes.

And the twins started at 16 because in certain mafia families that's the appropriate age but my brothers started at 14 and me and my sister started at 15.

Apparently Chrisina and Damon's parents used to live here but moved to New York as well to work together and watch the warehouse there and also used toive here but they all moved out when nates dad was assassinated to handle some of his unfinished business then nate finished the rest of it. They could be moving back to so more people I dont know and haven't met yay.

Before Kristen got married to nates dad (mason) Christina and damon lived normal lives and everthing but they didn't know their parents were in the mafia.

Also damon and Christina are on Kristen's side of the family and made that very clear they were pretty closed off about nates fathers side so I'm guessing they don't get along very well and i take thats partly because of aaron.

The twins asks about my siblings damon and renae had me be their messenger aswell and Adrian, Christina, brenden, and lola it was soooo gross.

Damon and renae were the absolute worse I ended giving them both each other's numbers because I did not wanna here them flirting especially through me.

And I made them all exchange numbers because my brothers wanted to keep asking me about Christina and lola.

And I noticed that Christina is like the mom of the groups sometimes like the responsible one most of the time i think that's why she always with my mon and Kristen, especially when it comes to the boys.


Dante has been around alot more I have no idea why so many people are coming here now.

But luckily I don't have to help with Lori and Dante. Lori refuses to admit she likes him, and it's obvious and they flirt to so I know she must really like him because she is not the flirtatious type he's a good guy so I'm not mad and he asks me and lola about her all the time so she has him wrapped around her finger and doesn't even know it.

I'm literally the vent because everbody what's to talk to me about crushes whether it my siblings or friends.

It kinda bothers me a little bit because everbody that isn't in a whole ass arranged marriage is happy as fuck and the dude I'm supposed to fucking marry I have barely said a word to me in the last fucking month unless its rude as hell and it's a little confusing and upsetting and really who can I talk to cause I'd be talking about somebody to their face.

But I plan on speaking to mom because she like the only one and I talk to her about my emotions because she understands and the other person is angelo but he might not really understand it because he's not a girl to understand it from another perspective especially my perspective.

If Nate wasn't always rude and an asshole than he would be like perfect.

Mine and nates birthday have already passed but nate didn't celebrate his he treated it like any other day while I on the other hand went home and got gifts from my family and his, but we don't have big celebrations or anything my dad swears it makes us soft.

So that means in a few weeks we have to start planing for the wedding we have shopping, planning and rehearsals to do. It's alot for a wedding especially when the bride and groom don't quite like each other.

1067 words this is just a review of the past Month in talias life also sorry i didnt make a chapter covering talias and nates birthdays i honestly didn't feel like doing that and I also forgot but lemme know what you think.

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