today was a good day

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"Lia" i hear a voice say lightly shaking me "never call me that again" I say not even opening my eyes "mhm well I like it, so its staying" I can tell by the cockiness in his voice it's definitely nate, I groan and turn to him he looks down at me and slightly smiles.

"Good morning" he says cupping my face "morning" I mumble "what time is it" I ask "it's time for breakfast, c'mon" he motions for me to follow him, I get up and following him to the dinning room where Kristen, angelo, and the twins are awaiting breakfast.

"Hey where's is everbody else" I say while I rub my eyes "um her boyfriend is still asleep" lola says and points at Lori and, Lori elbows her "and Chris(Christina) wanted to go train and I don't know where damon went" Lori states.

"So how did yesterday go" Kristen asks "judging by the fact she barely spoke to us yesterday, not well" Lori says "yeah it was ok everbody was pretty much ok with it, exept my little brother he was upset I mean I can kinda see why we're pretty close and we are the closes in age so it only makes since I guess" I explain.

"Oh, well I'm sure he'll be fine" lola says "yeah I hope" I say. I grab some bacon and waffles and I eat.

After breakfast I go to the back yard and look at the trees and nature. "Hey hey" I look behind me to see the twins "hi" I mumble "what's going on" Lori says pulling me into a sunchair "just thinking" I say "about what" lola asks "just about the whole marriage thing I mean I get I'm staying but what's next" I stare at the trees.

"Uh there's a wedding duh" lola say getting excited "yeah I know that but what about being proposed too and the actually fun of planning the wedding" I bite my lip "I mean how do I know he wants a wedding or to propose, we signed the papers so we don't necessarily need to have a proposal, wedding but that's always what I've wanted" I explain

"Hey, not all hope is lost, he could still propose, he really cares for you and you mean alot too him" lola says with a bright smile "yeah i guess" i sit back in the chair "what's going on" nate asks walking over to us "nothing really" lori comments.

"Mhm sure" he says questionably he sits down next to me " well I'm gonna leave yall to it" lori says and grabs lola, they head inside.

"Can I ask you something" I ask "shoot" he says "what did you do when you went back inside yesterday" i ask looking at him "I had to use the bathroom" he says keeping a straight face but his eyes slightly change "ok" I say I don't want to turn this into a big thing.

We sit for a while but he gets up and heads inside I decide to go inside as well and he's of to his office, of course, I see Christina in some leggings and a sports bra "hey did you have a good session" I asks she nods.

Angelo comes down the stairs and goes straight for the freezer "ice cream" he grabs a spoon and points at me "always" i say and run over he throws me a spoon and I grab my ice cream, we go sit on the couch and he grabs the remote and starts flicking through channels until scream comes on.

"Wait" I yank the remote from him he doesn't even react as he stuffs his mouth with vanilla ice cream "that's so lame" he complains "is it lame or are you just scared" I say "I'm a capo, nothing scares me" he says and flexes his baby muscles I giggle "alright so we are watching it" I say he groans but doesn't say anything.

"Perfect it a marathon 1-5" I say getting excited he just groans again but sits there.

As we are still in the first movie he jumps at everthing, the last time he grabbed my arm like a baby " what happend to 'I'm a capo, nothing scares me' " I mock him and giggle while he gives me a 'your not funny look' I just giggle even more.

During the second movie the twins come down and plop on the couch "angelo your such a baby" Lori says gesturing the fact his face is buried in my shoulder I giggle. "No I'm not" he says peaking his head out "ok sure" she says sarcastically

After a while Christina comes out and sits on the couch with us, then Dante but he sits on the other side of lori "aww such a cute couple" lola says and Lori smacks her in the arm, we start laughing.

Damon comes out and sees us and he sits on the other side of angelo, Kristen walks by and she looks at us and smiles and walks off.

Dante walks of to the pantry and grabs 2 bags of pop corn and he puts it into the microwave. Once it's done he puts it in a big bowl and comes over and plops down and offers us some.

Bye the end of the 4th movie angelo is I guess sleeping on my shoulder, me and damon are still watching the movie, lola is on her phone doing something and Lori and Dante are "talking".

"Can you both stop flirting for 2 seconds so I can sleep" angelo says not opening his eyes, Lori scuffs but shuts up and turns to the movie, I look and Dante gives angelo a look but turns back to the tv.

I try to hold in my laughter and lola is quietly giggling or atleast trying to while Lori is death staring her, I giggle a bit Lori just rolls her eyes and turns back to the tv.

"Have any of yall seen nate today I saw him earlier but that was it" I ask "nope" lola says "nah" Lori answers "I haven't seem him all day" Christina says.

"Oh" I say "dante?" I ask he shakes his head and avoids eye contact, "damon" I ask "no".

I would ask angelo but I'm not getting yelled at so I just sit back and enjoy the movie.

~After the movies~

Angelo is still asleep as everyone is pretty much talking or on their phone.

Nate finally comes downstairs with messy hair, I can tell he's stress out cause he's been running his hands throught it. He comes and pushes angelo over waking him up in the process and squeezes in-between us.

He puts his arm around me and I put my head on his chest "aww so cute" angelo says slightly sarcastically and chuckles while he's barely awake, nate pulls his gun out and points it at him "brother I suggest you fuck off" angelo puts his hands up in surrender.

I giggle "be nice" I say and point the gun down "when have you ever known nate to be nice" damon asks laughs burst in the room. "Damon I hope you know I have absolutely no problem actually shooting you" he says lifting his gun.

"Nate" I say, he puts his gun back in his waistband. "Have you actually been in you office all this time"i asks "yep" he answers grabbing another handful of popcorn "of course". "Well dinners in a bit so don't stuff your face with to much popcorn I'm going to take a shower I'll be back".

I walk of to nates room and take a shower and I change into some leggings and a plain t shirt I head down to see everyone heading to the dinning room perfect I'm on time.

As we sit down in our seats, there's just small talk going on and the maid brings the food out and we eat.

I'm honestly not really hungry for some reason I'm just really tired I eat almost half of my food and head to nates room and I slowly drift to sleep.

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